<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- This map requires a style for the Tilezen tile scheme like https://github.com/tumic0/QtPBFImagePlugin-styles/blob/master/Tilezen/apollo-bright/style.json The default OpenMapTiles tile scheme style included in QtPBFImagePlugin won't display the map properly! --> <map xmlns="http://www.gpxsee.org/map/1.4"> <name>HERE Vector Tiles</name> <url>https://vector.hereapi.com/v2/vectortiles/base/mc/$z/$x/$y/omv?apiKey=insert-your-apikey-here</url> <!-- The tile size is 512px since QtPBFImagePlugin v2, use 256 if you have v1 --> <tile type="vector" size="512"/> <zoom min="1" max="17"/> <copyright>HERE maps (various 3rd party sources)</copyright> </map>