mirror of https://github.com/tumic0/GPXSee.git synced 2024-10-07 15:23:22 +02:00

532 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
#include "trefile.h"
#include "units.h"
#include "lblfile.h"
#include "netfile.h"
#include "rgnfile.h"
bool RGNFile::BitStream::read(int bits, quint32 &val)
val = 0;
for (int pos = 0; pos < bits; ) {
if (!_remaining) {
if (!_length || !_file.readByte(_hdl, _data))
return false;
_remaining = 8;
quint32 get = bits - pos;
if (get >= _remaining) {
val |= _data << pos;
pos += _remaining;
_remaining = 0;
} else {
quint32 mask = (1<<get) - 1;
val |= (_data & mask)<<pos;
_data >>= get;
_remaining -= get;
return true;
bool RGNFile::BitStream::readDelta(int bits, int sign, bool extraBit,
qint32 &delta)
quint32 value;
int bo = 0;
if (!read(bits, value))
return false;
if (extraBit) {
bo = 1;
if (!sign) {
qint32 signMask = 1 << (bits - bo - 1);
if (value & signMask) {
qint32 comp = value ^ signMask;
if (comp)
delta = comp - signMask;
else {
qint32 other;
if (!readDelta(bits - bo, sign, false, other))
return false;
if (other < 0)
delta = 1 - signMask + other;
delta = signMask - 1 + other;
} else {
delta = value;
} else {
delta = value * sign;
return true;
bool RGNFile::BitStream::finish()
while (_length--)
if (!_file.readByte(_hdl, _data))
return false;
return true;
bool RGNFile::init()
Handle hdl;
quint16 hdrLen;
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
if (!(seek(hdl, _gmpOffset) && readUInt16(hdl, hdrLen)
&& seek(hdl, _gmpOffset + 0x15) && readUInt32(hdl, _offset)
&& readUInt32(hdl, _size)))
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
return false;
if (hdrLen >= 0x5D) {
if (!(readUInt32(hdl, _polygonsOffset) && readUInt32(hdl, _polygonsSize)
&& seek(hdl, _gmpOffset + 0x39) && readUInt32(hdl, _linesOffset)
&& readUInt32(hdl, _linesSize) && seek(hdl, _gmpOffset + 0x55)
&& readUInt32(hdl, _pointsOffset) && readUInt32(hdl, _pointsSize)))
return false;
if (hdrLen >= 0x7D) {
quint32 dictOffset, dictSize;
if (!(seek(hdl, _gmpOffset + 0x71) && readUInt32(hdl, dictOffset)
&& readUInt32(hdl, dictSize)))
return false;
// NT maps
if (dictSize || dictOffset)
return false;
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
_init = true;
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
return true;
bool RGNFile::sign(BitStream &bs, int &val)
quint32 bit;
val = 0;
if (!bs.read(1, bit))
return false;
if (bit) {
if (!bs.read(1, bit))
return false;
val = bit ? -1 : 1;
return true;
int RGNFile::bitSize(quint8 baseSize, bool variableSign, bool extraBit)
int bits = 2;
if (baseSize <= 9)
bits += baseSize;
bits += 2 * baseSize - 9;
if (variableSign)
if (extraBit)
return bits;
bool RGNFile::polyObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl, const SubDiv *subdiv,
const Segment &segment, LBLFile *lbl, Handle &lblHdl, NETFile *net,
Handle &netHdl, QList<IMG::Poly> *polys) const
if (segment.start() == segment.end())
return true;
if (!seek(hdl, segment.start()))
return false;
quint32 labelPtr;
quint8 type, len8, bitstreamInfo;
qint16 lon, lat;
quint16 len;
while (hdl.pos < (int)segment.end()) {
IMG::Poly poly;
if (!(readByte(hdl, type) && readUInt24(hdl, labelPtr)
&& readInt16(hdl, lon) && readInt16(hdl, lat)))
return false;
if (type & 0x80) {
if (!readUInt16(hdl, len))
return false;
} else {
if (!readByte(hdl, len8))
return false;
len = len8;
if (!readByte(hdl, bitstreamInfo))
return false;
poly.type = (segment.type() == Segment::Polygon)
? ((quint32)(type & 0x7F)) << 8 : ((quint32)(type & 0x3F)) << 8;
RectC br;
QPoint pos(subdiv->lon() + ((qint32)lon<<(24-subdiv->bits())),
subdiv->lat() + ((qint32)lat<<(24-subdiv->bits())));
Coordinates c(toWGS84(pos.x()), toWGS84(pos.y()));
br = br.united(c);
poly.points.append(QPointF(c.lon(), c.lat()));
BitStream bs(*this, hdl, len);
int lonSign, latSign;
if (!sign(bs, lonSign) || !sign(bs, latSign))
return false;
bool extraBit = labelPtr & 0x400000;
int lonBits = bitSize(bitstreamInfo & 0x0F, !lonSign, extraBit);
int latBits = bitSize(bitstreamInfo >> 4, !latSign, false);
while (bs.hasNext(lonBits + latBits)) {
qint32 lonDelta, latDelta;
if (!(bs.readDelta(lonBits, lonSign, extraBit, lonDelta)
&& bs.readDelta(latBits, latSign, false, latDelta)))
return false;
pos.rx() += lonDelta<<(24-subdiv->bits());
pos.ry() += latDelta<<(24-subdiv->bits());
Coordinates c(toWGS84(pos.x()), toWGS84(pos.y()));
poly.points.append(QPointF(c.lon(), c.lat()));
br = br.united(c);
if (!bs.finish())
return false;
if (!rect.intersects(br))
if (lbl && (labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF)) {
if (labelPtr & 0x800000) {
quint32 lblOff;
2019-07-01 22:53:34 +02:00
if (net && net->lblOffset(netHdl, labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF, lblOff)
&& lblOff)
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
poly.label = lbl->label(lblHdl, lblOff);
} else
poly.label = lbl->label(lblHdl, labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF);
return true;
bool RGNFile::extPolyObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl,
const SubDiv *subdiv, const Segment &segment, LBLFile *lbl, Handle &lblHdl,
QList<IMG::Poly> *polys) const
quint32 labelPtr;
quint8 type, subtype, len8, len82, bitstreamInfo;
qint16 lon, lat;
quint16 len;
if (!seek(hdl, segment.start()))
return false;
while (hdl.pos < (int)segment.end()) {
IMG::Poly poly;
if (!(readByte(hdl, type) && readByte(hdl, subtype)
&& readInt16(hdl, lon) && readInt16(hdl, lat) && readByte(hdl, len8)))
return false;
if (subtype & 0x80) {
qWarning("Polygons/lines with extra bytes not supported");
return false;
if (len8 & 0x01)
len = (len8>>1) - 1;
else {
if (!readByte(hdl, len82))
return false;
len = ((len8 | ((quint16)len82<<8))>>2) - 1;
if (!readByte(hdl, bitstreamInfo))
return false;
poly.type = 0x10000 + (quint16(type) << 8) + (subtype & 0x1F);
RectC br;
QPoint pos(subdiv->lon() + ((qint32)lon<<(24-subdiv->bits())),
subdiv->lat() + ((qint32)lat<<(24-subdiv->bits())));
Coordinates c(toWGS84(pos.x()), toWGS84(pos.y()));
br = br.united(c);
poly.points.append(QPointF(c.lon(), c.lat()));
BitStream bs(*this, hdl, len);
int lonSign, latSign;
if (!sign(bs, lonSign) || !sign(bs, latSign))
return false;
quint32 extraBit;
bs.read(1, extraBit);
int lonBits = bitSize(bitstreamInfo & 0x0F, !lonSign, extraBit);
int latBits = bitSize(bitstreamInfo >> 4, !latSign, extraBit);
while (bs.hasNext(lonBits + latBits)) {
qint32 lonDelta, latDelta;
if (!(bs.readDelta(lonBits, lonSign, false, lonDelta)
&& bs.readDelta(latBits, latSign, false, latDelta)))
return false;
pos.rx() += lonDelta<<(24-subdiv->bits());
pos.ry() += latDelta<<(24-subdiv->bits());
Coordinates c(toWGS84(pos.x()), toWGS84(pos.y()));
poly.points.append(QPointF(c.lon(), c.lat()));
br = br.united(c);
if (!bs.finish())
return false;
if (subtype & 0x20) {
if (!readUInt24(hdl, labelPtr))
return false;
2019-07-01 22:53:34 +02:00
if (lbl && (labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF))
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
poly.label = lbl->label(lblHdl, labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF);
if (!rect.intersects(br))
return true;
bool RGNFile::pointObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl, const SubDiv *subdiv,
const Segment &segment, LBLFile *lbl, Handle &lblHdl,
QList<IMG::Point> *points) const
quint8 type, subtype;
qint16 lon, lat;
quint32 labelPtr;
if (!seek(hdl, segment.start()))
return false;
while (hdl.pos < (int)segment.end()) {
IMG::Point point;
if (!(readByte(hdl, type) && readUInt24(hdl, labelPtr)
&& readInt16(hdl, lon) && readInt16(hdl, lat)))
return false;
if (labelPtr & 0x800000) {
if (!readByte(hdl, subtype))
return false;
} else
subtype = 0;
point.type = (quint16)type<<8 | subtype;
qint16 lonOffset = lon<<(24-subdiv->bits());
qint16 latOffset = lat<<(24-subdiv->bits());
point.coordinates = Coordinates(toWGS84(subdiv->lon() + lonOffset),
toWGS84(subdiv->lat() + latOffset));
if (!rect.contains(point.coordinates))
point.poi = labelPtr & 0x400000;
if (lbl && (labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF)) {
point.label = lbl->label(lblHdl, labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF, point.poi);
2019-06-07 09:37:10 +02:00
point.id = ((quint64)point.type)<<40 | ((quint64)lbl->offset())<<24
| (labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF);
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
return true;
bool RGNFile::extPointObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl,
const SubDiv *subdiv, const Segment &segment, LBLFile *lbl, Handle &lblHdl,
QList<IMG::Point> *points) const
quint8 type, subtype;
qint16 lon, lat;
quint32 labelPtr;
if (!seek(hdl, segment.start()))
return false;
while (hdl.pos < (int)segment.end()) {
IMG::Point point;
if (!(readByte(hdl, type) && readByte(hdl, subtype)
&& readInt16(hdl, lon) && readInt16(hdl, lat)))
return false;
if (subtype & 0x80) {
qWarning("Points with extra bytes not supported");
return false;
point.type = 0x10000 | (((quint32)type)<<8) | (subtype & 0x1F);
qint16 lonOffset = lon<<(24-subdiv->bits());
qint16 latOffset = lat<<(24-subdiv->bits());
point.coordinates = Coordinates(toWGS84(subdiv->lon() + lonOffset),
toWGS84(subdiv->lat() + latOffset));
if (subtype & 0x20) {
if (!readUInt24(hdl, labelPtr))
return false;
point.poi = labelPtr & 0x400000;
if (lbl && (labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF)) {
point.label = lbl->label(lblHdl, labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF, point.poi);
2019-06-07 09:37:10 +02:00
point.id = ((quint64)point.type)<<40
| ((quint64)lbl->offset())<<24 | (labelPtr & 0x3FFFFF);
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
if (rect.contains(point.coordinates))
return true;
void RGNFile::objects(const RectC &rect, const SubDiv *subdiv, LBLFile *lbl,
NETFile *net, QList<IMG::Poly> *polygons, QList<IMG::Poly> *lines,
QList<IMG::Point> *points)
Handle rgnHdl, lblHdl, netHdl;
if (!_init && !init())
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
QVector<RGNFile::Segment> seg(segments(rgnHdl, subdiv));
for (int i = 0; i < seg.size(); i++) {
switch (seg.at(i).type()) {
case Segment::Point:
case Segment::IndexedPoint:
if (points)
pointObjects(rect, rgnHdl, subdiv, seg.at(i), lbl, lblHdl,
case Segment::Line:
if (lines)
polyObjects(rect, rgnHdl, subdiv, seg.at(i), lbl, lblHdl,
net, netHdl, lines);
case Segment::Polygon:
if (polygons)
polyObjects(rect, rgnHdl, subdiv, seg.at(i), lbl, lblHdl,
net, netHdl, polygons);
void RGNFile::extObjects(const RectC &rect, const SubDiv *subdiv, LBLFile *lbl,
QList<IMG::Poly> *polygons, QList<IMG::Poly> *lines,
QList<IMG::Point> *points)
Handle rgnHdl, lblHdl;
if (!_init && !init())
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
if (polygons && subdiv->polygonsOffset() != subdiv->polygonsEnd()) {
quint32 start = _polygonsOffset + subdiv->polygonsOffset();
quint32 end = subdiv->polygonsEnd()
? _polygonsOffset + subdiv->polygonsEnd()
: _polygonsOffset + _polygonsSize;
extPolyObjects(rect, rgnHdl, subdiv, Segment(start, end,
Segment::Polygon), lbl, lblHdl, polygons);
if (lines && subdiv->linesOffset() != subdiv->linesEnd()) {
quint32 start = _linesOffset + subdiv->linesOffset();
quint32 end = subdiv->linesEnd()
? _linesOffset + subdiv->linesEnd()
: _linesOffset + _linesSize;
extPolyObjects(rect, rgnHdl, subdiv, Segment(start, end, Segment::Line),
lbl, lblHdl, lines);
if (points && subdiv->pointsOffset() != subdiv->pointsEnd()) {
quint32 start = _pointsOffset + subdiv->pointsOffset();
quint32 end = subdiv->pointsEnd()
? _pointsOffset + subdiv->pointsEnd()
2019-07-11 18:55:12 +02:00
: _pointsOffset + _pointsSize;
2019-05-10 18:56:19 +02:00
extPointObjects(rect, rgnHdl, subdiv, Segment(start, end,
Segment::Point), lbl, lblHdl, points);
QVector<RGNFile::Segment> RGNFile::segments(Handle &hdl, const SubDiv *subdiv)
if (subdiv->offset() == subdiv->end() || !(subdiv->objects() & 0xF0))
return QVector<Segment>();
quint32 offset = _offset + subdiv->offset();
int no = 0;
for (quint8 mask = 0x10; mask; mask <<= 1)
if (subdiv->objects() & mask)
if (!seek(hdl, offset))
return QVector<Segment>();
QVector<Segment> ret;
quint32 start = offset + 2 * (no - 1);
quint16 po;
int cnt = 0;
for (quint8 mask = 0x10; mask; mask <<= 1) {
if (subdiv->objects() & mask) {
if (cnt) {
if (!readUInt16(hdl, po))
return QVector<Segment>();
start = offset + po;
if (!ret.isEmpty())
ret.append(Segment(start, (Segment::Type)mask));
ret.last().setEnd(subdiv->end() ? _offset + subdiv->end() : _offset + _size);
return ret;
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const RGNFile::Segment &segment)
dbg.nospace() << "Segment(" << segment.start() << ", " << segment.end()
<< ", " << segment.type() << ")";
return dbg.space();
#endif // QT_NO_DEBUG