diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_cs.ts b/lang/gpxsee_cs.ts index 5b2071e3..718b77ea 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_cs.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_cs.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Podporované soubory - + CSV files Soubory CSV - + CUP files Soubory CUP - + FIT files Soubory FIT - + GeoJSON files Soubory GeoJSON - + GPI files Soubory GPI - + GPX files Soubory GPX - + IGC files Soubory IGC - + JPEG images Obrázky JPEG - + KML files Soubory KML - + LOC files Soubory LOC - + NMEA files Soubory NMEA - + OziExplorer files Soubory OziExploreru - + + SML files + + + + TCX files Soubory TCX - + SLF files Soubory SLF - + All files Všechny soubory @@ -1131,7 +1136,7 @@ - + Graphs Grafy @@ -1233,14 +1238,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Výška: - + Speed: Rychlost: @@ -1296,69 +1301,69 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Minimální rychlost: - + Minimal duration: Minimální doba trvání: - + Computed from distance/time Vypočítaná ze vzdálenosti/času - + Recorded by device Zaznamenaná zařízením - - + + GPS data GPS data - - + + DEM data DEM data - + Elevation Výška - + Filtering Filtrování - + Sources Zdroje - + Pause detection Detekce přestávek - + Radius: Radius: - + Speed Rychlost @@ -1403,144 +1408,144 @@ Vlastní - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Vysoké rozlišení - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Oblast tisku přibližně odpovídá zobrazované oblasti. Přiblížení mapy se nemění. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Přiblížení mapy bude upraveno tak, aby se celý obsah (trasy/body) vešel do oblasti tisku a rozlišení mapy bylo co nejblíže rozlišení tisku. - + Name Název - + Date Datum - + Distance Vzdálenost - + Time Čas - + Moving time Čistý čas - + Item count (>1) Počet objektů (>1) - + Separate graph page Samostatná stránka s grafy - + Print mode Režim tisku - + Header Záhlaví - + Use OpenGL Používat OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Povolit HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Mezipaměť obrázků: - + Connection timeout: Časový limit připojení: - - + + System Systém - + Appearance Vzhled - + Maps Mapy - + Data Data - + Print & Export Tisk a export - + Options Nastavení diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_da.ts b/lang/gpxsee_da.ts index 8336f84b..4a9dabfa 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_da.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_da.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Understøttede filer - + CSV files CSV-filer - + CUP files - + FIT files FIT-filer - + GeoJSON files - + GPI files - + GPX files GPX-filer - + IGC files IGC-filer - + JPEG images - + KML files KML-filer - + LOC files LOC-filer - + NMEA files NMEA-filer - + OziExplorer files OziExplorer-filer - + SLF files SLF-filer - + + SML files + + + + TCX files TCX-filer - + All files Alle filer @@ -1251,7 +1256,7 @@ - + Graphs Grafer @@ -1267,14 +1272,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Højde: - + Speed: Hastighed: @@ -1330,69 +1335,69 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Mindste hastighed: - + Minimal duration: Minidste varighed: - + Computed from distance/time Beregnet ud fra afstanden/tiden - + Recorded by device Indspillet af enhed - - + + GPS data - - + + DEM data - + Elevation Højde - + Filtering Filtrering - + Sources - + Pause detection Pause genkendelse - + Radius: - + Speed Hastighed @@ -1402,144 +1407,144 @@ - + mi mil - + nmi sømil - + km km - - + + POI IP - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Højopløsning - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Det udskrevne område er ca. det samme som visningsområdet. Kortes zoomniveau ændres ikke. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Zoom-niveauet vil blive ændret, således at hele indholdet (spor/rutepunkter) passer til udskriftsområdet og kortopløsning er så tæt som muligt på udskriftsopløsningen. - + Name Navn - + Date Dato - + Distance Afstand - + Time Tid - + Moving time Tid i bevægelse - + Item count (>1) Elementantal (>1) - + Separate graph page Separat grafside - + Print mode Udskrivningstilstand - + Header Toptekst - + Use OpenGL Brug OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Aktiver HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Billed cachestørrelse: - + Connection timeout: Timeout for forbindelse: - - + + System System - + Appearance Udseende - + Maps Kort - + Data Data - + Print & Export Udskriv & eksport - + Options Indstillinger diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_de.ts b/lang/gpxsee_de.ts index bc369e28..60397944 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_de.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_de.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Unterstützte Dateien - + CSV files CSV-Dateien - + CUP files CUP-Dateien - + FIT files FIT-Dateien - + GeoJSON files GeoJSON-Dateien - + GPI files GPI-Dateien - + GPX files GPX-Dateien - + IGC files IGC-Dateien - + JPEG images JPEG-Bilder - + KML files KML-Dateien - + LOC files LOC-Dateien - + NMEA files NMEA-Dateien - + OziExplorer files OziExplorer-Dateien - + + SML files + + + + TCX files TCX-Dateien - + SLF files SLF-Dateien - + All files Alle Dateien @@ -1130,7 +1135,7 @@ - + Graphs Graphen @@ -1232,14 +1237,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Höhe: - + Speed: Geschwindigkeit: @@ -1295,69 +1300,69 @@ - + s sek - + Minimal speed: Minimale Geschwindigkeit: - + Minimal duration: Minimale Dauer: - + Computed from distance/time Berechnet aus Entfernung/Zeit - + Recorded by device Aufgezeichnet von Gerät - - + + GPS data GPS-Daten - - + + DEM data DEM-Daten - + Elevation Höhe - + Filtering Datenfilterung - + Sources Datenquellen - + Pause detection Pausenerkennung - + Radius: Radius: - + Speed Geschwindigkeit @@ -1402,144 +1407,144 @@ Benutzerdefiniert - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Hohe Auflösung - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Der Druckbereich entspricht ungefähr dem Anzeigebereich. Das Karten-Zoom ändert sich nicht. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Das Karten-Zoom ändert sich so, dass der ganze Inhalt (Strecken/Wegpunkte) in den Druckbereich passen und die Kartenauflösung so nah wie möglich an der Druckauflösung ist. - + Name Name - + Date Datum - + Distance Distanz - + Time Zeit - + Moving time Bewegungszeit - + Item count (>1) Elementanzahl (>1) - + Separate graph page Separate Seite für Graphen - + Print mode Druckmodus - + Header Kopfzeile - + Use OpenGL OpenGL verwenden - + Enable HTTP/2 HTTP/2 verwenden - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Bild-Cachegröße: - + Connection timeout: Verbindungs-Timeout: - - + + System System - + Appearance Erscheinungsbild - + Maps Karten - + Data Daten - + Print & Export Druck / Export - + Options Einstellungen diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_es.ts b/lang/gpxsee_es.ts index 57257dde..6719df8e 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_es.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_es.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Formatos soportados - + CSV files Archivos CSV - + CUP files - + FIT files Archivos FIT - + GeoJSON files Archivos GeoJSON - + GPI files - + GPX files Archivos GPX - + IGC files Archivos IGC - + JPEG images Imagen JPEG - + KML files Archivos KML - + LOC files Archivos LOC - + NMEA files Archivos NMEA - + OziExplorer files Archivos OziExplorer - + SLF files Archivos SLF - + + SML files + + + + TCX files Archivos TCX - + All files Todos los archivos @@ -1251,7 +1256,7 @@ - + Graphs Gráficas @@ -1267,14 +1272,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Altitud: - + Speed: Velocidad: @@ -1330,69 +1335,69 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Velocidad mínima: - + Minimal duration: Duración mínima: - + Computed from distance/time Calculado con distancia/tiempo - + Recorded by device Grabado por el dispositivo - - + + GPS data Datos GPS - - + + DEM data Datos del MDT - + Elevation Altitud - + Filtering Filtrado - + Sources Fuentes - + Pause detection Detectar paradas - + Radius: Radio: - + Speed Velocidad @@ -1402,144 +1407,144 @@ - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Alta resolución - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. El área que se imprime es la que muestra la pantalla. El zoom del mapa no cambiará. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. El zoom del mapa se cambia para que el area impresa se ajuste a todos los elementos( tracks, waypoints...) y la resolución sea lo mas próxima posible a la de impresión. - + Name Nombre - + Date Fecha - + Distance Distancia - + Time Hora - + Moving time Tiempo en movimiento - + Item count (>1) Recuento de elementos (>1) - + Separate graph page Pagina de gráficas separada - + Print mode Modo de impresión - + Header Titulo - + Use OpenGL Usar OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Habilitar HTTP/2 - + MB Mo - + Image cache size: Tamaño del cache de imágenes: - + Connection timeout: Caducidad de la conexión: - - + + System Sistema - + Appearance Apariencia - + Maps Mapas - + Data Fecha - + Print & Export Imprimir y exportar - + Options Opciones diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_fi.ts b/lang/gpxsee_fi.ts index 774e923a..f780fb18 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_fi.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_fi.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Tuetut tiedostot - + CSV files CSV-tiedostot - + CUP files CUP-tiedostot - + FIT files FIT-tiedostot - + GeoJSON files GeoJSON-tiedostot - + GPI files GPI-tiedostot - + GPX files GPX-tiedostot - + IGC files IGC-tiedostot - + JPEG images JPEG-kuvat - + KML files KML-tiedostot - + LOC files LOC-tiedostot - + NMEA files NMEA-tiedostot - + OziExplorer files OziExplorer-tiedostot - + + SML files + + + + TCX files TCX-tiedostot - + SLF files SLF-tiedostot - + All files Kaikki tiedostot @@ -1130,7 +1135,7 @@ - + Graphs Kaaviokuvat @@ -1232,14 +1237,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Korkeus: - + Speed: Vauhti: @@ -1295,69 +1300,69 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Minimivauhti: - + Minimal duration: Minimikesto: - + Computed from distance/time Laskettu etäisyydestä/ajasta - + Recorded by device Tallennettu laitteella - - + + GPS data GPS-tiedot - - + + DEM data DEM-tiedot - + Elevation Korkeus - + Filtering Suodatus - + Sources Lähteet - + Pause detection Pysähdysten havaitseminen - + Radius: Säde: - + Speed Vauhti @@ -1402,144 +1407,144 @@ Käyttäjän määrittämä - + mi mi - + nmi mpk - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Korkea resoluutio - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Painettu alue on suunnilleen näyttöalue. Kartan zoomaustaso ei muutu. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Zoomaustasoa muutetaan niin, että koko sisältö (jäljet/reittipisteet) sopii painettuun alueeseen ja kartan resoluutio on mahdollisimman lähellä tulostusresoluutiota. - + Name Nimi - + Date Päivämäärä - + Distance Etäisyys - + Time Aika - + Moving time Liikkumisaika - + Item count (>1) Kohteiden määrä (>1) - + Separate graph page Erillinen sivu kaaviokuvalle - + Print mode Tulostustila - + Header Otsikko - + Use OpenGL Käytä OpenGL:ää - + Enable HTTP/2 Ota HTTP/2 käyttöön - + MB Mt - + Image cache size: Kuvavälimuistin koko: - + Connection timeout: Yhteyden aikakatkaisu: - - + + System Järjestelmä - + Appearance Ulkoasu - + Maps Kartat - + Data Tiedot - + Print & Export Tulostus & vienti - + Options Valinnat diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_fr.ts b/lang/gpxsee_fr.ts index ede24897..f6f78856 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_fr.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_fr.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Formats pris en charge - + CSV files Données CSV - + CUP files Données CUP - + FIT files Données FIT - + GeoJSON files Données GeoJSON - + GPI files Données GPI - + GPX files Données GPX - + IGC files Données IGC - + JPEG images Images JPEG - + KML files Données KML - + LOC files Données LOC - + NMEA files Données NMEA - + OziExplorer files Données OziExplorer - + + SML files + + + + TCX files Données TCX - + SLF files Données SLF - + All files Tous les fichiers @@ -1130,7 +1135,7 @@ - + Graphs Graphe @@ -1232,14 +1237,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Altitude : - + Speed: Vitesse : @@ -1295,69 +1300,69 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Vitesse minimale : - + Minimal duration: Durée minimale : - + Computed from distance/time Calculée comme distance/temps - + Recorded by device Enregistrée par l'appareil - - + + GPS data Données GPS - - + + DEM data Données MNT - + Elevation Altitude - + Filtering Filtrage - + Sources Sources - + Pause detection Détection des arrêts - + Radius: Rayon : - + Speed Vitesse @@ -1402,144 +1407,144 @@ Personnalisé - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Résolution élevée - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. La zone d'impression est presque celle affichée. L'échelle reste la même. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. L'échelle est ajustée pour que tout le contenu (traces et points de jalonnement) rentre dans la zone d'impression tout en gardant proches les résolutions d'impression et de carte. - + Name Nom - + Date Date - + Distance Distance - + Time Durée - + Moving time Durée en déplacement - + Item count (>1) Nombre d'éléments (>1) - + Separate graph page Sauter une page pour les graphes - + Print mode Mode d'impression - + Header Entête - + Use OpenGL Utiliser OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Activer l'HTTP/2 - + MB Mo - + Image cache size: Volume du cache à images : - + Connection timeout: Délai d'attente de connexion : - - + + System Système - + Appearance Apparence - + Maps Cartes - + Data Données - + Print & Export Imprimer et exporter - + Options Options diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_nb.ts b/lang/gpxsee_nb.ts index e3b69d3d..ab617a13 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_nb.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_nb.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Støttede filer - + CSV files CSV-filer - + CUP files CUP-filer - + FIT files FIT-filer - + GeoJSON files GeoJSON-filer - + GPI files GPI-filer - + GPX files GPX-filer - + IGC files IGC-filer - + JPEG images JPEG-bilder - + KML files KML-filer - + LOC files LOC-filer - + NMEA files NMEA-filer - + OziExplorer files OziExplorer-filer - + SLF files SLF-filer - + + SML files + + + + TCX files TCX-filer - + All files Alle filer @@ -1251,7 +1256,7 @@ - + Graphs Diagrammer @@ -1267,14 +1272,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Høyde: - + Speed: Hastighet: @@ -1330,69 +1335,69 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Minimumshastighet: - + Minimal duration: Minimumsvarighet: - + Computed from distance/time Utregnet fra avstand/tid - + Recorded by device Tatt opp av enhet - - + + GPS data GPS-data - - + + DEM data DEM-data - + Elevation Høyde - + Filtering Filtrering - + Sources Kilder - + Pause detection Sett oppdagelse på pause - + Radius: Radius: - + Speed Hastighet @@ -1402,144 +1407,144 @@ Egendefinert - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Høyoppløsning - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Det utskrevne området er omentrent det samme som visningsområdet. Kartforstørrelsesnivået endrer seg ikke. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Forstørrelsesnivået vil endres slik at hele innholdet (spor/veipunkter) passer med utskrevet område, og kartoppløsningen er så lik utskriftsoppløsningen som mulig. - + Name Navn - + Date Dato - + Distance Avstand - + Time Tid - + Moving time Tid i bevegelse - + Item count (>1) Elementantall (>1) - + Separate graph page Separat diagramside - + Print mode Utskriftsmodus - + Header Topptekst - + Use OpenGL Bruk OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Skru på HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Bildehurtiglagringstørrelse: - + Connection timeout: Tilkoblingstidsavbrudd: - - + + System System - + Appearance Utseende - + Maps Kart - + Data Data - + Print & Export Utskrift og ekport - + Options Valg diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_pl.ts b/lang/gpxsee_pl.ts index 4e6e567f..43f26cec 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_pl.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_pl.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Obsługiwane pliki - + CSV files Pliki CSV - + CUP files - + FIT files Pliki FIT - + GeoJSON files Pliki GeoJSON - + GPI files - + GPX files Pliki GPX - + IGC files Pliki IGC - + JPEG images Pliki JPEG - + KML files Pliki KML - + LOC files Pliki LOC - + NMEA files Pliki NMEA - + OziExplorer files Pliki OziExplorer - + + SML files + + + + TCX files Pliki TCX - + SLF files Pliki SLF - + All files Wszystkie pliki @@ -1131,7 +1136,7 @@ - + Graphs Wykresy @@ -1233,14 +1238,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Wysokość: - + Speed: Prędkość: @@ -1296,69 +1301,69 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Minimalna prędkość: - + Minimal duration: Minimalny czas trwania: - + Computed from distance/time Obliczona na postawie odległości/czasu - + Recorded by device Zapisana przez urządzenie - - + + GPS data Dane GPS - - + + DEM data Dane DEM - + Elevation Wysokość - + Filtering Filtrowanie - + Sources Źródła - + Pause detection Wykrywanie postoju - + Radius: Promień: - + Speed Prędkość @@ -1403,144 +1408,144 @@ - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Wysoka rozdzielczość - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Wydrukowany obszar jest w przybliżeniu obszarem wyświetlania. Poziom powiększenia mapy nie zmienia się. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Poziom powiększenia mapy zostanie dostosowany w taki sposób, aby cała zawartość (ścieżki/punkty) wchodziła do drukowanego obszaru, a rozdzielczość mapy była jak najbliższa rozdzielczości wydruku. - + Name Nazwa - + Date Data - + Distance Dystans - + Time Czas - + Moving time Czas ruchu - + Item count (>1) Liczba elementów (>1) - + Separate graph page Oddzielna strona wykresu - + Print mode Tryb wydruku - + Header Nagłówek - + Use OpenGL Używaj OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Włącz HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Rozmiar pamięci podręcznej obrazu: - + Connection timeout: Limit czasu połączenia: - - + + System System - + Appearance Wygląd - + Maps Mapy - + Data Dane - + Print & Export Drukowanie i eksport - + Options Opcje diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts b/lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts index bb1b4dbe..2a54107f 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Formatos suportados - + CSV files Arquivos CSV - + CUP files Arquivos CUP - + FIT files Arquivos FIT - + GeoJSON files Arquivos GeoJSON - + GPI files Arquivos GPI - + GPX files Arquivos GPX - + IGC files Arquivos IGC - + JPEG images Imagens JPEG - + KML files Arquivos KML - + LOC files Arquivos LOC - + NMEA files Arquivos NMEA - + OziExplorer files Arquivos OziExplorer - + SLF files Arquivos SLF - + + SML files + + + + TCX files Arquivos TCX - + All files Todos os arquivos @@ -1251,7 +1256,7 @@ - + Graphs Gráficos @@ -1267,14 +1272,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Altitude: - + Speed: Velocidade: @@ -1335,211 +1340,211 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Velocidade Mínima: - + Minimal duration: Duração mínima: - + Computed from distance/time Calculada a partir da distância/tempo - + Recorded by device Gravada através de dispositivo - - + + GPS data Dados de GPS - - + + DEM data Dados de DEM - + Speed Velocidade - + Elevation Altitude - + Filtering Filtragem - + Sources Fontes - + Pause detection Detecção de pausa - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - + Radius: Raio: - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Alta resolução - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. A área de impressão é aproximadamente a área de tela. O nível de zoom do mapa não é alterado. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. O nível de zoom será alterado de modo que todo o conteúdo (trilhas/waypoints) caiba na área de impressão e a resolução seja tão próxima quanto possível da resolução de impressão. - + Name Nome - + Date Data - + Distance Distância - + Time Tempo - + Moving time Tempo em movimento - + Item count (>1) Número de itens (>1) - + Separate graph page Separar página de gráficos - + Print mode Modo de impressão - + Header Cabeçalho - + Use OpenGL Usar OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Habilitar HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Tamanho do cache de imagens: - + Connection timeout: Tempo de espera de conexão: - - + + System Sistema - + Appearance Aparência - + Maps Mapas - + Data Dados - + Print & Export Imprimir e Exportar - + Options Preferências diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_ru.ts b/lang/gpxsee_ru.ts index 4d697d5f..b2fcc33d 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_ru.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_ru.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Все поддерживаемые файлы - + CSV files CSV файлы - + CUP files CUP файлы - + FIT files FIT файлы - + GeoJSON files GeoJSON файлы - + GPI files GPI файлы - + GPX files GPX файлы - + IGC files IGC файлы - + JPEG images JPEG изображения - + KML files KML файлы - + LOC files LOC файлы - + NMEA files NMEA файлы - + OziExplorer files OziExplorer файлы - + + SML files + + + + TCX files TCX файлы - + SLF files SLF файлы - + All files Все файлы @@ -1131,7 +1136,7 @@ - + Graphs Графики @@ -1233,14 +1238,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Высота: - + Speed: Скорость: @@ -1296,69 +1301,69 @@ - + s с - + Minimal speed: Минимальная скорость: - + Minimal duration: Минимальная продолжительность: - + Computed from distance/time Вычисленная из расстояния/времени - + Recorded by device Записанная устройством - - + + GPS data GPS данные - - + + DEM data DEM данные - + Elevation Высота - + Filtering Фильтрация - + Sources Источники - + Pause detection Обнаружение остановок - + Radius: Радиус: - + Speed Скорость @@ -1403,144 +1408,144 @@ Пользовательскoe - + mi мл - + nmi мор. мл - + km км - - + + POI Точки POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Высокое разрешение - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Печатная область примерно совпадает с областью отображения. Уровень приближения карты не изменяется. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Уровень приближения будет изменен так, чтобы всё содержимое (треки/точки) уместились в печатную область и разрешение карты было бы как можно ближе к разрешению печати. - + Name Имя - + Date Дата - + Distance Расстояние - + Time Время - + Moving time Время движения - + Item count (>1) Количество объектов (>1) - + Separate graph page Отдельная страница с графиком - + Print mode Режим печати - + Header Заголовок - + Use OpenGL Использовать OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Включить HTTP/2 - + MB МБ - + Image cache size: Размер кэша изображений: - + Connection timeout: Таймаут соединения: - - + + System Система - + Appearance Внешний вид - + Maps Карты - + Data Данные - + Print & Export Печать и экспорт - + Options Параметры diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_sv.ts b/lang/gpxsee_sv.ts index 85e64d92..f82bb953 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_sv.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_sv.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Filer som stöds - + CSV files CSV-filer - + CUP files CUP-filer - + FIT files FIT-filer - + GeoJSON files GeoJSON-filer - + GPI files GPI-filer - + GPX files GPX-filer - + IGC files IGC-filer - + JPEG images JPEG-bilder - + KML files KML-filer - + LOC files LOC-filer - + NMEA files NMEA-filer - + OziExplorer files OziExplorer-filer - + + SML files + + + + TCX files TCX-filer - + SLF files SLF-filer - + All files Alla filer @@ -1130,7 +1135,7 @@ - + Graphs Diagram @@ -1232,14 +1237,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Höjd: - + Speed: Hastighet: @@ -1295,69 +1300,69 @@ - + s sek - + Minimal speed: Minsta hastighet: - + Minimal duration: Kortast varaktighet: - + Computed from distance/time Beräknad från distans/tid - + Recorded by device Inspelad av enhet - - + + GPS data GPS-data - - + + DEM data DEM-data - + Elevation Stigning - + Filtering Filtrering - + Sources Källor - + Pause detection Pausa identifiering - + Radius: Radie: - + Speed Hastighet @@ -1402,144 +1407,144 @@ Anpassat - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Högupplösning - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Det utskrivna området är ungefär detsamma som synligt område på skärmen. Kartans zoomnivå ändras inte. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Zoomnivån kommer att ändras så att hela innehållet (spår/vägpunkter) passar utskriftsområdet och kartresolutionen är så nära som möjligt till utskriftsupplösningen. - + Name Namn - + Date Datum - + Distance Avstånd - + Time Tid - + Moving time Förflyttningstid - + Item count (>1) Objektantal (>1) - + Separate graph page Separat diagramsida - + Print mode Utskriftsläge - + Header Rubrik - + Use OpenGL Använd OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Aktivera HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Cashe-storlek för bilder: - + Connection timeout: Anslutningens tidsgräns: - - + + System System - + Appearance Utseende - + Maps Kartor - + Data Data - + Print & Export Utskrift & Export - + Options Alternativ diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_tr.ts b/lang/gpxsee_tr.ts index c8a7a605..3b7de626 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_tr.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_tr.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Desteklenen dosyalar - + CSV files CSV dosyalar - + CUP files CUP dosyaları - + FIT files FIT dosyalar - + GeoJSON files GeoJSON dosyalar - + GPI files GPI dosyaları - + GPX files GPX dosyalar - + IGC files IGC dosyalar - + JPEG images JPEG resimler - + KML files KML dosyalar - + LOC files LOC dosyalar - + NMEA files NMEA dosyalar - + OziExplorer files OziExplorer dosyalar - + SLF files SLF dosyalar - + + SML files + + + + TCX files TCX dosyalar - + All files Tüm dosyalar @@ -858,7 +863,6 @@ %n files %n dosya - %n dosya @@ -1251,7 +1255,7 @@ - + Graphs Grafikler @@ -1267,14 +1271,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Rakım: - + Speed: Hız: @@ -1330,69 +1334,69 @@ - + s s - + Minimal speed: Asgari hız: - + Minimal duration: Minimum süre: - + Computed from distance/time Mesafe/zamandan hesaplandı - + Recorded by device Cihazdan kaydedilen - - + + GPS data GPS verisi - - + + DEM data DEM verisi - + Elevation Rakım - + Filtering Filtreleme - + Sources Kaynaklar - + Pause detection Duraklama algılama - + Radius: Yarıçap: - + Speed Hız @@ -1402,144 +1406,144 @@ Özel - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km Km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Yüksek çözünürlük - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Yazdırılan alan yaklaşık olarak görüntü alanıdır. Harita zum seviyesi değişmez. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Yakınlaştırma seviyesi, tüm içeriğin (izler/yer işaretleri) yazdırılan alana sığması ve harita çözünürlüğünün baskı çözünürlüğüne olabildiğince yakın olacak şekilde değiştirilecektir. - + Name Adı - + Date Tarih - + Distance Mesafe - + Time Zaman - + Moving time Hareket süresi - + Item count (>1) Öğe sayısı (>1) - + Separate graph page Ayrı grafik sayfası - + Print mode Yazdırma modu - + Header Başlık - + Use OpenGL OpenGL Kullan - + Enable HTTP/2 HTTP/2 etkinleştir - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Görüntü önbellek boyutu: - + Connection timeout: Bağlantı zaman aşımı: - - + + System Sistem - + Appearance Görünüm - + Maps Haritalar - + Data Veri - + Print & Export Yazdır & Dışa ver - + Options Seçenekler diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_uk.ts b/lang/gpxsee_uk.ts index 07325b7f..b5f4c968 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_uk.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_uk.ts @@ -47,82 +47,87 @@ Data - + Supported files Всі підтримувані формати - + CSV files CSV файли - + CUP files CUP файли - + FIT files FIT файли - + GeoJSON files GeoJSON файли - + GPI files GPI файли - + GPX files GPX файли - + IGC files IGC файли - + JPEG images JPEG зображення - + KML files KML файли - + LOC files LOC файли - + NMEA files NMEA файли - + OziExplorer files OziExplorer файли - + SLF files SLF файли - + + SML files + + + + TCX files TCX файли - + All files Всі файли @@ -1252,7 +1257,7 @@ - + Graphs Графіки @@ -1268,14 +1273,14 @@ - - + + Elevation: Висота: - + Speed: Швидкість: @@ -1336,211 +1341,211 @@ - + s с - + Minimal speed: Мінімальна швидкість: - + Minimal duration: Мінімальна тривалість: - + Computed from distance/time Обчислено з відстань/час - + Recorded by device Записано пристроєм - - + + GPS data GPS дані - - + + DEM data DEM дані - + Speed Швидкість - + Elevation Висота - + Filtering Фільтрування - + Sources Джерела - + Pause detection Виявлення пауз - + mi миля - + nmi мор.миля - + km км - + Radius: Радіус: - - + + POI Точки POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG (Візуальний редактор) - + High-Resolution Висока роздільна здатність - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Область друку є приблизною областю відображення. Рівень масштабування мапи не змінюється. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Масштаб буде змінено так, щоби весь зміст (треки/маршрутні точки) вмістився на друковану область, а роздільна здатність мапи була якомога наближеною до роздільної здатності друку. - + Name Ім’я - + Date Дата - + Distance Відстань - + Time Час - + Moving time Час руху - + Item count (>1) Кількість об’єктів (>1) - + Separate graph page Окрема сторінка із графіком - + Print mode Режим друку - + Header Заголовок - + Use OpenGL Використовувати OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Дозволити HTTP/2 - + MB МБ - + Image cache size: Розмір кешу зображень: - + Connection timeout: Час з’єднання вичерпаний: - - + + System Система - + Appearance Зовнішній вигляд - + Maps Мапи - + Data Дані - + Print & Export Друк та експорт - + Options Налаштування