From 3573a2edbe0d2bc64b0e50455cc4e773cc948ebd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Martin=20T=C5=AFma?= Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 08:33:51 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Localization update --- lang/gpxsee_cs.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_da.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_de.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_es.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_fi.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_fr.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_nb.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_pl.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_ru.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_sv.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_tr.ts | 273 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- lang/gpxsee_uk.ts | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 13 files changed, 1833 insertions(+), 1704 deletions(-) diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_cs.ts b/lang/gpxsee_cs.ts index 92c18abc..e9d10273 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_cs.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_cs.ts @@ -513,8 +513,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Čistý čas @@ -669,32 +669,32 @@ Adresář se styly: - - + + Areas Plochy - + Statistics Statistika - + Open map file Otevřít mapový soubor - + No files loaded Nejsou načteny žádné soubory - - - - + + + + Date Datum @@ -749,18 +749,18 @@ Adresář mezipaměti dlaždic: - - + + Routes Trasy - + Error loading map: Mapu nelze načíst: - + %n files %n soubor @@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ Exportovat do PDF... - - + + Waypoints Navigační body @@ -826,13 +826,13 @@ Soubor POI nelze načíst: - + Name Název - - + + Tracks Cesty @@ -849,16 +849,16 @@ - - + + Distance Vzdálenost - - + + Time Čas @@ -1059,478 +1059,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + Base color: Základní barva: - + Palette shift: Posun palety: - + Track width: Šířka cest: - + Track style: Styl cest: - + Tracks Cesty - + Route width: Šířka tras: - + Route style: Styl tras: - + Routes Trasy - - + + Use anti-aliasing Vyhlazovat hrany - + Line width: Šířka čar: - + Background color: Barva pozadí: - + Paths Trasy - + Map opacity: Neprůhlednost mapy: - + Map Mapa - - + + Graphs Grafy - + High-resolution Vysoké rozlišení - + Standard Standardní - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Ne-HiDPI mapy jsou načteny jako HiDPI mapy. Mapa je ostrá, ale objekty na mapě jsou malé/těžko čitelné. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Ne-HiDPI mapy jsou načteny tak jak jsou. Objekty na mapě mají očekávanou velikost, ale mapa je rozmazaná. - + HiDPI display mode HiDPI režim zobrazení - - - + + + Width: Šířka: - - - + + + Style: Styl: - + Waypoint color: Barva navigačních bodů: - + Waypoint size: Velikost navigačních bodů: - - + + Color: Barva: - - + + Size: Velikost: - + Waypoints Navigační body - + POI color: Barva POI: - + POI size: Velikost POI: - + POIs POI body - + Slider color: Barva posuvníku: - + Points Body - + Moving average window size Velikost okna klouzavého průměru - - - + + + Elevation: Výška: - - + + Speed: Rychlost: - + Heart rate: Tep: - + Cadence: Kadence: - + Power: Výkon: - + Smoothing Vyhlazování - + Eliminate GPS outliers Odstarnit odlehlé GPS záznamy - + Smoothing: Vyhlazování: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/h - + kn kn - + km/h km/h - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Minimální rychlost: - + Minimal duration: Minimální doba trvání: - + Computed from distance/time Vypočítaná ze vzdálenosti/času - + Recorded by device Zaznamenaná zařízením - - + + GPS data GPS data - - + + DEM data DEM data - + Elevation Výška - + Filtering Filtrování - + Sources Zdroje - + Pause detection Detekce přestávek - + Radius: Radius: - + Speed Rychlost - + Projection: Projekce: - + Vector maps Vektorové mapy - + Area border width: Šířka okrajů ploch: - + Area border style: Styl okrajů ploch: - + Area fill opacity: Neprůhlednost výplně ploch: - + Fill opacity: Neprůhlednost výplně: - + Areas Plochy - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Vysoké rozlišení - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Oblast tisku přibližně odpovídá zobrazované oblasti. Přiblížení mapy se nemění. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Přiblížení mapy bude upraveno tak, aby se celý obsah (trasy/body) vešel do oblasti tisku a rozlišení mapy bylo co nejblíže rozlišení tisku. - + Name Název - + Date Datum - + Distance Vzdálenost - + Time Čas - + Moving time Čistý čas - + Item count (>1) Počet objektů (>1) - + Separate graph page Samostatná stránka s grafy - + Print mode Režim tisku - + Header Záhlaví - + Use OpenGL Používat OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Povolit HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Mezipaměť obrázků: - + Connection timeout: Časový limit připojení: - - + + System Systém - + Appearance Vzhled - + Maps Mapy - + Data Data - + Print & Export Tisk a export - + Options Nastavení diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_da.ts b/lang/gpxsee_da.ts index cf35dc38..6c03913d 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_da.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_da.ts @@ -489,16 +489,16 @@ - - + + Distance Afstand - - + + Time Tid @@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Tid i bevægelse @@ -796,65 +796,65 @@ Fejl ved indlæsning af IP-fil: - - + + Tracks Spor - - + + Routes Ruter - - + + Waypoints Rutepunkter - - + + Areas - - - - + + + + Date Dato - + Statistics Statistikker - + Name Navn - + Open map file Åbn kort-fil - + Error loading map: Fejl ved indlæsning af kort: - + No files loaded Ingen filer indlæst - + %n files %n fil @@ -1058,478 +1058,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + High-resolution Højopløsning - + Standard Standard - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Ikke HiDPI kort er indlæst som HiDPI kort. Kortet er skarpt, men kortobjekter er små/svære at læse. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Ikke HiDPI kort er indlæst som de er. Kortobjekter har den forventede størrelse, men kortet er sløret. - + HiDPI display mode HiDPI skærmtilstand - + Base color: Grundfarve: - + Palette shift: Paletteskift: - + Track width: Sporvidde: - + Projection: - + Vector maps - + Track style: Sporstil: - - - + + + Width: Bredde: - - - + + + Style: Stil: - + Tracks Spor - + Route width: Rutebredde: - + Route style: Rutestil: - + Routes Ruter - + Area border width: - + Area border style: - + Area fill opacity: - + Fill opacity: - + Areas - - + + Use anti-aliasing Brug anti-aliasing - + Waypoint color: Rutepunktfarve: - + Waypoint size: Rutepunktstørrelse: - - + + Color: Farve: - - + + Size: Størrelse: - + Waypoints Rutepunkter - + POI color: IP farve: - + POI size: IP størrelse: - + POIs Interessepunkter - + Line width: Linjebredde: - + Slider color: Skyderfarve: - + Background color: Baggrundsfarve: - + Map opacity: Gennemsigtighed for kort: - + Paths Stier - + Points Punkter - - + + Graphs Grafer - + Map Kort - + Moving average window size Glidende gennemsnitlig vinduesstørrelse - - - + + + Elevation: Højde: - - + + Speed: Hastighed: - + Heart rate: Puls: - + Cadence: Kadence: - + Power: Effekt: - + Smoothing Udjævning - + Eliminate GPS outliers Eliminer GPS-ekstremværdier - + Smoothing: Udjævning: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mil/t - + kn knob - + km/h km/t - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Mindste hastighed: - + Minimal duration: Minidste varighed: - + Computed from distance/time Beregnet ud fra afstanden/tiden - + Recorded by device Indspillet af enhed - - + + GPS data - - + + DEM data - + Elevation Højde - + Filtering Filtrering - + Sources - + Pause detection Pause genkendelse - + Radius: - + Speed Hastighed - + mi mil - + nmi sømil - + km km - - + + POI IP - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Højopløsning - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Det udskrevne område er ca. det samme som visningsområdet. Kortes zoomniveau ændres ikke. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Zoom-niveauet vil blive ændret, således at hele indholdet (spor/rutepunkter) passer til udskriftsområdet og kortopløsning er så tæt som muligt på udskriftsopløsningen. - + Name Navn - + Date Dato - + Distance Afstand - + Time Tid - + Moving time Tid i bevægelse - + Item count (>1) Elementantal (>1) - + Separate graph page Separat grafside - + Print mode Udskrivningstilstand - + Header Toptekst - + Use OpenGL Brug OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Aktiver HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Billed cachestørrelse: - + Connection timeout: Timeout for forbindelse: - - + + System System - + Appearance Udseende - + Maps Kort - + Data Data - + Print & Export Udskriv & eksport - + Options Indstillinger diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_de.ts b/lang/gpxsee_de.ts index aa131b47..b41b5367 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_de.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_de.ts @@ -523,8 +523,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Bewegungszeit @@ -679,34 +679,34 @@ Formatvorlagen-Verzeichnis: - - + + Areas Flächen - + Statistics Statistiken - + Open map file Kartendatei öffnen - + Error loading map: Fehler beim Laden der Kartendatei: - + No files loaded Keine Dateien geladen - + %n files %n Datei @@ -714,16 +714,16 @@ - - - - + + + + Date Datum - - + + Routes Routen @@ -743,8 +743,8 @@ Als PDF exportieren … - - + + Waypoints Wegpunkte @@ -825,13 +825,13 @@ Fehler beim Laden der POI-Datei: - + Name Name - - + + Tracks Strecken @@ -848,16 +848,16 @@ - - + + Distance Distanz - - + + Time Zeit @@ -1058,478 +1058,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + Base color: Grundfarbe: - + Palette shift: Palettenverschiebung: - + Track width: Streckenbreite: - + Track style: Streckenstil: - + Tracks Strecken - + Route width: Routenbreite: - + Route style: Routenstil: - + Routes Routen - - + + Use anti-aliasing Anti-Aliasing verwenden - + Line width: Linienbreite: - + Background color: Hintergrundfarbe: - + Paths Pfade - + Map opacity: Kartendeckkraft: - + Map Karte - - + + Graphs Graphen - + High-resolution Hohe Auflösung - + Standard Standardmäßig - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Nicht-HiDPI-Karten werden als HiDPI-Karten geladen. Die Karte ist scharf, aber die Kartenobjekte sind klein / schwer zu lesen. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Nicht-HiDPI-Karten werden so geladen, wie sie sind. Kartenobjekte haben die erwartete Größe, aber die Karte ist verschwommen. - + HiDPI display mode HiDPI-Anzeigemodus - - - + + + Width: Breite: - - - + + + Style: Stil: - + Waypoint color: Wegpunkt-Farbe: - + Waypoint size: Wegpunkt-Größe: - - + + Color: Farbe: - - + + Size: Größe: - + Waypoints Wegpunkte - + POI color: POI-Farbe: - + POI size: POI-Größe: - + POIs POIs - + Slider color: Schieber-Farbe: - + Points Punkte - + Moving average window size Fensterbreite des gleitenden Mittelwerts - - - + + + Elevation: Höhe: - - + + Speed: Geschwindigkeit: - + Heart rate: Herzfrequenz: - + Cadence: Frequenz: - + Power: Leistung: - + Smoothing Glätten - + Eliminate GPS outliers GPS-Ausreißer entfernen - + Smoothing: Glätten: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/h - + kn kn - + km/h km/h - - + + s sek - + Minimal speed: Minimale Geschwindigkeit: - + Minimal duration: Minimale Dauer: - + Computed from distance/time Berechnet aus Entfernung/Zeit - + Recorded by device Aufgezeichnet von Gerät - - + + GPS data GPS-Daten - - + + DEM data DEM-Daten - + Elevation Höhe - + Filtering Datenfilterung - + Sources Datenquellen - + Pause detection Pausenerkennung - + Radius: Radius: - + Speed Geschwindigkeit - + Projection: Projektion: - + Vector maps Vektorkarten - + Area border width: Flächen-Randbreite: - + Area border style: Flächen-Randstil: - + Area fill opacity: Flächendeckkraft: - + Fill opacity: Deckkraft: - + Areas Flächen - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Hohe Auflösung - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Der Druckbereich entspricht ungefähr dem Anzeigebereich. Das Karten-Zoom ändert sich nicht. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Das Karten-Zoom ändert sich so, dass der ganze Inhalt (Strecken/Wegpunkte) in den Druckbereich passen und die Kartenauflösung so nah wie möglich an der Druckauflösung ist. - + Name Name - + Date Datum - + Distance Distanz - + Time Zeit - + Moving time Bewegungszeit - + Item count (>1) Elementanzahl (>1) - + Separate graph page Separate Seite für Graphen - + Print mode Druckmodus - + Header Kopfzeile - + Use OpenGL OpenGL verwenden - + Enable HTTP/2 HTTP/2 verwenden - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Bild-Cachegröße: - + Connection timeout: Verbindungs-Timeout: - - + + System System - + Appearance Erscheinungsbild - + Maps Karten - + Data Daten - + Print & Export Druck / Export - + Options Einstellungen diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_es.ts b/lang/gpxsee_es.ts index 0f1ed3c8..94fdb58d 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_es.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_es.ts @@ -489,16 +489,16 @@ - - + + Distance Distancia - - + + Time Tiempo @@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Tiempo en movimiento @@ -796,65 +796,65 @@ Error cargando archivo de POI's: - - + + Tracks Tracks - - + + Routes Rutas - - + + Waypoints Waypoints - - + + Areas Áreas - - - - + + + + Date Fecha - + Statistics Estadísticas - + Name Nombre - + Open map file Abrir archivo de mapa - + Error loading map: Error cargando archivo de mapa: - + No files loaded Sin archivos cargados - + %n files %n archivo @@ -1058,478 +1058,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + High-resolution Alta resolución - + Standard Estandar - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Los mapas que no son HiDPI se cargarán como si lo fuesen. Se verán con nitidez pero los objetos serán pequeños. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Los mapas que no son HiDPI se verań borrosos, pero los objetos tendrán el tamaño normal. - + HiDPI display mode Modo de pantalla HiDPI - + Base color: Color de base: - + Palette shift: Cambiar paleta: - + Track width: Anchura del track: - + Projection: - + Vector maps - + Track style: Estilo del track: - - - + + + Width: Anchura: - - - + + + Style: Estilo: - + Tracks Tracks - + Route width: Anchura de la ruta: - + Route style: Estilo de la ruta: - + Routes Rutas - + Area border width: Ancho de frontera del área: - + Area border style: Estilo de frontera del área: - + Area fill opacity: Opacidad de relleno del área: - + Fill opacity: Opacidad de relleno: - + Areas Áreas - - + + Use anti-aliasing Usar anti-aliasing - + Waypoint color: Color de waypoints: - + Waypoint size: Tamaño de wapoints: - - + + Color: Color: - - + + Size: Tamaño: - + Waypoints Waypoints - + POI color: Color de POI's: - + POI size: Tamaño de POI's: - + POIs POI's - + Line width: Anchura de linea: - + Slider color: Color de señalador: - + Background color: Color de fondo: - + Map opacity: Opacidad del mapa: - + Paths Trayectos - + Points Puntos - - + + Graphs Gráficas - + Map Mapa - + Moving average window size Tamaño medio de la ventana en movimiento - - - + + + Elevation: Altitud: - - + + Speed: Velocidad: - + Heart rate: Ritmo cardíaco: - + Cadence: Cadencia: - + Power: Potencia: - + Smoothing Suavizar - + Eliminate GPS outliers Borrar valores anormales del GPS - + Smoothing: Suavizado: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/h - + kn kn - + km/h km/h - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Velocidad mínima: - + Minimal duration: Duración mínima: - + Computed from distance/time Calculado con distancia/tiempo - + Recorded by device Grabado por el dispositivo - - + + GPS data Datos GPS - - + + DEM data Datos del MDT - + Elevation Altitud - + Filtering Filtrado - + Sources Fuentes - + Pause detection Detectar paradas - + Radius: Radio: - + Speed Velocidad - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Alta resolución - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. El área que se imprime es la que muestra la pantalla. El zoom del mapa no cambiará. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. El zoom del mapa se cambia para que el area impresa se ajuste a todos los elementos( tracks, waypoints...) y la resolución sea lo mas próxima posible a la de impresión. - + Name Nombre - + Date Fecha - + Distance Distancia - + Time Hora - + Moving time Tiempo en movimiento - + Item count (>1) Recuento de elementos (>1) - + Separate graph page Pagina de gráficas separada - + Print mode Modo de impresión - + Header Titulo - + Use OpenGL Usar OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Habilitar HTTP/2 - + MB Mo - + Image cache size: Tamaño del cache de imágenes: - + Connection timeout: Caducidad de la conexión: - - + + System Sistema - + Appearance Apariencia - + Maps Mapas - + Data Fecha - + Print & Export Imprimir y exportar - + Options Opciones diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_fi.ts b/lang/gpxsee_fi.ts index a3aea291..72c78872 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_fi.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_fi.ts @@ -513,8 +513,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Liikkumisaika @@ -669,32 +669,32 @@ Tyylitiedostoiden hakemisto: - - + + Areas Alueet - + Statistics Tilasto - + Open map file Avaa karttatiedosto - + No files loaded Yhtään tiedostoa ei ladattu - - - - + + + + Date Päivämäärä @@ -749,18 +749,18 @@ Välimuistin hakemisto: - - + + Routes Reitit - + Error loading map: Virhe ladattaessa karttaa: - + %n files %n tiedosto @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ Vie PDF:ksi... - - + + Waypoints Reittipisteet @@ -825,13 +825,13 @@ Virhe ladattaessa POI-tiedostoa: - + Name Nimi - - + + Tracks Jäljet @@ -848,16 +848,16 @@ - - + + Distance Etäisyys - - + + Time Aika @@ -1058,478 +1058,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + Base color: Pohjaväri: - + Palette shift: Paletin muutos: - + Track width: Jäljen leveys: - + Track style: Jäljen tyyli: - + Tracks Jäljet - + Route width: Reitin leveys: - + Route style: Reitin tyyli: - + Routes Reitit - - + + Use anti-aliasing Käytä reunanpehmennystä - + Line width: Viivan leveys: - + Background color: Taustan väri: - + Paths Jäljet - + Map opacity: Kartan läpinäkymättömyys: - + Map Kartat - - + + Graphs Kaaviokuvat - + High-resolution Korkea resoluutio - + Standard Vakioresoluutio - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Ei-HiDPI-kartat ladataan HiDPI-karttoina. Kartta on terävä, mutta karttakohteet ovat pieniä/vaikeasti luettavia. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Ei-HiDPI-kartat ladataan kuten ne ovat. Karttakohteilla on odotettu koko, mutta kartta on epäselvä. - + HiDPI display mode HiDPI-näyttötila - - - + + + Width: Leveys: - - - + + + Style: Tyyli: - + Waypoint color: Reittipisteen väri: - + Waypoint size: Reittipisteen koko: - - + + Color: Väri: - - + + Size: Koko: - + Waypoints Reittipisteet - + POI color: POI:n väri: - + POI size: POI:n koko: - + POIs POI:t - + Slider color: Liukusäätimen väri: - + Points Pisteet - + Moving average window size Liukuvan keskiarvon ikkunan koko - - - + + + Elevation: Korkeus: - - + + Speed: Vauhti: - + Heart rate: Sydämen syke: - + Cadence: Kadenssi: - + Power: Teho: - + Smoothing Silotus - + Eliminate GPS outliers Poista poikkeavat GPS-havainnot - + Smoothing: Silotus: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mph - + kn kn - + km/h km/t - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Minimivauhti: - + Minimal duration: Minimikesto: - + Computed from distance/time Laskettu etäisyydestä/ajasta - + Recorded by device Tallennettu laitteella - - + + GPS data GPS-tiedot - - + + DEM data DEM-tiedot - + Elevation Korkeus - + Filtering Suodatus - + Sources Lähteet - + Pause detection Pysähdysten havaitseminen - + Radius: Säde: - + Speed Vauhti - + Projection: Projektio: - + Vector maps Vektorikartat - + Area border width: Alueen rajan leveys: - + Area border style: Alueen rajan tyyli: - + Area fill opacity: Alueen täytön läpinäkymättömyys: - + Fill opacity: Täytön läpinäkymättömyys: - + Areas Alueet - + mi mi - + nmi mpk - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Korkea resoluutio - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Painettu alue on suunnilleen näyttöalue. Kartan zoomaustaso ei muutu. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Zoomaustasoa muutetaan niin, että koko sisältö (jäljet/reittipisteet) sopii painettuun alueeseen ja kartan resoluutio on mahdollisimman lähellä tulostusresoluutiota. - + Name Nimi - + Date Päivämäärä - + Distance Etäisyys - + Time Aika - + Moving time Liikkumisaika - + Item count (>1) Kohteiden määrä (>1) - + Separate graph page Erillinen sivu kaaviokuvalle - + Print mode Tulostustila - + Header Otsikko - + Use OpenGL Käytä OpenGL:ää - + Enable HTTP/2 Ota HTTP/2 käyttöön - + MB Mt - + Image cache size: Kuvavälimuistin koko: - + Connection timeout: Yhteyden aikakatkaisu: - - + + System Järjestelmä - + Appearance Ulkoasu - + Maps Kartat - + Data Tiedot - + Print & Export Tulostus & vienti - + Options Valinnat diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_fr.ts b/lang/gpxsee_fr.ts index 39a30bfe..4fad0f0f 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_fr.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_fr.ts @@ -523,8 +523,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Durée en déplacement @@ -679,34 +679,34 @@ Dossier de styles : - - + + Areas Zones - + Statistics Statistiques - + Open map file Ouvrir un fichier de carte - + Error loading map: Erreur lors du chargement de la carte : - + No files loaded Aucun fichier chargé - + %n files %n fichier @@ -714,16 +714,16 @@ - - - - + + + + Date Date - - + + Routes Routes @@ -743,8 +743,8 @@ Exporter au format PDF... - - + + Waypoints Points de jalonnement @@ -825,13 +825,13 @@ Erreur lors du chargement du fichier POI : - + Name Nom - - + + Tracks Traces @@ -848,16 +848,16 @@ - - + + Distance Distance - - + + Time Temps @@ -1058,478 +1058,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + Base color: Couleur de base : - + Palette shift: Incrément de palette : - + Track width: Épaisseur des traces : - + Track style: Style des traces : - + Tracks Traces - + Route width: Épaisseur des routes : - + Route style: Style des routes : - + Routes Routes - - + + Use anti-aliasing Utiliser l'anticrénelage - + Line width: Épaisseur de ligne : - + Background color: Couleur d'arrière plan : - + Paths Chemins - + Map opacity: Opacité de la carte : - + Map Carte - - + + Graphs Graphe - + High-resolution Résolution élevée - + Standard Standard - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Les cartes qui n'ont pas de résolution élevée sont chargées comme une carte à résolution élevée. La carte est nette mais ses symboles sont petits ou difficiles à lire. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Les cartes qui n'ont pas de résolution élevée sont chargées telles quelles. Les symboles de la carte ont leurs tailles attendues mais la carte est floue. - + HiDPI display mode Affichage à haute résolution - - - + + + Width: Épaisseur : - - - + + + Style: Style : - + Waypoint color: Couleur des points de jalonnement : - + Waypoint size: Tailles des points de jalonnement : - - + + Color: Couleur : - - + + Size: Taille : - + Waypoints Points de jalonnement - + POI color: Couleur des POI : - + POI size: Taille des POI : - + POIs POI - + Slider color: Couleur du curseur : - + Points Points - + Moving average window size Largeur de fenêtre de la moyenne glissante - - - + + + Elevation: Altitude : - - + + Speed: Vitesse : - + Heart rate: Fréquence cardiaque : - + Cadence: Cadence : - + Power: Puissance : - + Smoothing Lissage - + Eliminate GPS outliers Supprimer les données GPS aberrantes - + Smoothing: Lissage : + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/h - + kn nd - + km/h km/h - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Vitesse minimale : - + Minimal duration: Durée minimale : - + Computed from distance/time Calculée comme distance/temps - + Recorded by device Enregistrée par l'appareil - - + + GPS data Données GPS - - + + DEM data Données MNT - + Elevation Altitude - + Filtering Filtrage - + Sources Sources - + Pause detection Détection des arrêts - + Radius: Rayon : - + Speed Vitesse - + Projection: Projection : - + Vector maps Cartes vectorielles - + Area border width: Épaisseur de bord de zone : - + Area border style: Style de bord de zone : - + Area fill opacity: Opacité du remplissage des zones : - + Fill opacity: Opacité de remplissage : - + Areas Zones - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Résolution élevée - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. La zone d'impression est presque celle affichée. L'échelle reste la même. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. L'échelle est ajustée pour que tout le contenu (traces et points de jalonnement) rentre dans la zone d'impression tout en gardant proches les résolutions d'impression et de carte. - + Name Nom - + Date Date - + Distance Distance - + Time Durée - + Moving time Durée en déplacement - + Item count (>1) Nombre d'éléments (>1) - + Separate graph page Sauter une page pour les graphes - + Print mode Mode d'impression - + Header Entête - + Use OpenGL Utiliser OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Activer l'HTTP/2 - + MB Mo - + Image cache size: Volume du cache à images : - + Connection timeout: Délai d'attente de connexion : - - + + System Système - + Appearance Apparence - + Maps Cartes - + Data Données - + Print & Export Imprimer et exporter - + Options Options diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_nb.ts b/lang/gpxsee_nb.ts index e523823c..62535067 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_nb.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_nb.ts @@ -489,16 +489,16 @@ - - + + Distance Avstand - - + + Time Tid @@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Tid i bevegelse @@ -796,65 +796,65 @@ Kunne ikke laste inn POI-fil: - - + + Tracks Spor - - + + Routes Ruter - - + + Waypoints Veipunkter - - + + Areas Områder - - - - + + + + Date Dato - + Statistics Statistikk - + Name Navn - + Open map file Åpne kartfil - + Error loading map: Feil ved innlasting av kart: - + No files loaded Ingen filer lastet opp - + %n files %n fil @@ -1058,478 +1058,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + High-resolution Høyoppløsning - + Standard Forvalg - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Ikke-HiDPI -kart lastes som HiDPI-kart. Kartet er skarpt, men kartobjekter kan være små/vanskelige å lese. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Ikke-HiDPI -kart lastes som de er. Kartobjekter har forventet størrelse, men kartet er uskarpt. - + HiDPI display mode HiDPI-visningsmodus - + Base color: Grunnfarge: - + Palette shift: Palettforskyvning: - + Track width: Sporbredde: - + Projection: Projeksjon: - + Vector maps Vektorielle kart - + Track style: Sporstil: - - - + + + Width: Bredde: - - - + + + Style: Stil: - + Tracks Spor - + Route width: Rutebredde: - + Route style: Rutestil: - + Routes Ruter - + Area border width: Kantbredde for område: - + Area border style: Kantstil for område: - + Area fill opacity: Fylldekkevne for område: - + Fill opacity: Fylldekkevne: - + Areas Områder - - + + Use anti-aliasing Bruk kanutjevning - + Waypoint color: Veipunktsfarge: - + Waypoint size: Veipunktsstørrelse: - - + + Color: Farge: - - + + Size: Størrelse: - + Waypoints Veipunkter - + POI color: POI-farge: - + POI size: POI-størrelse: - + POIs POI-er - + Line width: Linjebredde: - + Slider color: Linjalfarge: - + Background color: Bakgrunnsfarge: - + Map opacity: Kartdekkevne: - + Paths Stier - + Points Punkter - - + + Graphs Diagrammer - + Map Kart - + Moving average window size Flytter gjennomsnittlig kartstørrelse - - - + + + Elevation: Høyde: - - + + Speed: Hastighet: - + Heart rate: Puls: - + Cadence: Stegfrekvens: - + Power: Kraft: - + Smoothing Utjevning - + Eliminate GPS outliers Eliminer GPS-ekstremverdier - + Smoothing: Utjevning: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/t - + kn kn - + km/h km/t - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Minimumshastighet: - + Minimal duration: Minimumsvarighet: - + Computed from distance/time Utregnet fra avstand/tid - + Recorded by device Tatt opp av enhet - - + + GPS data GPS-data - - + + DEM data DEM-data - + Elevation Høyde - + Filtering Filtrering - + Sources Kilder - + Pause detection Sett oppdagelse på pause - + Radius: Radius: - + Speed Hastighet - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Høyoppløsning - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Det utskrevne området er omentrent det samme som visningsområdet. Kartforstørrelsesnivået endrer seg ikke. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Forstørrelsesnivået vil endres slik at hele innholdet (spor/veipunkter) passer med utskrevet område, og kartoppløsningen er så lik utskriftsoppløsningen som mulig. - + Name Navn - + Date Dato - + Distance Avstand - + Time Tid - + Moving time Tid i bevegelse - + Item count (>1) Elementantall (>1) - + Separate graph page Separat diagramside - + Print mode Utskriftsmodus - + Header Topptekst - + Use OpenGL Bruk OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Skru på HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Bildehurtiglagringstørrelse: - + Connection timeout: Tilkoblingstidsavbrudd: - - + + System System - + Appearance Utseende - + Maps Kart - + Data Data - + Print & Export Utskrift og ekport - + Options Valg diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_pl.ts b/lang/gpxsee_pl.ts index ccbd2e1e..34c2dcbc 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_pl.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_pl.ts @@ -513,8 +513,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Czas ruchu @@ -669,32 +669,32 @@ Katalog ze stylami: - - + + Areas Obszary - + Statistics Statystyka - + Open map file Otwórz plik mapy - + No files loaded Nie załadowano żadnych plików - - - - + + + + Date Data @@ -749,18 +749,18 @@ Katalog pamięci podręcznej kafelków: - - + + Routes Trasy - + Error loading map: Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania mapy: - + %n files %n plik @@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ Eksportuj do PDF... - - + + Waypoints Punkty nawigacyjne @@ -826,13 +826,13 @@ Błąd podczas ładowania pliku POI: - + Name Nazwa - - + + Tracks Ślady @@ -849,16 +849,16 @@ - - + + Distance Dystans - - + + Time Czas @@ -1059,478 +1059,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + Base color: Kolor podstawowy: - + Palette shift: Przesunięcie palety: - + Track width: Szerokość śladu: - + Track style: Styl śladu: - + Tracks Ślady - + Route width: Szerokość trasy: - + Route style: Styl trasy: - + Routes Trasy - - + + Use anti-aliasing Użyj wygładzania - + Line width: Szerokość lini: - + Background color: Kolor tła: - + Paths Ścieżki - + Map opacity: Nieprzezroczystość mapy: - + Map Mapa - - + + Graphs Wykresy - + High-resolution Wysoka rozdzielczość - + Standard Standardowy - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Mapy inne niż HiDPI są ładowane jako mapy HiDPI. Mapa jest ostra, ale obiekty mapy są małe / trudne do odczytania. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Mapy inne niż HiDPI są ładowane w takiej postaci, w jakiej są. Obiekty mapy mają oczekiwany rozmiar, ale mapa jest rozmyta / nieostra. - + HiDPI display mode Tryb wyświetlania HiDPI - - - + + + Width: Szerokość: - - - + + + Style: Styl: - + Waypoint color: Kolor punktów nawigacyjnych: - + Waypoint size: Rozmiar punktów nawigacyjnych: - - + + Color: Kolor: - - + + Size: Rozmiar: - + Waypoints Punkty nawigacyjne - + POI color: Kolor POI: - + POI size: Rozmiar POI: - + POIs Punkty POI - + Slider color: Kolor suwaka: - + Points Punkty - + Moving average window size Rozmiar okna średniej ruchomej - - - + + + Elevation: Wysokość: - - + + Speed: Prędkość: - + Heart rate: Tętno: - + Cadence: Kadencja: - + Power: Moc: - + Smoothing Wygładzanie - + Eliminate GPS outliers Wyeliminuj odstające dane GPS - + Smoothing: Wygładzanie: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/h - + kn kn - + km/h km/h - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Minimalna prędkość: - + Minimal duration: Minimalny czas trwania: - + Computed from distance/time Obliczona na postawie odległości/czasu - + Recorded by device Zapisana przez urządzenie - - + + GPS data Dane GPS - - + + DEM data Dane DEM - + Elevation Wysokość - + Filtering Filtrowanie - + Sources Źródła - + Pause detection Wykrywanie postoju - + Radius: Promień: - + Speed Prędkość - + Projection: Odwzorowanie: - + Vector maps Mapy wektorowe - + Area border width: Szerokość granicy obszaru: - + Area border style: Styl obramowania obszaru: - + Area fill opacity: Nieprzezroczystość wypełnienia obszaru: - + Fill opacity: Nieprzezroczystość wypełnienia: - + Areas Obszary - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Wysoka rozdzielczość - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Wydrukowany obszar jest w przybliżeniu obszarem wyświetlania. Poziom powiększenia mapy nie zmienia się. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Poziom powiększenia mapy zostanie dostosowany w taki sposób, aby cała zawartość (ścieżki/punkty) wchodziła do drukowanego obszaru, a rozdzielczość mapy była jak najbliższa rozdzielczości wydruku. - + Name Nazwa - + Date Data - + Distance Dystans - + Time Czas - + Moving time Czas ruchu - + Item count (>1) Liczba elementów (>1) - + Separate graph page Oddzielna strona wykresu - + Print mode Tryb wydruku - + Header Nagłówek - + Use OpenGL Używaj OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Włącz HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Rozmiar pamięci podręcznej obrazu: - + Connection timeout: Limit czasu połączenia: - - + + System System - + Appearance Wygląd - + Maps Mapy - + Data Dane - + Print & Export Drukowanie i eksport - + Options Opcje diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts b/lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts index 6a255a52..b65b20f5 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_pt_BR.ts @@ -489,16 +489,16 @@ - - + + Distance Distância - - + + Time Tempo @@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Tempo em movimento @@ -796,65 +796,65 @@ Erro ao carregar arquivo POI: - - + + Tracks Trilhas - - + + Routes Rotas - - + + Waypoints Waypoints - - + + Areas Áreas - - - - + + + + Date Data - + Statistics Estatísticas - + Name Nome - + Open map file Abrir arquivo de mapa - + Error loading map: Erro ao carregar o mapa: - + No files loaded Nenhum arquivo carregado - + %n files %n arquivo @@ -1058,478 +1058,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + High-resolution Alta resolução - + Standard Padrão - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Mapas que não são HiDPI são carregados como se o fossem. O Mapa é nítido, mas os objetos são pequenos/difíceis de ler. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Mapas que não são HiDPI são carregados do modo que são. Objetos de mapa têm o tamanho esperado, mas o mapa é desfocado. - + Projection: Projeção: - + Vector maps Mapas vetoriais - + HiDPI display mode Modo de exibição HiDPI - + Track width: Largura da trilha: - + Track style: Estilo da trilha: - - - + + + Width: Largura: - - - + + + Style: Estilo: - + Tracks Trilhas - + Route width: Largura da rota: - + Route style: Estilo da rota: - + Routes Rotas - + Area border width: Largura de borda de área: - + Area border style: Estilo de borda de área: - + Area fill opacity: Opacidade de preenchimento de área: - + Fill opacity: Opacidade de preenchimento: - + Areas Áreas - + Base color: Cor de base: - + Palette shift: Deslocamento de paleta: - - + + Use anti-aliasing Usar anti-aliasing - + Waypoint color: Cor de waypoint: - + Waypoint size: Tamanho de waypoint: - - + + Color: Cor: - - + + Size: Tamanho: - + Waypoints Waypoints - + POI color: Cor do POI: - + POI size: Tamanho do POI: - + POIs POIs - + Line width: Largura de linha: - + Slider color: Cor do cursor: - + Background color: Cor de fundo: - + Map opacity: Opacidade do mapa: - + Paths Caminhos - + Points Pontos - - + + Graphs Gráficos - + Map Mapa - + Moving average window size Tamanho de janela da média móvel - - - + + + Elevation: Altitude: - - + + Speed: Velocidade: - + Heart rate: Frequência cardiaca: - + Cadence: Cadência: - + Power: Potência: - + Smoothing Suavizar - + Eliminate GPS outliers Eliminar valores atípicos do GPS - + Smoothing: Suavizar: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/h - + kn kn - + km/h km/h - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Velocidade Mínima: - + Minimal duration: Duração mínima: - + Computed from distance/time Calculada a partir da distância/tempo - + Recorded by device Gravada através de dispositivo - - + + GPS data Dados de GPS - - + + DEM data Dados de DEM - + Speed Velocidade - + Elevation Altitude - + Filtering Filtragem - + Sources Fontes - + Pause detection Detecção de pausa - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - + Radius: Raio: - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Alta resolução - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. A área de impressão é aproximadamente a área de tela. O nível de zoom do mapa não é alterado. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. O nível de zoom será alterado de modo que todo o conteúdo (trilhas/waypoints) caiba na área de impressão e a resolução seja tão próxima quanto possível da resolução de impressão. - + Name Nome - + Date Data - + Distance Distância - + Time Tempo - + Moving time Tempo em movimento - + Item count (>1) Número de itens (>1) - + Separate graph page Separar página de gráficos - + Print mode Modo de impressão - + Header Cabeçalho - + Use OpenGL Usar OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Habilitar HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Tamanho do cache de imagens: - + Connection timeout: Tempo de espera de conexão: - - + + System Sistema - + Appearance Aparência - + Maps Mapas - + Data Dados - + Print & Export Imprimir e Exportar - + Options Preferências diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_ru.ts b/lang/gpxsee_ru.ts index b9ddcf70..85b9862e 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_ru.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_ru.ts @@ -513,8 +513,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Время движения @@ -669,32 +669,32 @@ Каталог со стилями: - - + + Areas Области - + Statistics Статистика - + Open map file Открыть файл карты - + No files loaded Нет загруженных файлов - - - - + + + + Date Дата @@ -749,18 +749,18 @@ Каталог кеша тайлов: - - + + Routes Маршруты - + Error loading map: Ошибка загрузки карты: - + %n files %n файл @@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ Экспорт в PDF… - - + + Waypoints Точки @@ -826,13 +826,13 @@ Ошибка загрузки файла с точками POI: - + Name Имя - - + + Tracks Треки @@ -849,16 +849,16 @@ - - + + Distance Расстояние - - + + Time Время @@ -1059,478 +1059,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + Base color: Основной цвет: - + Palette shift: Смещение палитры: - + Track width: Толщина трека: - + Track style: Стиль трека: - + Tracks Треки - + Route width: Толщина маршрута: - + Route style: Стиль маршрута: - + Routes Маршруты - - + + Use anti-aliasing Применять сглаживание - + Line width: Толщина линии: - + Background color: Цвет фона: - + Paths Треки - + Map opacity: Прозрачность карты: - + Map Карты - - + + Graphs Графики - + High-resolution Высокое разрешение - + Standard Стандартный - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Не-HiDPI карты загружаются как HiDPI карты. Карта резкая, но объекты карты маленькие/трудночитаемые. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Не-HiDPI карты загружаются так, как есть. Объекты карты имеют ожидаемый размер, но карта размытая. - + HiDPI display mode HiDPI режим отображения - - - + + + Width: Толщина: - - - + + + Style: Стиль: - + Waypoint color: Цвет точки: - + Waypoint size: Размер точки: - - + + Color: Цвет: - - + + Size: Размер: - + Waypoints Точки - + POI color: Цвет точки POI: - + POI size: Размер точки POI: - + POIs Точки POI - + Slider color: Цвет ползунка: - + Points Точки - + Moving average window size Ширины окна усреднения - - - + + + Elevation: Высота: - - + + Speed: Скорость: - + Heart rate: Пульс: - + Cadence: Каденс: - + Power: Мощность: - + Smoothing Сглаживание - + Eliminate GPS outliers Устранять GPS выбросы - + Smoothing: Сглаживание: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h мл/ч - + kn уз - + km/h км/ч - - + + s с - + Minimal speed: Минимальная скорость: - + Minimal duration: Минимальная продолжительность: - + Computed from distance/time Вычисленная из расстояния/времени - + Recorded by device Записанная устройством - - + + GPS data GPS данные - - + + DEM data DEM данные - + Elevation Высота - + Filtering Фильтрация - + Sources Источники - + Pause detection Обнаружение остановок - + Radius: Радиус: - + Speed Скорость - + Projection: Проекция: - + Vector maps Векторные карты - + Area border width: Толщина границы области: - + Area border style: Стиль границы области: - + Area fill opacity: Непрозрачность заливки области: - + Fill opacity: Непрозрачность заливки: - + Areas Области - + mi мл - + nmi мор. мл - + km км - - + + POI Точки POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Высокое разрешение - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Печатная область примерно совпадает с областью отображения. Уровень приближения карты не изменяется. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Уровень приближения будет изменен так, чтобы всё содержимое (треки/точки) уместились в печатную область и разрешение карты было бы как можно ближе к разрешению печати. - + Name Имя - + Date Дата - + Distance Расстояние - + Time Время - + Moving time Время движения - + Item count (>1) Количество объектов (>1) - + Separate graph page Отдельная страница с графиком - + Print mode Режим печати - + Header Заголовок - + Use OpenGL Использовать OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Включить HTTP/2 - + MB МБ - + Image cache size: Размер кэша изображений: - + Connection timeout: Таймаут соединения: - - + + System Система - + Appearance Внешний вид - + Maps Карты - + Data Данные - + Print & Export Печать и экспорт - + Options Параметры diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_sv.ts b/lang/gpxsee_sv.ts index 7d624ce5..f8439290 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_sv.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_sv.ts @@ -523,8 +523,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Förflyttningstid @@ -679,34 +679,34 @@ Mapp för stilar: - - + + Areas Områden - + Statistics Statistik - + Open map file Öppna kartfil - + Error loading map: Fel vid inläsning av karta: - + No files loaded Inga filer inlästa - + %n files %n fil @@ -714,16 +714,16 @@ - - - - + + + + Date Datum - - + + Routes Rutter @@ -743,8 +743,8 @@ Exportera till PDF... - - + + Waypoints Vägpunkter @@ -825,13 +825,13 @@ Fel vid inläsning av POI-fil: - + Name Namn - - + + Tracks Spår @@ -848,16 +848,16 @@ - - + + Distance Avstånd - - + + Time Tid @@ -1058,478 +1058,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + Base color: Basfärg: - + Palette shift: Palettskiftning: - + Track width: Spårtjocklek: - + Track style: Spårstil: - + Tracks Spår - + Route width: Ruttjocklek: - + Route style: Ruttstil: - + Routes Rutter - - + + Use anti-aliasing Använd kantutjämning - + Line width: Linjetjocklek: - + Background color: Bakgrundsfärg: - + Paths Sökvägar - + Map opacity: Kartopacitet: - + Map Karta - - + + Graphs Diagram - + High-resolution Högupplösning - + Standard Standard - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Icke högupplösta kartor läses in som högupplösta. Kartan är skarp men kartobjekt är små/svåra att läsa. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Icke högupplösta kartor läses in som de är. Kartobjekt har förväntad storlek men kartan är oskarp. - + HiDPI display mode Högupplöst visningsläge - - - + + + Width: Bredd: - - - + + + Style: Stil: - + Waypoint color: Navigeringspunktsfärg: - + Waypoint size: Navigeringspunktsstorlek: - - + + Color: Färg: - - + + Size: Storlek: - + Waypoints Navigeringspunkter - + POI color: POI-färg: - + POI size: POI-storlek: - + POIs POI:er - + Slider color: Skjutreglagefärg: - + Points Punkter - + Moving average window size Flyttar vanlig fönsterstorlek - - - + + + Elevation: Höjd: - - + + Speed: Hastighet: - + Heart rate: Hjärtfrekvens: - + Cadence: Stegfrekvens: - + Power: Kraft: - + Smoothing Utjämning - + Eliminate GPS outliers Eliminera GPS-extremvärden - + Smoothing: Utjämning: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/h - + kn knop - + km/h km/h - - + + s sek - + Minimal speed: Minsta hastighet: - + Minimal duration: Kortast varaktighet: - + Computed from distance/time Beräknad från distans/tid - + Recorded by device Inspelad av enhet - - + + GPS data GPS-data - - + + DEM data DEM-data - + Elevation Stigning - + Filtering Filtrering - + Sources Källor - + Pause detection Pausa identifiering - + Radius: Radie: - + Speed Hastighet - + Projection: Projektion: - + Vector maps Vektor-kartor - + Area border width: Kantbredd för områden: - + Area border style: Kantstil för områden: - + Area fill opacity: Ifyllnadsopacitet för områden: - + Fill opacity: Ifyllnadsopacitet: - + Areas Områden - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Högupplösning - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Det utskrivna området är ungefär detsamma som synligt område på skärmen. Kartans zoomnivå ändras inte. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Zoomnivån kommer att ändras så att hela innehållet (spår/vägpunkter) passar utskriftsområdet och kartresolutionen är så nära som möjligt till utskriftsupplösningen. - + Name Namn - + Date Datum - + Distance Avstånd - + Time Tid - + Moving time Förflyttningstid - + Item count (>1) Objektantal (>1) - + Separate graph page Separat diagramsida - + Print mode Utskriftsläge - + Header Rubrik - + Use OpenGL Använd OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Aktivera HTTP/2 - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Cashe-storlek för bilder: - + Connection timeout: Anslutningens tidsgräns: - - + + System System - + Appearance Utseende - + Maps Kartor - + Data Data - + Print & Export Utskrift & Export - + Options Alternativ diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_tr.ts b/lang/gpxsee_tr.ts index 3c52e08a..75f9d967 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_tr.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_tr.ts @@ -489,16 +489,16 @@ - - + + Distance Mesafe - - + + Time Zaman @@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Hareket süresi @@ -796,69 +796,68 @@ POI dosyası yükleme hatası: - - + + Tracks İzler - - + + Routes Rotalar - - + + Waypoints Yer işaretleri - - + + Areas Alanlar - - - - + + + + Date Tarih - + Statistics İstatistikler - + Name Adı - + Open map file Harita dosyası aç - + Error loading map: Harita yüklenirken hata oluştu: - + No files loaded Hiç dosya yüklenmedi - + %n files %n dosya - %n dosya @@ -1058,478 +1057,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + High-resolution Yüksek çözünürlük - + Standard Standart - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. HiDPI olmayan haritalar, HiDPI haritaları olarak yüklenir. Harita keskin ama harita nesneleri küçük/okunması zor. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. HiDPI olmayan haritalar, oldukları gibi yüklenir. Harita nesneleri beklenen boyuta sahip ancak harita bulanıktır. - + HiDPI display mode HiDPI gösterim modu - + Base color: Temel renk: - + Palette shift: Palet değişimi: - + Track width: İz genişliği: - + Projection: Projeksiyon: - + Vector maps Vektör haritaları - + Track style: İz stili: - - - + + + Width: Genişlik: - - - + + + Style: Stil: - + Tracks İzler - + Route width: Rota genişliği: - + Route style: Rota stili: - + Routes Rotalar - + Area border width: Alan sınır genişliği: - + Area border style: Alan sınır stili: - + Area fill opacity: Alan dolgusu opaklığı: - + Fill opacity: Opaklığı doldur: - + Areas Alanlar - - + + Use anti-aliasing Kenar yumuşatma kullan - + Waypoint color: Yer işareti rengi: - + Waypoint size: Yer işareti boyutu: - - + + Color: Renk: - - + + Size: Boyut: - + Waypoints Yer işaretleri - + POI color: POI renk: - + POI size: POI boyutu: - + POIs POI'ler - + Line width: Hat genişliği: - + Slider color: Kaydırıcı rengi: - + Background color: Arka plan rengi: - + Map opacity: Harita opaklığı: - + Paths Klasör konumları - + Points Noktalar - - + + Graphs Grafikler - + Map Harita - + Moving average window size Ortalama pencere boyutuna taşıma - - - + + + Elevation: Rakım: - - + + Speed: Hız: - + Heart rate: Nabız: - + Cadence: Kadans: - + Power: Güç: - + Smoothing Yumuşatma - + Eliminate GPS outliers Aykırı GPS ele - + Smoothing: Yumuşatma: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h mi/h - + kn kn - + km/h km/h - - + + s s - + Minimal speed: Asgari hız: - + Minimal duration: Minimum süre: - + Computed from distance/time Mesafe/zamandan hesaplandı - + Recorded by device Cihazdan kaydedilen - - + + GPS data GPS verisi - - + + DEM data DEM verisi - + Elevation Rakım - + Filtering Filtreleme - + Sources Kaynaklar - + Pause detection Duraklama algılama - + Radius: Yarıçap: - + Speed Hız - + mi mi - + nmi nmi - + km Km - - + + POI POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG - + High-Resolution Yüksek çözünürlük - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Yazdırılan alan yaklaşık olarak görüntü alanıdır. Harita zum seviyesi değişmez. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Yakınlaştırma seviyesi, tüm içeriğin (izler/yer işaretleri) yazdırılan alana sığması ve harita çözünürlüğünün baskı çözünürlüğüne olabildiğince yakın olacak şekilde değiştirilecektir. - + Name Adı - + Date Tarih - + Distance Mesafe - + Time Zaman - + Moving time Hareket süresi - + Item count (>1) Öğe sayısı (>1) - + Separate graph page Ayrı grafik sayfası - + Print mode Yazdırma modu - + Header Başlık - + Use OpenGL OpenGL Kullan - + Enable HTTP/2 HTTP/2 etkinleştir - + MB MB - + Image cache size: Görüntü önbellek boyutu: - + Connection timeout: Bağlantı zaman aşımı: - - + + System Sistem - + Appearance Görünüm - + Maps Haritalar - + Data Veri - + Print & Export Yazdır & Dışa ver - + Options Seçenekler diff --git a/lang/gpxsee_uk.ts b/lang/gpxsee_uk.ts index 357450d9..c6aeffcd 100644 --- a/lang/gpxsee_uk.ts +++ b/lang/gpxsee_uk.ts @@ -489,16 +489,16 @@ - - + + Distance Відстань - - + + Time Час @@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ - - + + Moving time Час руху @@ -796,65 +796,65 @@ Помилка під час завантаження файлу POI: - - + + Tracks Треки - - + + Routes Маршрути - - + + Waypoints Маршрутні точки - - + + Areas Області - - - - + + + + Date Дата - + Statistics Статистика - + Name Ім’я - + Open map file Відкрити файл мапи - + Error loading map: Помилка завантаження мапи: - + No files loaded Файли не завантажені - + %n files %n файл @@ -1059,478 +1059,488 @@ OptionsDialog - + High-resolution Висока роздільна здатність - + Standard Стандартний - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded as HiDPI maps. The map is sharp but map objects are small/hard to read. Не-HiDPI мапи завантажуються як HiDPI мапи. Зображення такої мапи чітке, але об’єкти на ній замалі, або їх важко читати. - + Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry. Не-HiDPI мапи завантажуються такими, якими вони є. Об’єкти на мапі мають очікуваний розмір, але сама мапа розмита та не чітка. - + Projection: Проєкція: - + Vector maps Векторні мапи - + HiDPI display mode HiDPI режим відображення - + Track width: Товщина треку: - + Track style: Стиль треку: - - - + + + Width: Товщина: - - - + + + Style: Стиль: - + Tracks Треки - + Route width: Товщина маршруту: - + Route style: Стиль маршруту: - + Routes Маршрути - + Area border width: Товщина межі області: - + Area border style: Стиль межі області: - + Area fill opacity: Непрозорість заливки області: - + Fill opacity: Непрозорість заливки: - + Areas Області - + Base color: Основний колір: - + Palette shift: Зміщення палітри: - - + + Use anti-aliasing Використовувати згладжування - + Waypoint color: Колір маршрутної точки: - + Waypoint size: Розмір маршрутної точки: - - + + Color: Колір: - - + + Size: Розмір: - + Waypoints Маршрутні точки - + POI color: Колір точки POI: - + POI size: Розмір точки POI: - + POIs Точки POI - + Line width: Товщина лінії: - + Slider color: Колір повзунка: - + Background color: Колір фону: - + Map opacity: Прозорість мапи: - + Paths Шляхи - + Points Точки - - + + Graphs Графіки - + Map Мапи - + Moving average window size Ширина ковзного вікна усереднення - - - + + + Elevation: Висота: - - + + Speed: Швидкість: - + Heart rate: Пульс: - + Cadence: Каденс: - + Power: Потужність: - + Smoothing Згладжування - + Eliminate GPS outliers Виключати GPS викиди - + Smoothing: Згладжування: + Automatic + + + + + User defined + + + + mi/h миль/год - + kn вузол - + km/h км/год - - + + s с - + Minimal speed: Мінімальна швидкість: - + Minimal duration: Мінімальна тривалість: - + Computed from distance/time Обчислено з відстань/час - + Recorded by device Записано пристроєм - - + + GPS data GPS дані - - + + DEM data DEM дані - + Speed Швидкість - + Elevation Висота - + Filtering Фільтрування - + Sources Джерела - + Pause detection Виявлення пауз - + mi миля - + nmi мор.миля - + km км - + Radius: Радіус: - - + + POI Точки POI - + WYSIWYG WYSIWYG (Візуальний редактор) - + High-Resolution Висока роздільна здатність - + The printed area is approximately the display area. The map zoom level does not change. Область друку є приблизною областю відображення. Рівень масштабування мапи не змінюється. - + The zoom level will be changed so that the whole content (tracks/waypoints) fits to the printed area and the map resolution is as close as possible to the print resolution. Масштаб буде змінено так, щоби весь зміст (треки/маршрутні точки) вмістився на друковану область, а роздільна здатність мапи була якомога наближеною до роздільної здатності друку. - + Name Ім’я - + Date Дата - + Distance Відстань - + Time Час - + Moving time Час руху - + Item count (>1) Кількість об’єктів (>1) - + Separate graph page Окрема сторінка із графіком - + Print mode Режим друку - + Header Заголовок - + Use OpenGL Використовувати OpenGL - + Enable HTTP/2 Дозволити HTTP/2 - + MB МБ - + Image cache size: Розмір кешу зображень: - + Connection timeout: Час з’єднання вичерпаний: - - + + System Система - + Appearance Зовнішній вигляд - + Maps Мапи - + Data Дані - + Print & Export Друк та експорт - + Options Налаштування