mirror of https://github.com/tumic0/GPXSee.git synced 2024-11-30 22:51:16 +01:00

Code cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Martin Tůma 2019-09-20 00:23:47 +02:00
parent 1a3356b8fe
commit 36555b3140
2 changed files with 79 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,26 @@
#include "trefile.h"
#include "common/rectc.h"
#include "units.h"
#include "lblfile.h"
#include "netfile.h"
#include "rgnfile.h"
static int bitSize(quint8 baseSize, bool variableSign, bool extraBit)
int bits = 2;
if (baseSize <= 9)
bits += baseSize;
bits += 2 * baseSize - 9;
if (variableSign)
if (extraBit)
return bits;
bool RGNFile::BitStream::read(int bits, quint32 &val)
val = 0;
@ -34,29 +50,49 @@ bool RGNFile::BitStream::read(int bits, quint32 &val)
return true;
bool RGNFile::BitStream::readDelta(int bits, int sign, bool extraBit,
bool RGNFile::BitStream::flush()
while (_length--)
if (!_file.readByte(_hdl, _data))
return false;
return true;
RGNFile::DeltaStream::DeltaStream(const SubFile &file, Handle &hdl,
quint32 length, quint8 info, bool extraBit, bool extended)
: BitStream(file, hdl, length), _lonBits(0), _latBits(0)
_extraBit = extraBit ? 1 : 0;
if (!(sign(_lonSign) && sign(_latSign)))
if (extended) {
quint32 b;
if (!read(1, b))
_lonBits = bitSize(info & 0x0F, !_lonSign, extraBit);
_latBits = bitSize(info >> 4, !_latSign, false);
bool RGNFile::DeltaStream::readDelta(int bits, int sign, int extraBit,
qint32 &delta)
quint32 value;
int bo = 0;
if (!read(bits, value))
return false;
if (extraBit) {
bo = 1;
value >>= extraBit;
if (!sign) {
qint32 signMask = 1 << (bits - bo - 1);
qint32 signMask = 1 << (bits - extraBit - 1);
if (value & signMask) {
qint32 comp = value ^ signMask;
if (comp)
delta = comp - signMask;
else {
qint32 other;
if (!readDelta(bits - bo, sign, false, other))
if (!readDelta(bits - extraBit, sign, false, other))
return false;
if (other < 0)
delta = 1 - signMask + other;
@ -73,7 +109,7 @@ bool RGNFile::BitStream::readDelta(int bits, int sign, bool extraBit,
return true;
bool RGNFile::BitStream::sign(int &val)
bool RGNFile::DeltaStream::sign(int &val)
quint32 bit;
val = 0;
@ -89,14 +125,6 @@ bool RGNFile::BitStream::sign(int &val)
return true;
bool RGNFile::BitStream::finish()
while (_length--)
if (!_file.readByte(_hdl, _data))
return false;
return true;
bool RGNFile::init()
@ -132,22 +160,6 @@ bool RGNFile::init()
return true;
static int bitSize(quint8 baseSize, bool variableSign, bool extraBit)
int bits = 2;
if (baseSize <= 9)
bits += baseSize;
bits += 2 * baseSize - 9;
if (variableSign)
if (extraBit)
return bits;
bool RGNFile::polyObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl, const SubDiv *subdiv,
const Segment &segment, LBLFile *lbl, Handle &lblHdl, NETFile *net,
Handle &netHdl, QList<IMG::Poly> *polys) const
@ -190,19 +202,14 @@ bool RGNFile::polyObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl, const SubDiv *subdiv,
br = br.united(c);
poly.points.append(QPointF(c.lon(), c.lat()));
BitStream bs(*this, hdl, len);
int lonSign, latSign;
if (!bs.sign(lonSign) || !bs.sign(latSign))
DeltaStream stream(*this, hdl, len, bitstreamInfo, labelPtr & 0x400000,
if (!stream.isValid())
return false;
bool extraBit = labelPtr & 0x400000;
int lonBits = bitSize(bitstreamInfo & 0x0F, !lonSign, extraBit);
int latBits = bitSize(bitstreamInfo >> 4, !latSign, false);
while (bs.hasNext(lonBits + latBits)) {
while (stream.hasNext()) {
qint32 lonDelta, latDelta;
if (!(bs.readDelta(lonBits, lonSign, extraBit, lonDelta)
&& bs.readDelta(latBits, latSign, false, latDelta)))
if (!(stream.readNext(lonDelta, latDelta)))
return false;
pos.rx() += lonDelta<<(24-subdiv->bits());
@ -212,7 +219,7 @@ bool RGNFile::polyObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl, const SubDiv *subdiv,
poly.points.append(QPointF(c.lon(), c.lat()));
br = br.united(c);
if (!bs.finish())
if (!stream.flush())
return false;
if (!rect.intersects(br))
@ -268,20 +275,13 @@ bool RGNFile::extPolyObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl,
br = br.united(c);
poly.points.append(QPointF(c.lon(), c.lat()));
BitStream bs(*this, hdl, len - 1);
int lonSign, latSign;
if (!bs.sign(lonSign) || !bs.sign(latSign))
DeltaStream stream(*this, hdl, len - 1, bitstreamInfo, false, true);
if (!stream.isValid())
return false;
quint32 extraBit;
bs.read(1, extraBit);
int lonBits = bitSize(bitstreamInfo & 0x0F, !lonSign, extraBit);
int latBits = bitSize(bitstreamInfo >> 4, !latSign, extraBit);
while (bs.hasNext(lonBits + latBits)) {
while (stream.hasNext()) {
qint32 lonDelta, latDelta;
if (!(bs.readDelta(lonBits, lonSign, false, lonDelta)
&& bs.readDelta(latBits, latSign, false, latDelta)))
if (!(stream.readNext(lonDelta, latDelta)))
return false;
pos.rx() += lonDelta<<(24-subdiv->bits());
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ bool RGNFile::extPolyObjects(const RectC &rect, Handle &hdl,
poly.points.append(QPointF(c.lon(), c.lat()));
br = br.united(c);
if (!bs.finish())
if (!stream.flush())
return false;
if (subtype & 0x20) {

View File

@ -60,11 +60,8 @@ private:
: _file(file), _hdl(hdl), _length(length), _remaining(0) {}
bool read(int bits, quint32 &val);
bool readDelta(int bits, int sign, bool extraBit, qint32 &delta);
bool sign(int &val);
bool hasNext(int bits) const
{return _length * 8 + _remaining >= (quint32)bits;}
bool finish();
bool flush();
quint64 bits() const {return _length * 8 + _remaining;}
const SubFile &_file;
@ -73,6 +70,26 @@ private:
quint8 _data;
class DeltaStream : public BitStream {
DeltaStream(const SubFile &file, Handle &hdl, quint32 length,
quint8 info, bool extraBit, bool extended);
bool isValid() const {return _lonBits && _latBits;}
bool hasNext() const
{return bits() >= _lonBits + _latBits;}
bool readNext(qint32 &lonDelta, qint32 &latDelta)
{return (readDelta(_lonBits, _lonSign, _extraBit, lonDelta)
&& readDelta(_latBits, _latSign, false, latDelta));}
bool sign(int &val);
bool readDelta(int bits, int sign, int extraBit, qint32 &delta);
int _lonSign, _latSign, _extraBit;
quint32 _lonBits, _latBits;
bool init();
QVector<Segment> segments(Handle &hdl, const SubDiv *subdiv) const;