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synced 2025-03-28 09:18:26 +01:00
Removed obsolete translations strings
This commit is contained in:
@ -868,10 +868,6 @@
<source>CRS directory:</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Directori GCS/PCS:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1348,14 +1344,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Seleccioneu la projecció adequada dels mapes sense una definició de projecció (JNX, KMZ i mapes del món).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Seleccioneu la projecció desitjada de mapes vectorials (mapes IMG i Mapsforge). La projecció ha de ser vàlida per a tota l'àrea del mapa.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="70"/>
<source>Select the proper coordinate reference system (CRS) of maps without a CRS definition (JNX, KMZ and World file maps).</source>
@ -764,10 +764,6 @@
<source>Left Click</source>
<translation>Levý klik myši</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Adresář s GCS/PCS daty:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1720,14 +1716,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Projekce map u kterých není informace o projekci uvedena (JNX, KMZ a World-file soubory).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Projekce vektorových map (IMG a Mapsforge). Projekce musí být platná přes celou oblast mapy.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="172"/>
<source>Area border width:</source>
@ -907,10 +907,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS/PSC-mappe:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="944"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="947"/>
@ -1913,14 +1909,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Vælg den korrekte projektion for kort uden en projektionsdefinition (JNX-, KMZ- og world file-kort).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Vælg den ønskede projektion af vektorkort (IMG- og Mapsforge-kort). Projektionen skal være gyldig for hele kortområdet.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="758"/>
<source>DEM cache size:</source>
@ -776,10 +776,6 @@
<source>Left Click</source>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS/PCS-Verzeichnis:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1719,14 +1715,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Wählen Sie die richtige Projektion von Karten, die keine Projektionsinformation enthalten (JNX, KMZ und World-File Karten).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Wählen Sie die gewünschte Projektion von Vektorkarten (IMG und Mapsforge-Karten). Die Projektion muss im gesamten Kartenbereich gültig sein.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="172"/>
<source>Area border width:</source>
@ -884,10 +884,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<translation>Dosierujo kun POI:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Dosierujo kun GCS/PCS:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -884,10 +884,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<translation>Carpeta de POI:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Carpeta de GCS/PCS:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -764,10 +764,6 @@
<source>Left Click</source>
<translation>Vasen painallus</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS/PCS:n hakemisto:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1719,14 +1715,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Valitse oikea karttojen projektio ilman projektion määritelmää (JNX, KMZ ja maailman tiedostokartat).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Valitse haluttu vektorikarttojen projektio (IMG- ja Mapsforge-kartat). Heijastuksen on oltava voimassa koko kartan alueella.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="172"/>
<source>Area border width:</source>
@ -776,10 +776,6 @@
<source>Left Click</source>
<translation>Clic gauche</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Dossiers GCS/PCS :</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1719,14 +1715,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Choisir la projection des cartes sans définition de projection (cartes JNX, KMZ ou world file).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Choisir la projection des cartes vectorielles (cartes IMG ou Mapsforge). La projection doit être valide sur l'étendue de la carte.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="172"/>
<source>Area border width:</source>
@ -884,10 +884,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<translation>POI mappa:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS/PCS mappa:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1367,14 +1363,6 @@
<source>Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry.</source>
<translation>A nem HiDPI térképek változatlan formában töltődnek be. A térképobjektumok a várt méretűek, de a térkép kissé homályos lesz.</translation>
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Válaszd ki a térképek megfelelő vetületét vetületi definíció nélkül (JNX, KMZ és világ fájltérképek).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Válaszd ki a vektortérképek kívánt vetületét (IMG és Mapsforge térképek). A vetületnek a térkép teljes területén érvényesnek kell lennie.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="95"/>
@ -884,10 +884,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<translation>Cartella POI:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Cartella GCS/PCS:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -868,10 +868,6 @@
<source>CRS directory:</source>
<translation>CRS 디렉토리:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS/PCS 디렉터리:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1347,14 +1343,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">투영 정의가 없는 지도의 적절한 투영(JNX, KMZ 및 월드 파일 지도)을 선택합니다.</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">원하는 벡터 맵 투영 (IMG 및 Mapsorge 지도)을 선택합니다. 투영은 전체 지도 영역에 대해 유효해야 합니다.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="70"/>
<source>Select the proper coordinate reference system (CRS) of maps without a CRS definition (JNX, KMZ and World file maps).</source>
@ -907,10 +907,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS-/PCS-mappe:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="944"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="947"/>
@ -1390,14 +1386,6 @@
<source>Track width:</source>
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Velg riktig projeksjon for kart uten projeksjonsdefinisjon (JNX, KMZ og World-file kart).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Velg ønsket projeksjon for vektorkart (IMG og Mapsforge-kart). Projeksjonen må være gyldig for hele kartområdet.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="95"/>
@ -764,10 +764,6 @@
<source>Left Click</source>
<translation>Lewy przycisk myszy</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Katalog plików GCS/PCS:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1720,14 +1716,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Wybierz odpowiednie odwzorowanie map bez definicji odwzorowania (mapy JNX, KMZ i plików świata).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Wybierz żądane odwzorowanie map wektorowych (mapy IMG i Mapsforge). Rzut musi obowiązywać dla całego obszaru mapy.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="172"/>
<source>Area border width:</source>
@ -884,10 +884,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<translation>Diretório de POI:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Diretório de GCS/PCS:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -764,10 +764,6 @@
<source>Left Click</source>
<translation>Левый клик мышью</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Каталог с GCS/PCS:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1720,14 +1716,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Выберите правильную проекцию для карт без определённой проекции (JNX, KMZ и карты с world-файлом).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Выберите необходимую проекцию для векторных карт (карты IMG и Mapsforge). Проекция должна быть действительна на всей области карты.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="172"/>
<source>Area border width:</source>
@ -776,10 +776,6 @@
<source>Left Click</source>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS-/PCS-mapp:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1719,14 +1715,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Välj rätt projektion för kartor utan projektionsdefinition (JNX-, KMZ- och världskartor).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Välj önskad projektion för vektorkartor (IMG- och Mapsforge-kartor). Projektionen måste vara giltig för hela kartområdet.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="172"/>
<source>Area border width:</source>
@ -884,10 +884,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<translation>POI dizini:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS/PCS dizini:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1389,14 +1385,6 @@
<source>Track width:</source>
<translation>İz genişliği:</translation>
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">İz düşümü tanımı olmayan haritaların uygun iz düşümünü seçin (JNX, KMZ ve world file haritaları).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Vektör haritalarının (IMG ve Mapsforge haritaları) istenen iz düşümünü seçin. İz düşümü, tüm harita alanı için geçerli olmalıdır.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="95"/>
@ -884,10 +884,6 @@
<source>POI directory:</source>
<translation>Каталог POI:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">Каталог GCS/PCS:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1369,14 +1365,6 @@
<source>Non-HiDPI maps are loaded such as they are. Map objects have the expected size but the map is blurry.</source>
<translation>Не-HiDPI мапи завантажуються такими, якими вони є. Об’єкти на мапі мають очікуваний розмір, але сама мапа розмита та не чітка.</translation>
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">Оберіть правильну проекцію для карт без наявної проекції (карти JNX, KMZ і з world-файлу).</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Оберіть потрібну проекцію для векторних карт (карти IMG і Mapsforge). Проекція повинна бути дійсною для всієї області карти.</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="95"/>
@ -868,10 +868,6 @@
<source>CRS directory:</source>
<translation>CRS 目录:</translation>
<source>GCS/PCS directory:</source>
<translation type="vanished">GCS/PCS 目录:</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="909"/>
<location filename="../src/GUI/gui.cpp" line="927"/>
@ -1347,14 +1343,6 @@
<source>Select the proper projection of maps without a projection definition (JNX, KMZ and world file maps).</source>
<translation type="vanished">为无投影定义地图选择适当的投影(JNX、KMZ 和 world file 地图)。</translation>
<source>Select the desired projection of vector maps (IMG and Mapsforge maps). The projection must be valid for the whole map area.</source>
<translation type="vanished">为矢量地图(IMG和Mapsforge地图)选择所需的投影。该投影对整个地图区域有效。</translation>
<location filename="../src/GUI/optionsdialog.cpp" line="70"/>
<source>Select the proper coordinate reference system (CRS) of maps without a CRS definition (JNX, KMZ and World file maps).</source>
Reference in New Issue
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