#include #include #include #include #include "common/rectc.h" #include "common/range.h" #include "common/wgs84.h" #include "IMG/imgdata.h" #include "IMG/gmapdata.h" #include "IMG/rastertile.h" #include "IMG/demtree.h" #include "osm.h" #include "pcs.h" #include "rectd.h" #include "imgmap.h" using namespace IMG; #define EPSILON 1e-6 #define TILE_SIZE 384 #define DELTA 1e-3 static RectC limitBounds(const RectC &bounds, const Projection &proj) { /* Limit the bounds for some well known projections (world maps have N/S bounds up to 90/-90!) */ if (proj == PCS::pcs(3857) || proj == PCS::pcs(3395)) return bounds & OSM::BOUNDS; else if (proj == PCS::pcs(3031) || proj == PCS::pcs(3976)) return bounds & RectC(Coordinates(-180, -60), Coordinates(180, -90)); else if (proj == PCS::pcs(3995) || proj == PCS::pcs(3413)) return bounds & RectC(Coordinates(-180, 90), Coordinates(180, 60)); else return bounds; } static QList overlays(const QString &fileName) { QList list; for (int i = 1; i < 32; i++) { QString ol(fileName + "." + QString::number(i)); if (QFileInfo(ol).isFile()) { MapData *data = new IMGData(ol); if (data->isValid()) list.append(data); else { qWarning("%s: %s", qPrintable(data->fileName()), qPrintable(data->errorString())); delete data; } } else break; } return list; } IMGMap::IMGMap(const QString &fileName, bool GMAP, QObject *parent) : Map(fileName, parent), _projection(PCS::pcs(3857)), _tileRatio(1.0), _valid(false) { if (GMAP) _data.append(new GMAPData(fileName)); else { _data.append(new IMGData(fileName)); _data.append(overlays(fileName)); } if (!_data.first()->isValid()) { _errorString = _data.first()->errorString(); return; } _zoom = _data.first()->zooms().min(); _valid = true; } void IMGMap::load(const Projection &in, const Projection &out, qreal devicelRatio, bool hidpi) { Q_UNUSED(in); Q_UNUSED(hidpi); _tileRatio = devicelRatio; _projection = out; _dataBounds = limitBounds(_data.first()->bounds(), _projection); for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) _data.at(i)->load(devicelRatio); updateTransform(); QPixmapCache::clear(); } void IMGMap::unload() { cancelJobs(true); for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) _data.at(i)->clear(); } int IMGMap::zoomFit(const QSize &size, const RectC &rect) { const Range &zooms = _data.first()->zooms(); if (rect.isValid()) { RectD pr(rect, _projection, 10); _zoom = zooms.min(); for (int i = zooms.min() + 1; i <= zooms.max(); i++) { Transform t(transform(i)); QRectF r(t.proj2img(pr.topLeft()), t.proj2img(pr.bottomRight())); if (size.width() + EPSILON < r.width() || size.height() + EPSILON < r.height()) break; _zoom = i; } } else _zoom = zooms.max(); updateTransform(); return _zoom; } int IMGMap::zoomIn() { cancelJobs(false); _zoom = qMin(_zoom + 1, _data.first()->zooms().max()); updateTransform(); return _zoom; } int IMGMap::zoomOut() { cancelJobs(false); _zoom = qMax(_zoom - 1, _data.first()->zooms().min()); updateTransform(); return _zoom; } void IMGMap::setZoom(int zoom) { _zoom = zoom; updateTransform(); } Transform IMGMap::transform(int zoom) const { double scale = _projection.isGeographic() ? 360.0 / (1< &tiles = _jobs.at(i)->tiles(); for (int j = 0; j < tiles.size(); j++) if (tiles.at(j).key() == key) return true; } return false; } void IMGMap::runJob(IMGMapJob *job) { _jobs.append(job); connect(job, &IMGMapJob::finished, this, &IMGMap::jobFinished); job->run(); } void IMGMap::removeJob(IMGMapJob *job) { _jobs.removeOne(job); job->deleteLater(); } void IMGMap::jobFinished(IMGMapJob *job) { const QList &tiles = job->tiles(); for (int i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++) { const IMG::RasterTile &mt = tiles.at(i); if (!mt.pixmap().isNull()) QPixmapCache::insert(mt.key(), mt.pixmap()); } removeJob(job); emit tilesLoaded(); } void IMGMap::cancelJobs(bool wait) { for (int i = 0; i < _jobs.size(); i++) _jobs.at(i)->cancel(wait); } void IMGMap::draw(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect, Flags flags) { QPointF tl(floor(rect.left() / TILE_SIZE) * TILE_SIZE, floor(rect.top() / TILE_SIZE) * TILE_SIZE); QSizeF s(rect.right() - tl.x(), rect.bottom() - tl.y()); int width = ceil(s.width() / TILE_SIZE); int height = ceil(s.height() / TILE_SIZE); QList tiles; for (int n = 0; n < _data.size(); n++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { QPixmap pm; QPoint ttl(tl.x() + i * TILE_SIZE, tl.y() + j * TILE_SIZE); QString key(_data.at(n)->fileName() + "-" + QString::number(_zoom) + "_" + QString::number(ttl.x()) + "_" + QString::number(ttl.y())); if (isRunning(key)) continue; if (QPixmapCache::find(key, &pm)) painter->drawPixmap(ttl, pm); else { tiles.append(RasterTile(_projection, _transform, _data.at(n), _zoom, QRect(ttl, QSize(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)), _tileRatio, key, !n && flags & Map::HillShading, flags & Map::Rasters, flags & Map::Vectors)); } } } } if (!tiles.isEmpty()) { if (flags & Map::Block) { QFuture future = QtConcurrent::map(tiles, &RasterTile::render); future.waitForFinished(); for (int i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++) { const RasterTile &mt = tiles.at(i); const QPixmap &pm = mt.pixmap(); painter->drawPixmap(mt.xy(), pm); QPixmapCache::insert(mt.key(), pm); } } else runJob(new IMGMapJob(tiles)); } } double IMGMap::elevation(const Coordinates &c) { MapData *d = _data.first(); if (d->hasDEM()) { QList tiles; d->elevations(RectC(c, Coordinates(c.lon() + DELTA, c.lat() - DELTA)), d->zooms().max(), &tiles); DEMTree tree(tiles); return tree.elevation(c); } else return Map::elevation(c); } Map* IMGMap::createIMG(const QString &path, const Projection &proj, bool *isDir) { Q_UNUSED(proj); if (isDir) *isDir = false; return new IMGMap(path, false); } Map* IMGMap::createGMAP(const QString &path, const Projection &proj, bool *isDir) { Q_UNUSED(proj); if (isDir) *isDir = true; return new IMGMap(path, true); }