#include #include #include "csv.h" #include "cupparser.h" enum SegmentType { Header, Waypoints, Tasks }; static double latitude(const QString &str) { bool ok; if (str.length() != 9) return NAN; int deg = str.left(2).toInt(&ok); if (!ok || deg > 90) return NAN; double min = str.mid(2, 6).toDouble(&ok); if (!ok || min > 60) return NAN; double dd = deg + min/60.0; return (str.right(1) == "S") ? -dd : dd; } static double longitude(const QString &str) { bool ok; if (str.length() != 10) return NAN; int deg = str.left(3).toInt(&ok); if (!ok || deg > 180) return NAN; double min = str.mid(3, 6).toDouble(&ok); if (!ok || min > 60) return NAN; double dd = deg + min/60.0; return (str.right(1) == "W") ? -dd : dd; } static double elevation(const QString &str) { bool ok; double ele; if (str.right(2) == "ft") ele = str.left(str.length() - 2).toDouble(&ok) * 0.3048; else if (str.right(1) == "m") ele = str.left(str.length() - 1).toDouble(&ok); else return NAN; return ok ? ele : NAN; } bool CUPParser::waypoint(const QStringList &entry, QVector &waypoints) { if (entry.size() < 11) { _errorString = "Invalid number of fields"; return false; } double lon = longitude(entry.at(4)); if (std::isnan(lon)) { _errorString = "Invalid longitude"; return false; } double lat = latitude(entry.at(3)); if (std::isnan(lat)) { _errorString = "Invalid latitude"; return false; } Waypoint wp(Coordinates(lon, lat)); wp.setName(entry.at(0)); wp.setDescription(entry.at(10)); wp.setElevation(elevation(entry.at(5))); waypoints.append(wp); return true; } bool CUPParser::task(const QStringList &entry, const QVector &waypoints, QList &routes) { if (entry.size() < 3) { _errorString = "Invalid number of fields"; return false; } RouteData r; r.setName(entry.at(0)); for (int i = 1; i < entry.size(); i++) { Waypoint w; for (int j = 0; j < waypoints.size(); j++) { if (waypoints.at(j).name() == entry.at(i)) { w = waypoints.at(j); break; } } if (w.coordinates().isNull()) { _errorString = entry.at(i) + ": unknown turnpoint"; return false; } r.append(w); } routes.append(r); return true; } bool CUPParser::parse(QFile *file, QList &tracks, QList &routes, QList &polygons, QVector &waypoints) { Q_UNUSED(tracks); Q_UNUSED(polygons); CSV csv(file); QStringList entry; SegmentType segment = Header; while (!csv.atEnd()) { if (!csv.readEntry(entry)) { _errorString = "CSV parse error"; _errorLine = csv.line(); return false; } if (segment == Header) { segment = Waypoints; if (entry.size() >= 11 && entry.at(3) == "lat" && entry.at(4) == "lon") { entry.clear(); continue; } } else if (segment == Waypoints && entry.size() == 1 && entry.at(0) == "-----Related Tasks-----") { segment = Tasks; entry.clear(); continue; } if (segment == Waypoints) { if (!waypoint(entry, waypoints)) return false; } else if (segment == Tasks) { if (entry.at(0) != "Options" && !entry.at(0).startsWith("ObsZone=") && !task(entry, waypoints, routes)) return false; } entry.clear(); _errorLine = csv.line(); } return true; }