#include #include #include #include #include #include "common/programpaths.h" #include "style.h" using namespace Mapsforge; static QString resourcePath(const QString &src, const QString &dir) { QUrl url(src); if (url.scheme().isEmpty()) return src; else return dir + "/" + url.toLocalFile(); } static QImage image(const QString &path, int width, int height, int percent, qreal ratio) { QImageReader ir(path, "svg"); if (ir.canRead()) { QSize s(ir.size()); if (!height && !width) { height = 20; width = 20; } else if (!width) { width = s.height() / (s.height() / (double)height); } else if (!height) height = s.width() / (s.width() / (double)width); if (percent != 100) { width *= percent / 100.0; height *= percent / 100.0; } ir.setScaledSize(QSize(width * ratio, height * ratio)); QImage img(ir.read()); img.setDevicePixelRatio(ratio); return img; } else return QImage(path); } static QList keyList(const MapData &data, const QList &in) { QList out; for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) { if (in.at(i) == "*") out.append(0); else { unsigned key = data.tagId(in.at(i)); if (key) out.append(key); } } return out; } static QList valList(const QList &in) { QList out; for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) { if (in.at(i) == "*") out.append(QByteArray()); else out.append(in.at(i)); } return out; } const Style::Menu::Layer *Style::Menu::findLayer(const QString &id) const { for (int i = 0; i < _layers.size(); i++) if (_layers.at(i).id() == id) return &_layers.at(i); qWarning("%s: layer not found", qPrintable(id)); return 0; } void Style::Menu::addCats(const Layer *layer, QSet &cats) const { if (!layer) return; if (!layer->parent().isNull()) addCats(findLayer(layer->parent()), cats); for (int i = 0; i < layer->cats().size(); i++) cats.insert(layer->cats().at(i)); for (int i = 0; i < layer->overlays().size(); i++) { const Layer *overlay = findLayer(layer->overlays().at(i)); if (overlay && overlay->enabled()) addCats(overlay, cats); } } QSet Style::Menu::cats() const { QSet c; addCats(findLayer(_defaultvalue), c); return c; } Style::Rule::Filter::Filter(const MapData &data, const QList &keys, const QList &vals) : _neg(false) { _keys = keyList(data, keys); QList vc(vals); if (vc.removeAll("~")) _neg = true; _vals = valList(vc); } bool Style::Rule::match(const QVector &tags) const { for (int i = 0; i < _filters.size(); i++) if (!_filters.at(i).match(tags)) return false; return true; } bool Style::Rule::match(bool closed, const QVector &tags) const { Closed cl = closed ? YesClosed : NoClosed; if (_closed && cl != _closed) return false; for (int i = 0; i < _filters.size(); i++) if (!_filters.at(i).match(tags)) return false; return true; } bool Style::Rule::match(int zoom, bool closed, const QVector &tags) const { Closed cl = closed ? YesClosed : NoClosed; if (!_zooms.contains(zoom)) return false; if (_closed && cl != _closed) return false; for (int i = 0; i < _filters.size(); i++) if (!_filters.at(i).match(tags)) return false; return true; } bool Style::Rule::match(int zoom, const QVector &tags) const { if (!_zooms.contains(zoom)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < _filters.size(); i++) if (!_filters.at(i).match(tags)) return false; return true; } void Style::area(QXmlStreamReader &reader, const QString &dir, qreal ratio, qreal baseStrokeWidth, const Rule &rule) { PathRender ri(rule, _paths.size() + _circles.size() + _hillShading.isValid()); const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); QString file; QColor fillColor; int height = 0, width = 0, percent = 100; bool ok; ri._area = true; if (attr.hasAttribute("fill")) fillColor = QColor(attr.value("fill").toString()); if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke")) ri._strokeColor = QColor(attr.value("stroke").toString()); if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke-width")) { ri._strokeWidth = attr.value("stroke-width").toFloat(&ok) * baseStrokeWidth; if (!ok || ri._strokeWidth < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid stroke-width value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("scale")) { QString scale(attr.value("scale").toString()); if (scale == "all") ri._scale = PathRender::Scale::All; else if (scale == "none") ri._scale = PathRender::Scale::None; } if (attr.hasAttribute("src")) file = resourcePath(attr.value("src").toString(), dir); if (attr.hasAttribute("symbol-height")) { height = attr.value("symbol-height").toInt(&ok); if (!ok || height < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid symbol-height value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("symbol-width")) { width = attr.value("symbol-width").toInt(&ok); if (!ok || width < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid symbol-width value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("symbol-percent")) { percent = attr.value("symbol-percent").toInt(&ok); if (!ok || percent < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid symbol-percent value"); return; } } if (!file.isNull()) ri._brush = QBrush(image(file, width, height, percent, ratio)); else if (fillColor.isValid()) ri._brush = QBrush(fillColor); if (ri.rule()._type == Rule::AnyType || ri.rule()._type == Rule::WayType) _paths.append(ri); reader.skipCurrentElement(); } void Style::line(QXmlStreamReader &reader, qreal baseStrokeWidth, const Rule &rule) { PathRender ri(rule, _paths.size() + _circles.size() + _hillShading.isValid()); const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); bool ok; ri._brush = Qt::NoBrush; if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke")) ri._strokeColor = QColor(attr.value("stroke").toString()); if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke-width")) { ri._strokeWidth = attr.value("stroke-width").toFloat(&ok) * baseStrokeWidth; if (!ok || ri._strokeWidth < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid stroke-width value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke-dasharray")) { QStringList l(attr.value("stroke-dasharray").toString().split(',')); ri._strokeDasharray.resize(l.size()); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { ri._strokeDasharray[i] = l.at(i).toDouble(&ok); if (!ok || ri._strokeDasharray[i] < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid stroke-dasharray value"); return; } } } if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke-linecap")) { QString cap(attr.value("stroke-linecap").toString()); if (cap == "butt") ri._strokeCap = Qt::FlatCap; else if (cap == "round") ri._strokeCap = Qt::RoundCap; else if (cap == "square") ri._strokeCap = Qt::SquareCap; } if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke-linejoin")) { QString join(attr.value("stroke-linejoin").toString()); if (join == "miter") ri._strokeJoin = Qt::MiterJoin; else if (join == "round") ri._strokeJoin = Qt::RoundJoin; else if (join == "bevel") ri._strokeJoin = Qt::BevelJoin; } if (attr.hasAttribute("scale")) { QString scale(attr.value("scale").toString()); if (scale == "all") ri._scale = PathRender::Scale::All; else if (scale == "none") ri._scale = PathRender::Scale::None; } if (attr.hasAttribute("curve")) { QString curve(attr.value("curve").toString()); if (curve == "cubic") ri._curve = true; } if (attr.hasAttribute("dy")) { ri._dy = attr.value("dy").toDouble(&ok) * baseStrokeWidth; if (!ok) { reader.raiseError("invalid dy value"); return; } } if (ri.rule()._type == Rule::AnyType || ri.rule()._type == Rule::WayType) _paths.append(ri); reader.skipCurrentElement(); } void Style::circle(QXmlStreamReader &reader, qreal baseStrokeWidth, const Rule &rule) { CircleRender ri(rule, _paths.size() + _circles.size() + _hillShading.isValid()); const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); bool ok; QColor fillColor, strokeColor; qreal strokeWidth = 0; if (attr.hasAttribute("fill")) fillColor = QColor(attr.value("fill").toString()); if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke")) strokeColor = QColor(attr.value("stroke").toString()); if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke-width")) { strokeWidth = attr.value("stroke-width").toFloat(&ok) * baseStrokeWidth; if (!ok || strokeWidth < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid stroke-width value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("radius")) { ri._radius = attr.value("radius").toDouble(&ok) * baseStrokeWidth; if (!ok || ri._radius <= 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid radius value"); return; } } else { reader.raiseError("missing radius"); return; } if (attr.hasAttribute("scale-radius")) { if (attr.value("scale-radius").toString() == "true") ri._scale = true; } ri._pen = (strokeColor.isValid() && strokeWidth > 0) ? QPen(QBrush(strokeColor), strokeWidth) : Qt::NoPen; ri._brush = fillColor.isValid() ? QBrush(fillColor) : Qt::NoBrush; if (ri.rule()._type == Rule::AnyType || ri.rule()._type == Rule::NodeType) _circles.append(ri); reader.skipCurrentElement(); } void Style::text(QXmlStreamReader &reader, const MapData &data, const Rule &rule, QList*> &lists) { TextRender ri(rule); const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); int fontSize = 9; bool bold = false, italic = false; QString fontFamily("Helvetica"); QFont::Capitalization capitalization = QFont::MixedCase; bool ok; if (attr.hasAttribute("k")) ri._key = data.tagId(attr.value("k").toLatin1()); if (attr.hasAttribute("fill")) ri._fillColor = QColor(attr.value("fill").toString()); if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke")) ri._strokeColor = QColor(attr.value("stroke").toString()); if (attr.hasAttribute("stroke-width")) { ri._strokeWidth = attr.value("stroke-width").toFloat(&ok); if (!ok || ri._strokeWidth < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid stroke-width value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("font-size")) { fontSize = attr.value("font-size").toFloat(&ok); if (!ok || fontSize < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid font-size value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("font-style")) { QString style(attr.value("font-style").toString()); if (style == "bold") bold = true; else if (style == "italic") italic = true; else if (style == "bold_italic") { bold = true; italic = true; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("font-family")) { QString family(attr.value("font-family").toString()); if (family == "monospace") fontFamily = "Courier New"; else if (family == "serif") fontFamily = "Times New Roman"; } if (attr.hasAttribute("text-transform")) { QString transform(attr.value("text-transform").toString()); if (transform == "uppercase") capitalization = QFont::AllUppercase; else if (transform == "lowercase") capitalization = QFont::AllLowercase; else if (transform == "capitalize") capitalization = QFont::Capitalize; } if (attr.hasAttribute("priority")) { ri._priority = attr.value("priority").toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { reader.raiseError("invalid priority value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("symbol-id")) ri._symbolId = attr.value("symbol-id").toString(); ri._font.setFamily(fontFamily); ri._font.setPixelSize(fontSize); ri._font.setBold(bold); ri._font.setItalic(italic); ri._font.setCapitalization(capitalization); if (fontSize) for (int i = 0; i < lists.size(); i++) lists[i]->append(ri); reader.skipCurrentElement(); } void Style::symbol(QXmlStreamReader &reader, const QString &dir, qreal ratio, const Rule &rule, QList &list) { Symbol ri(rule); const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); QString file; int height = 0, width = 0, percent = 100; bool ok; if (attr.hasAttribute("src")) file = resourcePath(attr.value("src").toString(), dir); else { reader.raiseError("missing src value"); return; } if (attr.hasAttribute("symbol-height")) { height = attr.value("symbol-height").toInt(&ok); if (!ok || height < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid symbol-height value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("symbol-width")) { width = attr.value("symbol-width").toInt(&ok); if (!ok || width < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid symbol-width value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("symbol-percent")) { percent = attr.value("symbol-percent").toInt(&ok); if (!ok || percent < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid symbol-percent value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("priority")) { ri._priority = attr.value("priority").toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { reader.raiseError("invalid priority value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("rotate")) { if (attr.value("rotate").toString() == "false") ri._rotate = false; } if (attr.hasAttribute("id")) ri._id = attr.value("id").toString(); ri._img = image(file, width, height, percent, ratio); list.append(ri); reader.skipCurrentElement(); } void Style::rule(QXmlStreamReader &reader, const QString &dir, const MapData &data, qreal ratio, qreal baseStrokeWidth, const QSet &cats, const Rule &parent) { Rule r(parent); const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); bool ok; if (attr.hasAttribute("cat") && !cats.contains(attr.value("cat").toString())) { reader.skipCurrentElement(); return; } if (attr.value("e").toString() == "way") r.setType(Rule::WayType); else if (attr.value("e").toString() == "node") r.setType(Rule::NodeType); if (attr.hasAttribute("zoom-min")) { r.setMinZoom(attr.value("zoom-min").toInt(&ok)); if (!ok || r._zooms.min() < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid zoom-min value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("zoom-max")) { r.setMaxZoom(attr.value("zoom-max").toInt(&ok)); if (!ok || r._zooms.max() < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid zoom-max value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("closed")) { if (attr.value("closed").toString() == "yes") r.setClosed(Rule::YesClosed); else if (attr.value("closed").toString() == "no") r.setClosed(Rule::NoClosed); } QList keys(attr.value("k").toLatin1().split('|')); QList vals(attr.value("v").toLatin1().split('|')); r.addFilter(Rule::Filter(data, keys, vals)); while (reader.readNextStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("rule")) rule(reader, dir, data, ratio, baseStrokeWidth, cats, r); else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("area")) area(reader, dir, ratio, baseStrokeWidth, r); else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("line")) line(reader, baseStrokeWidth, r); else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("circle")) circle(reader, baseStrokeWidth, r); else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("pathText")) { QList*> list; list.append(&_pathLabels); text(reader, data, r, list); } else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("caption")) { QList*> list; if (r._type == Rule::WayType || r._type == Rule::AnyType) list.append(&_areaLabels); if (r._type == Rule::NodeType || r._type == Rule::AnyType) list.append(&_pointLabels); text(reader, data, r, list); } else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("symbol")) symbol(reader, dir, ratio, r, _symbols); else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("lineSymbol")) symbol(reader, dir, ratio, r, _lineSymbols); else reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } void Style::hillshading(QXmlStreamReader &reader, const QSet &cats) { Rule r; const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); bool ok; int layer = 5; if (attr.hasAttribute("cat") && !cats.contains(attr.value("cat").toString())) { reader.skipCurrentElement(); return; } if (attr.hasAttribute("zoom-min")) { r.setMinZoom(attr.value("zoom-min").toInt(&ok)); if (!ok || r._zooms.min() < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid zoom-min value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("zoom-max")) { r.setMaxZoom(attr.value("zoom-max").toInt(&ok)); if (!ok || r._zooms.max() < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid zoom-max value"); return; } } if (attr.hasAttribute("layer")) { layer = attr.value("layer").toInt(&ok); if (!ok || layer < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid layer value"); return; } } _hillShading = HillShadingRender(r, _paths.size() + _circles.size(), layer); reader.skipCurrentElement(); } QString Style::cat(QXmlStreamReader &reader) { const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); if (!attr.hasAttribute("id")) { reader.raiseError("Missing id attribute"); return QString(); } QString id(attr.value("id").toString()); reader.skipCurrentElement(); return id; } Style::Menu::Layer Style::layer(QXmlStreamReader &reader) { const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); if (!attr.hasAttribute("id")) { reader.raiseError("Missing id attribute"); return Menu::Layer(); } Menu::Layer l(attr.value("id").toString(), attr.value("enabled").toString() == "true"); if (attr.hasAttribute("parent")) l.setParent(attr.value("parent").toString()); while (reader.readNextStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("cat")) l.addCat(cat(reader)); else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("overlay")) l.addOverlay(cat(reader)); else reader.skipCurrentElement(); } return l; } Style::Menu Style::stylemenu(QXmlStreamReader &reader) { const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); if (!attr.hasAttribute("defaultvalue")) { reader.raiseError("Missing defaultvalue attribute"); return Menu(); } Style::Menu menu(attr.value("defaultvalue").toString()); while (reader.readNextStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("layer")) menu.addLayer(layer(reader)); else reader.skipCurrentElement(); } return menu; } void Style::rendertheme(QXmlStreamReader &reader, const QString &dir, const MapData &data, qreal ratio) { Rule r; QSet cats; qreal baseStrokeWidth = 1.0; const QXmlStreamAttributes &attr = reader.attributes(); if (attr.hasAttribute("base-stroke-width")) { bool ok; baseStrokeWidth = attr.value("base-stroke-width").toFloat(&ok); if (!ok || baseStrokeWidth < 0) { reader.raiseError("invalid base-stroke-width value"); return; } } while (reader.readNextStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("rule")) rule(reader, dir, data, ratio, baseStrokeWidth, cats, r); else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("hillshading")) hillshading(reader, cats); else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("stylemenu")) { Menu menu(stylemenu(reader)); cats = menu.cats(); } else reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } bool Style::loadXml(const QString &path, const MapData &data, qreal ratio) { QFile file(path); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) return false; QXmlStreamReader reader(&file); QFileInfo fi(path); if (reader.readNextStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("rendertheme")) rendertheme(reader, fi.absolutePath(), data, ratio); else reader.raiseError("Not a Mapsforge style file"); } if (reader.error()) qWarning("%s:%lld %s", qPrintable(path), reader.lineNumber(), qPrintable(reader.errorString())); return !reader.error(); } void Style::load(const MapData &data, qreal ratio) { QString path(ProgramPaths::renderthemeFile()); if (!QFileInfo::exists(path) || !loadXml(path, data, ratio)) loadXml(":/mapsforge/default.xml", data, ratio); } void Style::clear() { _paths.clear(); _circles.clear(); _pathLabels.clear(); _pointLabels.clear(); _areaLabels.clear(); _symbols.clear(); _lineSymbols.clear(); } QList Style::paths(int zoom, bool closed, const QVector &tags) const { QList ri; for (int i = 0; i < _paths.size(); i++) if (_paths.at(i).rule().match(zoom, closed, tags)) ri.append(&_paths.at(i)); return ri; } QList Style::circles(int zoom, const QVector &tags) const { QList ri; for (int i = 0; i < _circles.size(); i++) if (_circles.at(i).rule().match(zoom, tags)) ri.append(&_circles.at(i)); return ri; } const Style::HillShadingRender *Style::hillShading(int zoom) const { return (_hillShading.isValid() && _hillShading.rule()._zooms.contains(zoom)) ? &_hillShading : 0; } QList Style::pathLabels(int zoom) const { QList list; for (int i = 0; i < _pathLabels.size(); i++) if (_pathLabels.at(i).rule()._zooms.contains(zoom)) list.append(&_pathLabels.at(i)); return list; } QList Style::pointLabels(int zoom) const { QList list; for (int i = 0; i < _pointLabels.size(); i++) if (_pointLabels.at(i).rule()._zooms.contains(zoom)) list.append(&_pointLabels.at(i)); return list; } QList Style::areaLabels(int zoom) const { QList list; for (int i = 0; i < _areaLabels.size(); i++) if (_areaLabels.at(i).rule()._zooms.contains(zoom)) list.append(&_areaLabels.at(i)); return list; } QList Style::pointSymbols(int zoom) const { QList list; for (int i = 0; i < _symbols.size(); i++) { const Symbol &symbol = _symbols.at(i); const Rule &rule = symbol.rule(); if (rule._zooms.contains(zoom) && (rule._type == Rule::AnyType || rule._type == Rule::NodeType)) list.append(&symbol); } return list; } QList Style::lineSymbols(int zoom) const { QList list; for (int i = 0; i < _lineSymbols.size(); i++) { const Symbol &symbol = _lineSymbols.at(i); if (symbol.rule()._zooms.contains(zoom)) list.append(&symbol); } return list; } QList Style::areaSymbols(int zoom) const { QList list; for (int i = 0; i < _symbols.size(); i++) { const Symbol &symbol = _symbols.at(i); const Rule &rule = symbol.rule(); if (rule._zooms.contains(zoom) && (rule._type == Rule::AnyType || rule._type == Rule::WayType)) list.append(&symbol); } return list; } QPen Style::PathRender::pen(int zoom) const { if (_strokeColor.isValid()) { qreal width = (_scale > None && zoom >= 12) ? pow(1.5, zoom - 12) * _strokeWidth : _strokeWidth; QPen p(QBrush(_strokeColor), width, Qt::SolidLine, _strokeCap, _strokeJoin); if (!_strokeDasharray.isEmpty()) { QVectorpattern(_strokeDasharray); for (int i = 0; i < _strokeDasharray.size(); i++) { if (_scale > Stroke && zoom >= 12) pattern[i] = (pow(1.5, zoom - 12) * pattern[i]); // QPainter pattern is specified in units of the pens width! pattern[i] /= width; } p.setDashPattern(pattern); } return p; } else return Qt::NoPen; } qreal Style::PathRender::dy(int zoom) const { return (_scale && zoom >= 12) ? pow(1.5, zoom - 12) * _dy : _dy; } qreal Style::CircleRender::radius(int zoom) const { return (_scale && zoom >= 12) ? pow(1.5, zoom - 12) * _radius : _radius; }