!include "MUI2.nsh" !include "x64.nsh" !include "WinVer.nsh" ; The name of the installer Name "GPXSee" ; Program version !define VERSION "5.16" ; The file to write OutFile "GPXSee-${VERSION}_x64.exe" ; Compression method SetCompressor /SOLID lzma ; Required execution level RequestExecutionLevel admin ; The default installation directory InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\GPXSee" ; Installer executable info VIProductVersion "${VERSION}.0.0" VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion" ${VERSION} VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "${VERSION}.0.0" VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "GPXSee" VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" "GPXSee project" VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "GPXSee installer (x64)" ; Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will ; overwrite the old one automatically) InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\GPXSee" "Install_Dir" ; Registry key for uninstaller !define REGENTRY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPXSee" ; File types registry entries !define REGGPX "GPXSee.gpx" !define REGTCX "GPXSee.tcx" !define REGKML "GPXSee.kml" !define REGFIT "GPXSee.fit" !define REGIGC "GPXSee.igc" !define REGNMEA "GPXSee.nmea" !define REGPLT "GPXSee.plt" !define REGRTE "GPXSee.rte" !define REGWPT "GPXSee.wpt" ; Start menu page configuration !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_ROOT "HKLM" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_KEY "Software\GPXSee" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "GPXSee" Var StartMenuFolder ;-------------------------------- ; Pages !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "licence.txt" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $StartMenuFolder !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES ;-------------------------------- ; Languages !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" Function .onInit ${IfNot} ${AtLeastWin7} MessageBox MB_OK "GPXSee can only be installed on Windows 7 or later." Abort ${EndIf} ${If} ${RunningX64} SetRegView 64 ${Else} MessageBox MB_OK "The 64b version of GPXSee can not be run on 32b systems." Abort ${EndIf} FunctionEnd ; The stuff to install Section "GPXSee" SEC_APP SectionIn RO ; Set output path to the installation directory SetOutPath $INSTDIR ; Put the files there File "gpxsee.exe" File /r "maps" File /r "csv" ; Create start menu entry and add links SetShellVarContext all !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\GPXSee.lnk" "$INSTDIR\gpxsee.exe" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END ; Create the uninstaller WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" ; Write the installation path into the registry DetailPrint "Registering application..." WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\GPXSee "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR" ; Write the uninstall keys for Windows WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGENTRY}" "DisplayName" "GPXSee (x64)" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGENTRY}" "Publisher" "Martin Tuma" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGENTRY}" "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGENTRY}" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"' WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${REGENTRY}" "NoModify" 1 WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${REGENTRY}" "NoRepair" 1 ; Associate file formats DetailPrint "Associating file types..." WriteRegStr HKCR ".gpx" "" "${REGGPX}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGGPX}" "" "GPS Exchange Format" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGGPX}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,2" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGGPX}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" WriteRegStr HKCR ".tcx" "" "${REGTCX}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGTCX}" "" "Training Center XML" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGTCX}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,3" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGTCX}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" WriteRegStr HKCR ".kml" "" "${REGKML}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGKML}" "" "Keyhole Markup Language" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGKML}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,4" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGKML}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" WriteRegStr HKCR ".fit" "" "${REGFIT}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGFIT}" "" "Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGFIT}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,5" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGFIT}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" WriteRegStr HKCR ".igc" "" "${REGIGC}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGIGC}" "" "Flight Recorder Data Format" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGIGC}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,6" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGIGC}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" WriteRegStr HKCR ".nmea" "" "${REGNMEA}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGNMEA}" "" "NMEA 0183 data" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGNMEA}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,7" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGNMEA}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" WriteRegStr HKCR ".plt" "" "${REGPLT}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGPLT}" "" "OziExplorer Track Point File" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGPLT}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,8" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGPLT}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" WriteRegStr HKCR ".rte" "" "${REGRTE}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGRTE}" "" "OziExplorer Route File" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGRTE}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,9" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGRTE}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" WriteRegStr HKCR ".wpt" "" "${REGWPT}" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGWPT}" "" "OziExplorer Waypoint File" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGWPT}\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe,1" WriteRegStr HKCR "${REGWPT}\shell\open\command" "" "$\"$INSTDIR\GPXSee.exe$\" $\"%1$\"" System::Call 'shell32.dll::SHChangeNotify(i, i, i, i) v (0x08000000, 0, 0, 0)' SectionEnd Section "QT framework" SEC_QT SectionIn RO File "Qt5Core.dll" File "Qt5Gui.dll" File "Qt5Widgets.dll" File "Qt5PrintSupport.dll" File "Qt5Network.dll" File /r "platforms" File /r "imageformats" File /r "printsupport" SectionEnd Section "MSVC runtime" SEC_MSVC SectionIn RO DetailPrint "Checking whether Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is already installed..." ReadRegDword $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\x64" "Installed" StrCmp $R0 "1" 0 +3 DetailPrint "Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is already installed, skipping install." Goto done DetailPrint "Installing Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable..." SetOutPath $TEMP File "vcredist_x64.exe" ExecWait '"$TEMP\vcredist_x64.exe" /install /quiet /norestart' SetOutPath $INSTDIR done: SectionEnd Section "OpenSSL" SEC_OPENSSL File "libeay32.dll" File "ssleay32.dll" SectionEnd Section "ANGLE" SEC_ANGLE File "libGLESv2.dll" File "libEGL.dll" File "D3DCompiler_47.dll" SectionEnd SectionGroup "Localization" SEC_LOCALIZATION Section "Czech" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\translations" File /oname=translations\gpxsee_cs.qm translations\gpxsee_cs.qm File /oname=translations\qt_cs.qm translations\qt_cs.qm SectionEnd Section "Finnish" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\translations" File /oname=translations\gpxsee_fi.qm translations\gpxsee_fi.qm File /oname=translations\qt_fi.qm translations\qt_fi.qm SectionEnd Section "French" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\translations" File /oname=translations\gpxsee_fr.qm translations\gpxsee_fr.qm File /oname=translations\qt_fr.qm translations\qt_fr.qm SectionEnd Section "German" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\translations" File /oname=translations\gpxsee_de.qm translations\gpxsee_de.qm File /oname=translations\qt_de.qm translations\qt_de.qm SectionEnd Section "Polish" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\translations" File /oname=translations\gpxsee_pl.qm translations\gpxsee_pl.qm File /oname=translations\qt_pl.qm translations\qt_pl.qm SectionEnd Section "Russian" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\translations" File /oname=translations\gpxsee_ru.qm translations\gpxsee_ru.qm File /oname=translations\qt_ru.qm translations\qt_ru.qm SectionEnd Section "Swedish" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\translations" File /oname=translations\gpxsee_sv.qm translations\gpxsee_sv.qm SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd ;-------------------------------- ; Uninstaller Section "Uninstall" ; Remove registry keys SetRegView 64 DeleteRegKey HKLM "${REGENTRY}" DeleteRegKey HKLM SOFTWARE\GPXSee ; Remove directories used RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" ; Remove Start menu entries SetShellVarContext all !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER Application $StartMenuFolder Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\*.*" RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder" ; Remove File associations DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGGPX}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".gpx" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGTCX}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".tcx" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGKML}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".kml" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGFIT}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".fit" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGIGC}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".igc" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGNMEA}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".nmea" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGPLT}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".plt" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGRTE}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".rte" DeleteRegKey HKCR "${REGWPT}" DeleteRegKey HKCR ".wpt" System::Call 'shell32.dll::SHChangeNotify(i, i, i, i) v (0x08000000, 0, 0, 0)' SectionEnd ;------------------------------- ;Descriptions ;Language strings LangString DESC_QT ${LANG_ENGLISH} \ "QT cross-platform application framework." LangString DESC_MSVC ${LANG_ENGLISH} \ "Visual C++ 2015 runtime components. If already installed, will be skipped." LangString DESC_OPENSSL ${LANG_ENGLISH} \ "OpenSSL library. Required for HTTPS to work." LangString DESC_ANGLE ${LANG_ENGLISH} \ "ANGLE (OpenGL via Direct3D). Enables OpenGL on systems without native OpenGL drivers." LangString DESC_APP ${LANG_ENGLISH} \ "GPXSee application" LangString DESC_LOCALIZATION ${LANG_ENGLISH} \ "Localization" ;Assign language strings to sections !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC_QT} $(DESC_QT) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC_OPENSSL} $(DESC_OPENSSL) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC_ANGLE} $(DESC_ANGLE) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC_MSVC} $(DESC_MSVC) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC_APP} $(DESC_APP) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC_LOCALIZATION} $(DESC_LOCALIZATION) !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END