#include "dem.h" #include "track.h" int Track::_elevationWindow = 3; int Track::_speedWindow = 5; int Track::_heartRateWindow = 3; int Track::_cadenceWindow = 3; int Track::_powerWindow = 3; bool Track::_automaticPause = true; qreal Track::_pauseSpeed = 0.5; int Track::_pauseInterval = 10; bool Track::_outlierEliminate = true; bool Track::_useReportedSpeed = false; bool Track::_useDEM = false; bool Track::_show2ndElevation = false; bool Track::_show2ndSpeed = false; bool Track::_useSegments = true; static qreal avg(const QVector &v) { qreal sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) sum += v.at(i); return sum/v.size(); } static qreal median(QVector &v) { qSort(v.begin(), v.end()); return v.at(v.size() / 2); } static qreal MAD(QVector &v, qreal m) { for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) v[i] = qAbs(v.at(i) - m); return median(v); } /* Modified Z-score (Iglewicz and Hoaglin) The acceleration data distribution has usualy a (much) higher kurtosis than the normal distribution thus a higher comparsion value than the usual 3.5 is required. */ static QSet eliminate(const QVector &v) { QSet rm; QVector w(v); qreal m = median(w); qreal M = MAD(w, m); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) if (qAbs((0.6745 * (v.at(i) - m)) / M) > 5.0) rm.insert(i); return rm; } static GraphSegment filter(const GraphSegment &g, int window) { if (g.size() < window || window < 2) return GraphSegment(g); qreal acc = 0; GraphSegment ret(g.size()); for (int i = 0; i < window; i++) acc += g.at(i).y(); for (int i = 0; i <= window/2; i++) ret[i] = GraphPoint(g.at(i).s(), g.at(i).t(), acc/window); for (int i = window/2 + 1; i < g.size() - window/2; i++) { acc += g.at(i + window/2).y() - g.at(i - (window/2 + 1)).y(); ret[i] = GraphPoint(g.at(i).s(), g.at(i).t(), acc/window); } for (int i = g.size() - window/2; i < g.size(); i++) ret[i] = GraphPoint(g.at(i).s(), g.at(i).t(), acc/window); return ret; } Track::Track(const TrackData &data) : _pause(0) { qreal ds, dt; if (_useSegments) _data = data; else { _data.append(SegmentData()); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) _data[0].append(data.at(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); _segments.append(Segment()); if (sd.isEmpty()) continue; // precompute distances, times, speeds and acceleration QVector acceleration; Segment &seg = _segments.last(); seg.distance.append(i && !_segments.at(i-1).distance.isEmpty() ? _segments.at(i-1).distance.last() : 0); seg.time.append(i && !_segments.at(i-1).time.isEmpty() ? _segments.at(i-1).time.last() : sd.first().hasTimestamp() ? 0 : NAN); seg.speed.append(sd.first().hasTimestamp() ? 0 : NAN); acceleration.append(sd.first().hasTimestamp() ? 0 : NAN); bool hasTime = !std::isnan(seg.time.first()); for (int j = 1; j < sd.size(); j++) { ds = sd.at(j).coordinates().distanceTo( sd.at(j-1).coordinates()); seg.distance.append(seg.distance.last() + ds); if (hasTime && sd.at(j).timestamp().isValid()) { if (sd.at(j).timestamp() > sd.at(j-1).timestamp()) dt = sd.at(j-1).timestamp().msecsTo( sd.at(j).timestamp()) / 1000.0; else { qWarning("%s: %s: time skew detected", qPrintable( _data.name()), qPrintable(sd.at(j).timestamp().toString( Qt::ISODate))); dt = 0; } } else { dt = NAN; if (hasTime) { qWarning("%s: missing timestamp(s), time graphs disabled", qPrintable(_data.name())); hasTime = false; for (int i = 0; i < seg.time.size(); i++) seg.time[i] = NAN; for (int i = 0; i < seg.speed.size(); i++) seg.speed[i] = NAN; } } seg.time.append(seg.time.last() + dt); if (dt < 1e-3) { seg.speed.append(seg.speed.last()); acceleration.append(acceleration.last()); } else { qreal v = ds / dt; qreal dv = v - seg.speed.last(); seg.speed.append(v); acceleration.append(dv / dt); } } if (!hasTime) continue; // get stop-points + pause duration int pauseInterval; qreal pauseSpeed; if (_automaticPause) { pauseSpeed = (avg(seg.speed) > 2.8) ? 0.40 : 0.15; pauseInterval = 10; } else { pauseSpeed = _pauseSpeed; pauseInterval = _pauseInterval; } int ss = 0, la = 0; for (int j = 1; j < seg.time.size(); j++) { if (seg.speed.at(j) > pauseSpeed) ss = -1; else if (ss < 0) ss = j-1; if (ss >= 0 && seg.time.at(j) > seg.time.at(ss) + pauseInterval) { int l = qMax(ss, la); _pause += seg.time.at(j) - seg.time.at(l); for (int k = l; k <= j; k++) seg.stop.insert(k); la = j; } } if (!_outlierEliminate) continue; // eliminate outliers seg.outliers = eliminate(acceleration); // stop-points can not be outliers QSet::const_iterator it; for (it = seg.stop.constBegin(); it != seg.stop.constEnd(); ++it) seg.outliers.remove(*it); // recompute distances (and dependand data) without outliers int last = 0; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) { if (seg.outliers.contains(j)) last++; else break; } for (int j = last + 1; j < sd.size(); j++) { if (seg.outliers.contains(j)) continue; if (discardStopPoint(seg, j)) { seg.distance[j] = seg.distance.at(last); seg.speed[j] = 0; } else { ds = sd.at(j).coordinates().distanceTo( sd.at(last).coordinates()); seg.distance[j] = seg.distance.at(last) + ds; dt = seg.time.at(j) - seg.time.at(last); seg.speed[j] = (dt < 1e-3) ? seg.speed.at(last) : ds / dt; } last = j; } } } Graph Track::gpsElevation() const { Graph ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) { if (!sd.at(j).hasElevation() || seg.outliers.contains(j)) continue; gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), sd.at(j).elevation())); } ret.append(filter(gs, _elevationWindow)); } return ret; } Graph Track::demElevation() const { Graph ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) { qreal dem = DEM::elevation(sd.at(j).coordinates()); if (std::isnan(dem) || seg.outliers.contains(j)) continue; gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), dem)); } ret.append(filter(gs, _elevationWindow)); } return ret; } GraphPair Track::elevation() const { if (_useDEM) { Graph dem(demElevation()); if (dem.isValid()) return GraphPair(dem, _show2ndElevation ? gpsElevation() : Graph()); else return GraphPair(gpsElevation(), Graph()); } else { Graph gps(gpsElevation()); if (gps.isValid()) return GraphPair(gps, _show2ndElevation ? demElevation() : Graph()); else return GraphPair(demElevation(), Graph()); } } Graph Track::computedSpeed() const { Graph ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; QList stop; qreal v; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) { if (seg.stop.contains(j) && !std::isnan(seg.speed.at(j))) { v = 0; stop.append(gs.size()); } else if (!std::isnan(seg.speed.at(j)) && !seg.outliers.contains(j)) v = seg.speed.at(j); else continue; gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), v)); } ret.append(filter(gs, _speedWindow)); GraphSegment &filtered = ret.last(); for (int j = 0; j < stop.size(); j++) filtered[stop.at(j)].setY(0); } return ret; } Graph Track::reportedSpeed() const { Graph ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; QList stop; qreal v; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) { if (seg.stop.contains(j) && sd.at(j).hasSpeed()) { v = 0; stop.append(gs.size()); } else if (sd.at(j).hasSpeed() && !seg.outliers.contains(j)) v = sd.at(j).speed(); else continue; gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), v)); } ret.append(filter(gs, _speedWindow)); GraphSegment &filtered = ret.last(); for (int j = 0; j < stop.size(); j++) filtered[stop.at(j)].setY(0); } return ret; } GraphPair Track::speed() const { if (_useReportedSpeed) { Graph reported(reportedSpeed()); if (reported.isValid()) return GraphPair(reported, _show2ndSpeed ? computedSpeed() : Graph()); else return GraphPair(computedSpeed(), Graph()); } else { Graph computed(computedSpeed()); if (computed.isValid()) return GraphPair(computed, _show2ndSpeed ? reportedSpeed() : Graph()); else return GraphPair(reportedSpeed(), Graph()); } } Graph Track::heartRate() const { Graph ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) if (sd.at(j).hasHeartRate() && !seg.outliers.contains(j)) gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), sd.at(j).heartRate())); ret.append(filter(gs, _heartRateWindow)); } return ret; } Graph Track::temperature() const { Graph ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; for (int j = 0; j < sd.count(); j++) { if (sd.at(j).hasTemperature() && !seg.outliers.contains(j)) gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), sd.at(j).temperature())); } ret.append(gs); } return ret; } Graph Track::ratio() const { Graph ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) if (sd.at(j).hasRatio() && !seg.outliers.contains(j)) gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), sd.at(j).ratio())); ret.append(gs); } return ret; } Graph Track::cadence() const { Graph ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; QList stop; qreal c; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) { if (sd.at(j).hasCadence() && seg.stop.contains(j)) { c = 0; stop.append(gs.size()); } else if (sd.at(j).hasCadence() && !seg.outliers.contains(j)) c = sd.at(j).cadence(); else continue; gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), c)); } ret.append(filter(gs, _cadenceWindow)); GraphSegment &filtered = ret.last(); for (int j = 0; j < stop.size(); j++) filtered[stop.at(j)].setY(0); } return ret; } Graph Track::power() const { Graph ret; QList stop; qreal p; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); GraphSegment gs; for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) { if (sd.at(j).hasPower() && seg.stop.contains(j)) { p = 0; stop.append(gs.size()); } else if (sd.at(j).hasPower() && !seg.outliers.contains(j)) p = sd.at(j).power(); else continue; gs.append(GraphPoint(seg.distance.at(j), seg.time.at(j), p)); } ret.append(filter(gs, _powerWindow)); GraphSegment &filtered = ret.last(); for (int j = 0; j < stop.size(); j++) filtered[stop.at(j)].setY(0); } return ret; } qreal Track::distance() const { for (int i = _segments.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); for (int j = seg.distance.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (!seg.outliers.contains(j)) return seg.distance.at(j); } return 0; } qreal Track::time() const { for (int i = _segments.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); for (int j = seg.time.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (!seg.outliers.contains(j)) return seg.time.at(j); } return 0; } qreal Track::movingTime() const { return (time() - _pause); } QDateTime Track::date() const { return (_data.size() && _data.first().size()) ? _data.first().first().timestamp() : QDateTime(); } Path Track::path() const { Path ret; for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { const SegmentData &sd = _data.at(i); if (sd.size() < 2) continue; const Segment &seg = _segments.at(i); ret.append(PathSegment()); PathSegment &ps = ret.last(); for (int j = 0; j < sd.size(); j++) if (!seg.outliers.contains(j) && !discardStopPoint(seg, j)) ps.append(PathPoint(sd.at(j).coordinates(), seg.distance.at(j))); } return ret; } bool Track::discardStopPoint(const Segment &seg, int i) const { return (seg.stop.contains(i) && seg.stop.contains(i-1) && seg.stop.contains(i+1) && i > 0 && i < seg.distance.size() - 1); } bool Track::isValid() const { for (int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) if (_data.at(i).size() >= 2) return true; return false; }