<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop">

	<summary>GPS log file viewer and analyzer</summary>
		<p>GPXSee is a GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports all common
		GPS log file formats.</p>

			<li>Opens GPX, TCX, FIT, KML, IGC, NMEA, SIGMA SLF, Suunto SML, LOC,
				OziExplorer (PLT, WPT, RTE), GeoJSON, SeeYou CUP,
				Garmin GPI &amp; CSV and geotagged JPEG files.</li>
			<li>User-definable online maps (OpenStreetMap/Google tiles, WMTS,
				WMS, TMS, QuadTiles).</li>
			<li>Offline maps (MBTiles, OziExplorer maps, TrekBuddy maps/atlases,
				TwoNav RMaps, Garmin IMG &amp; JNX, GeoTIFF images).</li>
			<li>Elevation, speed, heart rate, cadence, power, temperature and
				gear ratio graphs.</li>
			<li>Support for multiple tracks in one view.</li>
			<li>Support for POI files.</li>
			<li>Support for DEM files (SRTM HGT).</li>
			<li>Print/export to PDF.</li>
			<li>Full-screen mode.</li>
			<li>HiDPI/Retina displays &amp; maps support.</li>

		<screenshot type="default">


	<url type="homepage">http://www.gpxsee.org</url>

	<launchable type="desktop-id">gpxsee.desktop</launchable>

