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<p>GPXSee has a clean and effective GUI layout that does not waste your screen space
with unnecessary elements.</p>
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<p>GPXSee supports all main GPS log file formats, namely GPX, TCX, KML, FIT, IGC and NMEA.</p>
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<p>GPXSee supports a large variety of online maps as well as various offline map formats.</p>
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<h2>What is GPXSee?</h2>
<p>GPXSee is a GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports
GPX, TCX, KML, FIT, IGC and NMEA files.</p>
<h3>Key features</h3>
<li>User-definable online maps.</li>
<li>Offline maps (OziExplorer maps and TrekBuddy maps/atlases).</li>
<li>Elevation, speed, heart rate, cadence, power and temperature graphs.</li>
<li>Support for multiple tracks in one view.</li>
<li>Support for POI files.</li>
<li>Print/export to PDF.</li>
<li>Full-screen mode.</li>
<li>Native GUI (Qt) for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.</li>
<li>Opens GPX, TCX, FIT, KML, IGC, NMEA and Garmin CSV files.</li>
<li><b>Free software</b> (GPLv3 open-source license).</li>
<a name="maps"></a>
<h3>Online maps</h3>
<p>GPXSee supports most <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Mercator">Web Mercator</a>
based online maps out there, but the list of maps distributed with the official
packages is limited to those that are "freely distributable". You may however
easily override the default map list with your own list either by editing the
global map list file:</p>
<table class="config-files">
<td class="os">Windows:</td>
<td class="file">C:\Program Files\GPXSee\maps.txt</td>
<td class="os">Linux:</td>
<td class="file">/usr/share/gpxsee/maps.txt</td>
<td class="os">OS X:</td>
<td class="file">/Applications/GPXSee.app/Contents/Resources/maps.txt</td>
<p>or by overriding it with a user map list file:</p>
<table class="config-files">
<td class="os">Windows:</td>
<td class="file">%HOMEPATH%\GPXSee\maps.txt</td>
<td class="os">OS X, Linux:</td>
<td class="file">$HOME/.gpxsee/maps.txt</td>
<p>The file format is one map entry per line, consisting of the map name and
tiles URL delimited by a TAB character. The tile X and Y coordinates are
replaced with <code>$x</code> and <code>$y</code> in the URL and the zoom
level is replaced with <code>$z</code>. An example map file could look like:</p>
Map1 http://tile.server.com/map/$z/$x/$y.png
Map2 http://mapserver.org/map/$z-$x-$y
<h3>Offline maps</h3>
<p>OziExplorer maps and TrekBuddy maps/atlases are supported by GPXSee. You may
easily create offline atlases from online map services by using
<a href="http://mobac.sourceforge.net/">Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC)</a>.</p>
<p>Offline maps are loaded on program startup from the <code>maps</code>
directory in the same locations as the <code>maps.txt</code> file. The expected
structure is one map/atlas in a separate subdirectory. Supported map formats are
OziExplorer maps and TrekBuddy maps/atlases (tared and non-tared).
Supported map projections are Web Mercator, Transverse Mercator, UTM,
Lambert Conformal Conic, Albers Equal Area and Latitude/Longitude. For list of
supported datums see the <code>datums.csv</code> and <code>ellipsoids.csv</code>
configuration files (can be modified or overridden by user files like the map
list/map dir).</p>
<h2>POI files</h2>
<p>All of the supported formats with waypoints capability - GPX, KML, TCX, NMEA
and <a href="http://www.poi-factory.com/garmin-csv-file-format">Garmin CSV</a>
- can be loaded either as data files or as POI files. When a file is opened as
a POI file, only waypoints reasonable near the tracks/waypoints of the loaded
data files are displayed.</p>
<p>To make GPXSee load a POI file automatically on startup, add the file to the
<code>POI</code> directory in one of the configuration paths.</p>
<a name="download"></a>
<li><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/gpxsee/files/Source/">Sources</a></li>
<li><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/gpxsee/files/Windows/">Windows installer</a></li>
<li><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/gpxsee/files/Mac%20OS%20X/">Mac OS X bundle</a></li>
<li><a href="https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Atumic%3AGPXSee&amp;package=gpxsee">
Linux repos/packages</a></li>
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<div class="news-item">
<p class="date">Jul 11 2017</p>
<h4>Version 4.9</h4>
<li>Improved map switching (no more track resizing on map change).</li>
<li>Improved TARed TrekBuddy maps loading (now using TMI index files if available).</li>
<li>Optimized POI handling.</li>
<div class="news-item">
<p class="date">May 25 2017</p>
<h4>Version 4.8</h4>
<li>Added data filtering settings.</li>
<li>Fixed broken units handling in track info tooltips.</li>
<div class="news-item">
<p class="date">May 9 2017</p>
<h4>Version 4.7</h4>
<li>Fixed broken offline maps on southern hemisphere.</li>
<li>Fixed broken UTM zone setup on some offline maps.</li>
<li>Added support for OZF3 files.</li>
<li>Added support for Albers Equal-Area projection.</li>
<li>Added support for offline maps with projections defined as
British, Irish and Swedish grid and NZTM2000.</li>
<div class="news-item">
<p class="date">May 1 2017</p>
<h4>Version 4.6</h4>
<li>Fixed broken PDF export/printing (broken map scale/waypoints size).</li>
<li>Improved path projection performance when an atlas is used.</li>
<div class="news-item">
<p class="date">April 23 2017</p>
<h4>Version 4.5</h4>
<li>Added support for "runtime" loading of offline maps.</li>
<li>Fixed atlas zoom fitting.</li>
<li>Fixed various minor offline map loading issues.</li>
<div id="changelog-link">
<a href="https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/home:tumic:GPXSee/gpxsee/gpxsee.changes">Full changelog</a>
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