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2018-10-29 00:11:23 +01:00
package vector_tile;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
message Tile {
// GeomType is described in section 4.3.4 of the specification
enum GeomType {
POINT = 1;
// Variant type encoding
// The use of values is described in section 4.1 of the specification
message Value {
// Exactly one of these values must be present in a valid message
optional string string_value = 1;
optional float float_value = 2;
optional double double_value = 3;
optional int64 int_value = 4;
optional uint64 uint_value = 5;
optional sint64 sint_value = 6;
optional bool bool_value = 7;
extensions 8 to max;
// Features are described in section 4.2 of the specification
message Feature {
optional uint64 id = 1 [ default = 0 ];
// Tags of this feature are encoded as repeated pairs of
// integers.
// A detailed description of tags is located in sections
// 4.2 and 4.4 of the specification
repeated uint32 tags = 2 [ packed = true ];
// The type of geometry stored in this feature.
optional GeomType type = 3 [ default = UNKNOWN ];
// Contains a stream of commands and parameters (vertices).
// A detailed description on geometry encoding is located in
// section 4.3 of the specification.
repeated uint32 geometry = 4 [ packed = true ];
// Layers are described in section 4.1 of the specification
message Layer {
// Any compliant implementation must first read the version
// number encoded in this message and choose the correct
// implementation for this version number before proceeding to
// decode other parts of this message.
required uint32 version = 15 [ default = 1 ];
required string name = 1;
// The actual features in this tile.
repeated Feature features = 2;
// Dictionary encoding for keys
repeated string keys = 3;
// Dictionary encoding for values
repeated Value values = 4;
// Although this is an "optional" field it is required by the specification.
// See https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/issues/47
optional uint32 extent = 5 [ default = 4096 ];
extensions 16 to max;
repeated Layer layers = 3;
extensions 16 to 8191;