GPXSee online map definition files ready to use. Simply download the XML file and open it in GPXSee as a map file. To use the map permanently, copy the file to the "maps" directory as found under Help->Paths.
Some maps require API keys or user credentials. Such map definition files have a ".tpl" extension instead of the usual ".xml" extension. You must fill in the required info and rename the file before you can use it in GPXSee.
Antarctica |
BlueMarble - Antarctica |
Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica |
Slazav mountains |
Geographical Institute Tile (標準地図) |
TWTOPO-happyman |
TWTOPO-rudy |
Open Flighmaps | | |
Basemap AT Farbe |
Basemap AT Orthofoto |
BGMountains |
Digitalni ortofoto |
Topografska karta 25k |
Poloha.Net |
Prahou na kole |
ČÚZK - Ortofoto |
ČÚZK - Základní mapy |
SDFE - Ortofoto forår [TPL] |
SDFE - Skærmkort [TPL] |
Maa-amet Topo |
Cartes IGN |
Photographies aériennes |
Turistautak |
Iceland Atlas |
Iceland Landscape |
Iceland Map |
LGIA - topo |
PDOK OpenTopo |
PDOK Ortho25 2017 |
Jan Mayen Topography |
Svalbard Orthophoto |
Svalbard Satellite Imagery |
Svalbard Topography |
Topografisk Norgeskart |
GUGIK Mapa Topograficzna |
GUGIK Ortofotomapa |
UMP-pcPL |
GGC 1km |
GGC 250m |
GGC 2km |
GGC 500m |
O-sport | |
Races |
Slazav map |
Topo 1km |
Topo 250m |
Topo 500m |
Freemap Slovakia |
GKÚ - Ortofotomozaika |
Slovenia - DPK750 |
Slovenia - DTK50 |
Slovenia - ortofoto |
Cartografía raster del IGN |
ICV - Mapa topográfico |
IDECanarias Mapa Topográfico |
IDECanarias Orto |
IDENA - Mapa base |
IDENA - Mapa topográfico |
IDENA - Ortofoto |
Ortoimágenes de España |
Historiska ortofoton [TPL] |
Topografisk Webbkarta [TPL] |
OSM Switzerland |
OSM Switzerland Swiss Style |
Swisstopo - 25k |
Swisstopo - Landeskarte |
Swisstopo - Swissimage |
OS Leisure [TPL] |
OS Outdoor [TPL] |
OS Road [TPL] |
Canada - Toporama | - Sectional |
NOAA Marine Charts |
USGS Imagery |
USGS Topo |
NZ Topo Map 250 |
NZ Topo Map 50 |