#include #include "common/util.h" #include "igcparser.h" static bool readLat(const char *data, qreal &lat) { int d = Util::str2int(data, 2); int mi = Util::str2int(data + 2, 2); int mf = Util::str2int(data + 4, 3); if (d < 0 || mi < 0 || mf < 0) return false; if (!(data[7] == 'N' || data[7] == 'S')) return false; lat = d + (((qreal)mi + (qreal)mf/1000) / 60); if (lat > 90) return false; if (data[7] == 'S') lat = -lat; return true; } static bool readLon(const char *data, qreal &lon) { int d = Util::str2int(data, 3); int mi = Util::str2int(data + 3, 2); int mf = Util::str2int(data + 5, 3); if (d < 0 || mi < 0 || mf < 0) return false; if (!(data[8] == 'E' || data[8] == 'W')) return false; lon = d + (((qreal)mi + (qreal)mf/1000) / 60); if (lon > 180) return false; if (data[8] == 'W') lon = -lon; return true; } static bool readAltitude(const char *data, qreal &ele) { int ga; if (!(data[0] == 'A' || data[0] == 'V')) return false; if (data[6] == '-') { if ((ga = Util::str2int(data + 7, 4)) < 0) return false; ga = -ga; } else { if ((ga = Util::str2int(data + 6, 5)) < 0) return false; } if (data[0] == 'A') ele = (qreal)ga; else ele = NAN; return true; } static bool readTimestamp(const char *data, QTime &time) { int h = Util::str2int(data, 2); int m = Util::str2int(data + 2, 2); int s = Util::str2int(data + 4, 2); if (h < 0 || m < 0 || s < 0) return false; time = QTime(h, m, s); if (!time.isValid()) return false; return true; } static bool readARecord(const char *line, qint64 len) { /* The minimal A record length should be 7 according to the specification, but records with length of 6 exist in the wild */ if (len < 6 || line[0] != 'A') return false; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) if (!::isprint(line[i])) return false; return true; } bool IGCParser::readHRecord(CTX &ctx, const char *line, int len) { if (len < 11 || ::strncmp(line, "HFDTE", 5)) return true; int offset = (len < 16 || ::strncmp(line + 5, "DATE:", 5)) ? 5 : 10; int d = Util::str2int(line + offset, 2); int m = Util::str2int(line + offset + 2, 2); int y = Util::str2int(line + offset + 4, 2); if (y < 0 || m < 0 || d < 0) { _errorString = "Invalid date header format"; return false; } ctx.date = QDate(y + 2000 <= QDate::currentDate().year() ? 2000 + y : 1900 + y, m, d); if (!ctx.date.isValid()) { _errorString = "Invalid date"; return false; } return true; } bool IGCParser::readBRecord(CTX &ctx, const char *line, int len, SegmentData &segment) { qreal lat, lon, ele; QTime time; if (len < 35) return false; if (line[24] != 'A') return true; if (!readTimestamp(line + 1, time)) { _errorString = "Invalid timestamp"; return false; } if (!readLat(line + 7, lat)) { _errorString = "Invalid latitude"; return false; } if (!readLon(line + 15, lon)) { _errorString = "Invalid longitude"; return false; } if (!readAltitude(line + 24, ele)) { _errorString = "Invalid altitude"; return false; } if (time < ctx.time && !segment.isEmpty() && ctx.date == segment.last().timestamp().date()) ctx.date = ctx.date.addDays(1); ctx.time = time; Trackpoint t(Coordinates(lon, lat)); t.setTimestamp(QDateTime(ctx.date, ctx.time, Qt::UTC)); t.setElevation(ele); segment.append(t); return true; } bool IGCParser::readCRecord(const char *line, int len, RouteData &route) { qreal lat, lon; if (len < 18) return false; if (!readLat(line + 1, lat)) { _errorString = "Invalid latitude"; return false; } if (!readLon(line + 9, lon)) { _errorString = "Invalid longitude"; return false; } if (!(lat == 0 && lon == 0)) { QByteArray ba(line + 18, len - 19); Waypoint w(Coordinates(lon, lat)); w.setName(QString(ba.trimmed())); route.append(w); } return true; } bool IGCParser::parse(QFile *file, QList &tracks, QList &routes, QList &polygons, QVector &waypoints) { Q_UNUSED(waypoints); Q_UNUSED(polygons); qint64 len; char line[76 + 2 + 1 + 1]; bool route = false, track = false; CTX ctx; _errorLine = 1; _errorString.clear(); while (!file->atEnd()) { len = file->readLine(line, sizeof(line)); if (len < 0) { _errorString = "I/O error"; return false; } else if (len > (qint64)sizeof(line) - 1) { _errorString = "Line limit exceeded"; return false; } if (_errorLine == 1) { if (!readARecord(line, len)) { _errorString = "Invalid/missing A record"; return false; } } else { if (line[0] == 'H') { if (!readHRecord(ctx, line, len)) return false; } else if (line[0] == 'C') { if (route) { if (!readCRecord(line, len, routes.last())) return false; } else { route = true; routes.append(RouteData()); } } else if (line[0] == 'B') { if (ctx.date.isNull()) { /* The date H header is mandatory, but XCSOAR generates files without it, so add a dummy date in such case */ qWarning("%s: Missing date header", qPrintable(file->fileName())); ctx.date = QDate(1970, 1, 1); } if (!track) { tracks.append(SegmentData()); ctx.time = QTime(0, 0); track = true; } if (!readBRecord(ctx, line, len, tracks.last().last())) return false; } } _errorLine++; } return true; }