#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data/poi.h" #include "data/data.h" #include "map/map.h" #include "map/pcs.h" #include "trackitem.h" #include "routeitem.h" #include "waypointitem.h" #include "areaitem.h" #include "scaleitem.h" #include "coordinatesitem.h" #include "mapitem.h" #include "keys.h" #include "mapaction.h" #include "markerinfoitem.h" #include "crosshairitem.h" #include "motioninfoitem.h" #include "mapview.h" #define MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM 2 #define MIN_DIGITAL_ZOOM -3 #define MARGIN 10 #define SCALE_OFFSET 7 #define COORDINATES_OFFSET SCALE_OFFSET MapView::MapView(Map *map, POI *poi, QWidget *parent) : QGraphicsView(parent) { Q_ASSERT(map != 0); Q_ASSERT(poi != 0); _scene = new GraphicsScene(this); setScene(_scene); setDragMode(QGraphicsView::ScrollHandDrag); setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); setResizeAnchor(QGraphicsView::AnchorViewCenter); setAcceptDrops(false); viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); grabGesture(Qt::PinchGesture); _mapScale = new ScaleItem(); _mapScale->setZValue(2.0); _scene->addItem(_mapScale); _cursorCoordinates = new CoordinatesItem(); _cursorCoordinates->setZValue(2.0); _cursorCoordinates->setVisible(false); _scene->addItem(_cursorCoordinates); _deviceRatio = devicePixelRatioF(); _outputProjection = PCS::pcs(3857); _inputProjection = GCS::gcs(4326); _hidpi = true; _hillShading = true; _layers = Layer::Raster | Layer::Vector; _map = map; _map->load(_inputProjection, _outputProjection, _deviceRatio, _hidpi); connect(_map, &Map::tilesLoaded, this, &MapView::reloadMap); _poi = poi; connect(_poi, &POI::pointsChanged, this, &MapView::updatePOI); _positionSource = 0; _crosshair = new CrosshairItem(); _crosshair->setZValue(2.0); _crosshair->setVisible(false); _scene->addItem(_crosshair); _positionCoordinates = new CoordinatesItem(); _positionCoordinates->setZValue(2.0); _positionCoordinates->setVisible(false); _scene->addItem(_positionCoordinates); _motionInfo = new MotionInfoItem(); _motionInfo->setZValue(2.0); _motionInfo->setVisible(false); _scene->addItem(_motionInfo); _mapOpacity = 1.0; _backgroundColor = Qt::white; _markerColor = Qt::red; _showMap = false; _showTracks = false; _showRoutes = false; _showAreas = false; _showWaypoints = false; _showWaypointLabels = false; _showWaypointIcons = false; _showPOI = false; _showPOILabels = false; _showPOIIcons = false; _overlapPOIs = false; _showRouteWaypoints = false; _showMarkers = false; _markerInfoType = MarkerInfoItem::None; _showPathTicks = false; _trackWidth = 3; _routeWidth = 3; _trackStyle = Qt::SolidLine; _routeStyle = Qt::DashLine; _waypointSize = 8; _waypointColor = Qt::black; _poiSize = 8; _poiColor = Qt::black; _followPosition = false; _showPosition = false; _showPositionCoordinates = false; _showMotionInfo = false; _infoBackground = false; _opengl = false; _plot = false; _digitalZoom = 0; _pinchZoom = 0; _wheelDelta = 0; _res = _map->resolution(_map->bounds()); _scene->setSceneRect(_map->bounds()); centerOn(_scene->sceneRect().center()); } void MapView::centerOn(const QPointF &pos) { QGraphicsView::centerOn(pos); QRectF vr(mapToScene(viewport()->rect()).boundingRect()); _res = _map->resolution(vr); _mapScale->setResolution(_res); _cursorCoordinates->setCoordinates(Coordinates()); } PathItem *MapView::addTrack(const Track &track) { if (!track.isValid()) { skipColor(); return 0; } TrackItem *ti = new TrackItem(track, _map); _tracks.append(ti); _tr |= ti->path().boundingRect(); ti->setColor(_palette.nextColor()); ti->setWidth(_trackWidth); ti->setPenStyle(_trackStyle); ti->setVisible(_showTracks); ti->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); ti->setMarkerColor(_markerColor); ti->setMarkerBackgroundColor(_backgroundColor); ti->drawMarkerBackground(_infoBackground); ti->showMarker(_showMarkers); ti->showMarkerInfo(_markerInfoType); ti->showTicks(_showPathTicks); _scene->addItem(ti); if (_showTracks) addPOI(_poi->points(ti->path())); return ti; } PathItem *MapView::addRoute(const Route &route) { if (!route.isValid()) { skipColor(); return 0; } RouteItem *ri = new RouteItem(route, _map); _routes.append(ri); _rr |= ri->path().boundingRect(); ri->setColor(_palette.nextColor()); ri->setWidth(_routeWidth); ri->setPenStyle(_routeStyle); ri->setVisible(_showRoutes); ri->showWaypoints(_showRouteWaypoints); ri->showWaypointLabels(_showWaypointLabels); ri->showWaypointIcons(_showWaypointIcons); ri->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); ri->setMarkerColor(_markerColor); ri->setMarkerBackgroundColor(_backgroundColor); ri->drawMarkerBackground(_infoBackground); ri->showMarker(_showMarkers); ri->showMarkerInfo(_markerInfoType); ri->showTicks(_showPathTicks); _scene->addItem(ri); if (_showRoutes) addPOI(_poi->points(ri->path())); return ri; } void MapView::addArea(const Area &area) { if (!area.isValid()) { skipColor(); return; } AreaItem *ai = new AreaItem(area, _map); ai->setColor(_palette.nextColor()); ai->setWidth(_areaWidth); ai->setPenStyle(_areaStyle); ai->setOpacity(_areaOpacity); ai->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); ai->setVisible(_showAreas); ai->setZValue(-area.boundingRect().area()); _scene->addItem(ai); _ar |= ai->bounds(); _areas.append(ai); if (_showAreas) addPOI(_poi->points(ai->bounds())); } void MapView::addWaypoints(const QVector &waypoints) { for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.count(); i++) { const Waypoint &w = waypoints.at(i); WaypointItem *wi = new WaypointItem(w, _map); _waypoints.append(wi); _wr = _wr.united(wi->waypoint().coordinates()); wi->setZValue(1); wi->setSize(_waypointSize); wi->setColor(_waypointColor); wi->showLabel(_showWaypointLabels); wi->showIcon(_showWaypointIcons); wi->setVisible(_showWaypoints); wi->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _scene->addItem(wi); if (_showWaypoints) addPOI(_poi->points(w)); } } MapItem *MapView::addMap(MapAction *map) { MapItem *mi = new MapItem(map, _map); mi->setColor(_palette.nextColor()); mi->setWidth(_areaWidth); mi->setPenStyle(_areaStyle); mi->setOpacity(_areaOpacity); mi->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); mi->setVisible(_showAreas); mi->setZValue(-mi->bounds().area()); _scene->addItem(mi); _ar |= mi->bounds(); _areas.append(mi); if (_showAreas) addPOI(_poi->points(mi->bounds())); return mi; } QList MapView::loadData(const Data &data) { QList paths; int zoom = _map->zoom(); for (int i = 0; i < data.areas().count(); i++) addArea(data.areas().at(i)); for (int i = 0; i < data.tracks().count(); i++) paths.append(addTrack(data.tracks().at(i))); for (int i = 0; i < data.routes().count(); i++) paths.append(addRoute(data.routes().at(i))); addWaypoints(data.waypoints()); if (_tracks.empty() && _routes.empty() && _waypoints.empty() && _areas.empty()) return paths; if (fitMapZoom() != zoom) rescale(); else updatePOIVisibility(); centerOn(contentCenter()); return paths; } void MapView::loadMaps(const QList &maps) { int zoom = _map->zoom(); for (int i = 0; i < maps.size(); i++) addMap(maps.at(i)); if (fitMapZoom() != zoom) rescale(); else updatePOIVisibility(); centerOn(contentCenter()); } void MapView::loadDEMs(const QList &dems) { int zoom = _map->zoom(); for (int i = 0; i < dems.size(); i++) addArea(dems.at(i)); if (fitMapZoom() != zoom) rescale(); else updatePOIVisibility(); centerOn(contentCenter()); } int MapView::fitMapZoom() const { RectC br = _tr | _rr | _wr | _ar; return _map->zoomFit(viewport()->size() - QSize(2*MARGIN, 2*MARGIN), br.isNull() ? _map->llBounds() : br); } QPointF MapView::contentCenter() const { RectC br = _tr | _rr | _wr | _ar; return br.isNull() ? sceneRect().center() : _map->ll2xy(br.center()); } void MapView::updatePOIVisibility() { if (!_showPOI) return; for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) it.value()->show(); if (!_overlapPOIs) { for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) { for (POIHash::const_iterator jt = _pois.constBegin(); jt != _pois.constEnd(); jt++) { if (it.value()->isVisible() && jt.value()->isVisible() && it != jt && it.value()->collidesWithItem(jt.value())) jt.value()->hide(); } } } } void MapView::rescale() { _scene->setSceneRect(_map->bounds()); reloadMap(); for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setMap(_map); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setMap(_map); for (int i = 0; i < _areas.size(); i++) _areas.at(i)->setMap(_map); for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.size(); i++) _waypoints.at(i)->setMap(_map); for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) it.value()->setMap(_map); _crosshair->setMap(_map); updatePOIVisibility(); } void MapView::setPalette(const Palette &palette) { _palette = palette; _palette.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.count(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setColor(_palette.nextColor()); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.count(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setColor(_palette.nextColor()); for (int i = 0; i < _areas.count(); i++) _areas.at(i)->setColor(_palette.nextColor()); } void MapView::setMap(Map *map) { QRectF vr(mapToScene(viewport()->rect()).boundingRect() .intersected(_map->bounds())); RectC cr(_map->xy2ll(vr.topLeft()), _map->xy2ll(vr.bottomRight())); disconnect(_map, &Map::tilesLoaded, this, &MapView::reloadMap); _map->unload(); _map = map; _map->load(_inputProjection, _outputProjection, _deviceRatio, _hidpi); connect(_map, &Map::tilesLoaded, this, &MapView::reloadMap); digitalZoom(0); _map->zoomFit(viewport()->rect().size(), cr); rescale(); QPointF nc = QRectF(_map->ll2xy(cr.topLeft()), _map->ll2xy(cr.bottomRight())).center(); centerOn(nc); reloadMap(); } void MapView::setPOI(POI *poi) { disconnect(_poi, &POI::pointsChanged, this, &MapView::updatePOI); connect(poi, &POI::pointsChanged, this, &MapView::updatePOI); _poi = poi; updatePOI(); } void MapView::setPositionSource(QGeoPositionInfoSource *source) { if (_positionSource) disconnect(_positionSource, &QGeoPositionInfoSource::positionUpdated, this, &MapView::updatePosition); if (source) connect(source, &QGeoPositionInfoSource::positionUpdated, this, &MapView::updatePosition); _positionSource = source; showPosition(_showPosition); } void MapView::setGraph(int index) { for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setGraph(index); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setGraph(index); } void MapView::updatePOI() { for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) _scene->removeItem(it.value()); qDeleteAll(_pois); _pois.clear(); if (_showTracks) for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) addPOI(_poi->points(_tracks.at(i)->path())); if (_showRoutes) for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) addPOI(_poi->points(_routes.at(i)->path())); if (_showAreas) for (int i = 0; i < _areas.size(); i++) addPOI(_poi->points(_areas.at(i)->bounds())); if (_showWaypoints) for (int i = 0; i< _waypoints.size(); i++) addPOI(_poi->points(_waypoints.at(i)->waypoint())); updatePOIVisibility(); } void MapView::addPOI(const QList &waypoints) { for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.size(); i++) { const Waypoint &w = waypoints.at(i); if (_pois.contains(SearchPointer(&w))) continue; WaypointItem *pi = new WaypointItem(w, _map); pi->setZValue(1); pi->setSize(_poiSize); pi->setColor(_poiColor); pi->showLabel(_showPOILabels); pi->showIcon(_showPOIIcons); pi->setVisible(_showPOI); pi->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _scene->addItem(pi); _pois.insert(SearchPointer(&(pi->waypoint())), pi); } } void MapView::setUnits(Units units) { WaypointItem::setUnits(units); PathItem::setUnits(units); for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.count(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->updateTicks(); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.count(); i++) _routes.at(i)->updateTicks(); _mapScale->setUnits(units); _cursorCoordinates->setUnits(units); _positionCoordinates->setUnits(units); _motionInfo->setUnits(units); } void MapView::setCoordinatesFormat(CoordinatesFormat format) { WaypointItem::setCoordinatesFormat(format); MarkerInfoItem::setCoordinatesFormat(format); for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.count(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->updateMarkerInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.count(); i++) _routes.at(i)->updateMarkerInfo(); _cursorCoordinates->setFormat(format); _positionCoordinates->setFormat(format); } void MapView::setTimeZone(const QTimeZone &zone) { WaypointItem::setTimeZone(zone); PathItem::setTimeZone(zone); for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.count(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->updateMarkerInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.count(); i++) _routes.at(i)->updateMarkerInfo(); } void MapView::clearMapCache() { _map->clearCache(); reloadMap(); } void MapView::digitalZoom(int zoom) { if (zoom) { _digitalZoom += zoom; scale(pow(2, zoom), pow(2, zoom)); } else { _digitalZoom = 0; resetTransform(); } for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); for (int i = 0; i < _areas.size(); i++) _areas.at(i)->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.size(); i++) _waypoints.at(i)->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) it.value()->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _mapScale->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _cursorCoordinates->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _positionCoordinates->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _motionInfo->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _crosshair->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); } void MapView::zoom(int zoom, const QPoint &pos, bool shift) { if (_digitalZoom) { if (((_digitalZoom > 0 && zoom > 0) && (!shift || _digitalZoom >= MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM)) || ((_digitalZoom < 0 && zoom < 0) && (!shift || _digitalZoom <= MIN_DIGITAL_ZOOM))) return; digitalZoom(zoom); } else { Coordinates c = _map->xy2ll(mapToScene(pos)); int oz = _map->zoom(); int nz = (zoom > 0) ? _map->zoomIn() : _map->zoomOut(); if (nz != oz) { rescale(); centerOn(_map->ll2xy(c) - (pos - viewport()->rect().center())); } else { if (shift) digitalZoom(zoom); } } } void MapView::pinchGesture(QPinchGesture *gesture) { QPinchGesture::ChangeFlags changeFlags = gesture->changeFlags(); qreal scaleFactor = gesture->totalScaleFactor(); if (changeFlags & QPinchGesture::ScaleFactorChanged) { int z = 0; for (qreal sc = scaleFactor; sc > 1.25; sc *= 0.8) z += 1; for (qreal sc = scaleFactor; sc < 0.8; sc *= 1.25) z -= 1; if (_pinchZoom != z) { zoom(z - _pinchZoom, gesture->centerPoint().toPoint(), false); _pinchZoom = z; } } if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished) _pinchZoom = 0; } void MapView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { bool shift = (event->modifiers() & MODIFIER) ? true : false; // Shift inverts the wheel axis on OS X, so use scrolling in both axes for // the zoom. int delta = event->angleDelta().y() ? event->angleDelta().y() : event->angleDelta().x(); _wheelDelta += delta; if (qAbs(_wheelDelta) < (15 * 8)) return; _wheelDelta = _wheelDelta % (15 * 8); zoom((delta > 0) ? 1 : -1, event->position().toPoint(), shift); /* Do not call QGraphicsView::wheelEvent() here as this would shift the view ! */ } void MapView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { int z; bool shift = (event->modifiers() & MODIFIER) ? true : false; QPoint pos = viewport()->rect().center(); if (event->key() == ZOOM_IN) z = 1; else if (event->key() == ZOOM_OUT) z = -1; else if (_digitalZoom && event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { digitalZoom(0); return; } else { if (event->key() == MODIFIER_KEY) { _cursor = viewport()->cursor(); viewport()->setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor); } QGraphicsView::keyPressEvent(event); return; } zoom(z, pos, shift); } void MapView::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (event->key() == MODIFIER_KEY && viewport()->cursor().shape() == Qt::CrossCursor) viewport()->setCursor(_cursor); QGraphicsView::keyReleaseEvent(event); } void MapView::plot(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &target, qreal scale, Flags flags) { QRect orig; qreal ratio, diff, q, p; QPointF scenePos, scalePos, posPos, motionPos; bool hidpi = _hidpi && _deviceRatio > 1.0; int zoom; // Enter plot mode setUpdatesEnabled(false); _plot = true; // Compute sizes & ratios orig = viewport()->rect(); QRectF adj(orig); scalePos = _mapScale->pos(); posPos = _positionCoordinates->pos(); motionPos = _motionInfo->pos(); if (orig.height() * (target.width() / target.height()) - orig.width() < 0) { ratio = target.height() / target.width(); diff = (orig.width() * ratio) - orig.height(); adj.adjust(0, -diff/2.0, 0, diff/2.0); } else { ratio = target.width() / target.height(); diff = (orig.height() * ratio) - orig.width(); adj.adjust(-diff/2.0, 0, diff/2.0, 0); } // Expand the view if plotting into a bitmap if (hidpi) setHidpi(false); if (flags & Expand) { qreal xdiff = (target.width() - adj.width()) / 2.0; qreal ydiff = (target.height() - adj.height()) / 2.0; adj.adjust(-xdiff, -ydiff, xdiff, ydiff); q = 1.0; } else q = (target.width() / scale) / adj.width(); // Adjust the view for printing if (flags & HiRes) { zoom = _map->zoom(); QRectF vr(mapToScene(orig).boundingRect()); scenePos = vr.center(); QPointF s(painter->device()->logicalDpiX() / (qreal)metric(QPaintDevice::PdmDpiX), painter->device()->logicalDpiY() / (qreal)metric(QPaintDevice::PdmDpiY)); adj = QRectF(0, 0, adj.width() * s.x(), adj.height() * s.y()); _map->zoomFit(adj.size().toSize(), _tr | _rr | _wr | _ar); rescale(); QPointF center = contentCenter(); centerOn(center); adj.moveCenter(mapFromScene(center)); p = s.x() / q; } else p = 1 / q; _mapScale->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom - log2(p)); _mapScale->setPos(mapToScene(adj.bottomRight().toPoint() + QPoint( -(SCALE_OFFSET + _mapScale->boundingRect().width()) * p, -(SCALE_OFFSET + _mapScale->boundingRect().height()) * p))); _positionCoordinates->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom - log2(p)); _positionCoordinates->setPos(mapToScene(adj.topLeft().toPoint() + QPoint( COORDINATES_OFFSET * p, (COORDINATES_OFFSET + _positionCoordinates->boundingRect().height()) * p))); _motionInfo->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom - log2(p)); _motionInfo->setPos(mapToScene(adj.topRight().toPoint() + QPoint( (-COORDINATES_OFFSET - _motionInfo->boundingRect().width()) * p, (COORDINATES_OFFSET + _motionInfo->boundingRect().height()) * p))); // Print the view render(painter, target, adj.toRect()); // Revert view changes to display mode if (flags & HiRes) { _map->setZoom(zoom); rescale(); centerOn(scenePos); } if (hidpi) setHidpi(true); _mapScale->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _mapScale->setPos(scalePos); _positionCoordinates->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _positionCoordinates->setPos(posPos); _motionInfo->setDigitalZoom(_digitalZoom); _motionInfo->setPos(motionPos); // Exit plot mode _plot = false; setUpdatesEnabled(true); } void MapView::clear() { _pois.clear(); _tracks.clear(); _routes.clear(); _areas.clear(); _waypoints.clear(); _scene->removeItem(_mapScale); _scene->removeItem(_cursorCoordinates); _scene->removeItem(_positionCoordinates); _scene->removeItem(_crosshair); _scene->removeItem(_motionInfo); _scene->clear(); _scene->addItem(_mapScale); _scene->addItem(_cursorCoordinates); _scene->addItem(_positionCoordinates); _scene->addItem(_crosshair); _scene->addItem(_motionInfo); _palette.reset(); _tr = RectC(); _rr = RectC(); _wr = RectC(); _ar = RectC(); digitalZoom(0); // If not reset, causes huge redraw areas (and system memory exhaustion) resetCachedContent(); } void MapView::showTracks(bool show) { _showTracks = show; for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.count(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setVisible(show); updatePOI(); } void MapView::showRoutes(bool show) { _showRoutes = show; for (int i = 0; i < _routes.count(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setVisible(show); updatePOI(); } void MapView::showWaypoints(bool show) { _showWaypoints = show; for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.count(); i++) _waypoints.at(i)->setVisible(show); updatePOI(); } void MapView::showAreas(bool show) { _showAreas = show; for (int i = 0; i < _areas.count(); i++) _areas.at(i)->setVisible(show); updatePOI(); } void MapView::showWaypointLabels(bool show) { _showWaypointLabels = show; for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.size(); i++) _waypoints.at(i)->showLabel(show); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->showWaypointLabels(show); } void MapView::showWaypointIcons(bool show) { _showWaypointIcons = show; for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.size(); i++) _waypoints.at(i)->showIcon(show); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->showWaypointIcons(show); } void MapView::showRouteWaypoints(bool show) { _showRouteWaypoints = show; for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->showWaypoints(show); } void MapView::showMarkers(bool show) { _showMarkers = show; for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->showMarker(show); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->showMarker(show); } void MapView::showMarkerInfo(MarkerInfoItem::Type type) { _markerInfoType = type; for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->showMarkerInfo(type); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->showMarkerInfo(type); } void MapView::showTicks(bool show) { _showPathTicks = show; for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->showTicks(show); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->showTicks(show); } void MapView::showMap(bool show) { _showMap = show; reloadMap(); } void MapView::showPOI(bool show) { _showPOI = show; for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) it.value()->setVisible(show); updatePOIVisibility(); } void MapView::showPOILabels(bool show) { _showPOILabels = show; for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) it.value()->showLabel(show); updatePOIVisibility(); } void MapView::showPOIIcons(bool show) { _showPOIIcons = show; for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) it.value()->showIcon(show); updatePOIVisibility(); } void MapView::showCursorCoordinates(bool show) { _cursorCoordinates->setVisible(show); setMouseTracking(show); _scene->invalidate(); } void MapView::showPositionCoordinates(bool show) { _showPositionCoordinates = show; if (_crosshair->isVisible()) _positionCoordinates->setVisible(show); _scene->invalidate(); } void MapView::showMotionInfo(bool show) { _showMotionInfo = show; if (_crosshair->isVisible()) _motionInfo->setVisible(show); _scene->invalidate(); } void MapView::showOverlappedPOIs(bool show) { _overlapPOIs = show; updatePOIVisibility(); } void MapView::setTrackWidth(int width) { _trackWidth = width; for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.count(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setWidth(width); } void MapView::setRouteWidth(int width) { _routeWidth = width; for (int i = 0; i < _routes.count(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setWidth(width); } void MapView::setAreaWidth(int width) { _areaWidth = width; for (int i = 0; i < _areas.count(); i++) _areas.at(i)->setWidth(width); } void MapView::setTrackStyle(Qt::PenStyle style) { _trackStyle = style; for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.count(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setPenStyle(style); } void MapView::setRouteStyle(Qt::PenStyle style) { _routeStyle = style; for (int i = 0; i < _routes.count(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setPenStyle(style); } void MapView::setAreaStyle(Qt::PenStyle style) { _areaStyle = style; for (int i = 0; i < _areas.count(); i++) _areas.at(i)->setPenStyle(style); } void MapView::setAreaOpacity(int opacity) { _areaOpacity = opacity / 100.0; for (int i = 0; i < _areas.count(); i++) _areas.at(i)->setOpacity(_areaOpacity); } void MapView::setWaypointSize(int size) { _waypointSize = size; for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.size(); i++) _waypoints.at(i)->setSize(size); } void MapView::setWaypointColor(const QColor &color) { _waypointColor = color; for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.size(); i++) _waypoints.at(i)->setColor(color); } void MapView::setPOISize(int size) { _poiSize = size; for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) it.value()->setSize(size); } void MapView::setPOIColor(const QColor &color) { _poiColor = color; for (POIHash::const_iterator it = _pois.constBegin(); it != _pois.constEnd(); it++) it.value()->setColor(color); } void MapView::setMapOpacity(int opacity) { _mapOpacity = opacity / 100.0; reloadMap(); } void MapView::setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color) { _backgroundColor = color; _cursorCoordinates->setBackgroundColor(color); _positionCoordinates->setBackgroundColor(color); _motionInfo->setBackgroundColor(color); for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setMarkerBackgroundColor(color); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setMarkerBackgroundColor(color); reloadMap(); } void MapView::drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) { painter->fillRect(rect, _backgroundColor); if (_showMap) { QRectF ir = rect.intersected(_map->bounds()); Map::Flags flags = Map::NoFlags; if (_mapOpacity < 1.0) painter->setOpacity(_mapOpacity); if (_plot) flags = Map::Block; else if (_opengl) flags = Map::OpenGL; if (_hillShading) flags |= Map::HillShading; if (_layers & Layer::Raster) flags |= Map::Rasters; if (_layers & Layer::Vector) flags |= Map::Vectors; _map->draw(painter, ir, flags); } } void MapView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { if (!_plot) { QPointF scaleScenePos = mapToScene(rect().bottomRight() + QPoint( -(SCALE_OFFSET + _mapScale->boundingRect().width()), -(SCALE_OFFSET + _mapScale->boundingRect().height()))); if (_mapScale->pos() != scaleScenePos) _mapScale->setPos(scaleScenePos); if (_cursorCoordinates->isVisible()) { QPointF coordinatesScenePos = mapToScene(rect().bottomLeft() + QPoint(COORDINATES_OFFSET, -COORDINATES_OFFSET)); if (_cursorCoordinates->pos() != coordinatesScenePos) _cursorCoordinates->setPos(coordinatesScenePos); } if (_positionCoordinates->isVisible()) { QPointF coordinatesScenePos = mapToScene(rect().topLeft() + QPoint(COORDINATES_OFFSET, COORDINATES_OFFSET + _positionCoordinates->boundingRect().height())); if (_positionCoordinates->pos() != coordinatesScenePos) _positionCoordinates->setPos(coordinatesScenePos); } if (_motionInfo->isVisible()) { QPointF coordinatesScenePos = mapToScene(rect().topRight() + QPoint(-COORDINATES_OFFSET - _motionInfo->boundingRect().width(), COORDINATES_OFFSET + _motionInfo->boundingRect().height())); if (_motionInfo->pos() != coordinatesScenePos) _motionInfo->setPos(coordinatesScenePos); } } QGraphicsView::paintEvent(event); } void MapView::scrollContentsBy(int dx, int dy) { QGraphicsView::scrollContentsBy(dx, dy); QRectF sr(mapToScene(viewport()->rect()).boundingRect()); qreal res = _map->resolution(sr); if (qMax(res, _res) / qMin(res, _res) > 1.1) { _mapScale->setResolution(res); _res = res; } } void MapView::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { _cursorCoordinates->setCoordinates(Coordinates()); QGraphicsView::leaveEvent(event); } void MapView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (_cursorCoordinates->isVisible()) { Coordinates c(_map->xy2ll(mapToScene(event->pos()))); _cursorCoordinates->setCoordinates(c, _map->elevation(c)); } QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent(event); } void MapView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if (event->modifiers() & MODIFIER) QApplication::clipboard()->setText(Format::coordinates(_map->xy2ll( mapToScene(event->pos())), _cursorCoordinates->format())); #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID else emit clicked(event->pos()); #endif // Q_OS_ANDROID } QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(event); } void MapView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { bool shift = (event->modifiers() & MODIFIER) ? true : false; if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton || event->button() == Qt::RightButton) zoom((event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) ? 1 : -1, event->pos(), shift); QGraphicsView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(event); } bool MapView::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Gesture) return gestureEvent(static_cast(event)); return QGraphicsView::event(event); } bool MapView::gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *event) { if (QGesture *pinch = event->gesture(Qt::PinchGesture)) pinchGesture(static_cast(pinch)); return true; } void MapView::useOpenGL(bool use) { if (_opengl == use) return; _opengl = use; if (use) setViewport(new QOpenGLWidget); else setViewport(new QWidget); } void MapView::useAntiAliasing(bool use) { setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, use); } void MapView::drawHillShading(bool draw) { _hillShading = draw; setMap(_map); } void MapView::selectLayers(MapView::Layers layers) { _layers = layers; setMap(_map); } void MapView::useStyles(bool use) { GraphicsItem::useStyle(use); for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->updateStyle(); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->updateStyle(); for (int i = 0; i < _areas.size(); i++) _areas.at(i)->updateStyle(); for (int i = 0; i < _waypoints.size(); i++) _waypoints.at(i)->updateStyle(); } void MapView::setMarkerColor(const QColor &color) { _markerColor = color; for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setMarkerColor(color); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setMarkerColor(color); } void MapView::setMarkerPosition(qreal pos) { for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->setMarkerPosition(pos); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->setMarkerPosition(pos); } void MapView::reloadMap() { _scene->invalidate(); } void MapView::setMapConfig(const Projection &in, const Projection &out, bool hidpi) { _inputProjection = in; _outputProjection = out; _hidpi = hidpi; setMap(_map); } void MapView::setDevicePixelRatio(qreal ratio) { _deviceRatio = ratio; setMap(_map); } void MapView::fitContentToSize() { int zoom = _map->zoom(); if (fitMapZoom() != zoom) rescale(); centerOn(contentCenter()); } RectC MapView::boundingRect() const { RectC rect; if (_showTracks) rect |= _tr; if (_showRoutes) rect |= _rr; if (_showWaypoints) rect |= _wr; if (_showAreas) rect |= _ar; return rect; } void MapView::showPosition(bool show) { _showPosition = show; if (_positionSource) { if (_showPosition) { _crosshair->setVisible(true); if (_showPositionCoordinates) _positionCoordinates->setVisible(true); if (_showMotionInfo) _motionInfo->setVisible(true); _positionSource->startUpdates(); } else { _positionSource->stopUpdates(); _crosshair->setVisible(false); _positionCoordinates->setVisible(false); _motionInfo->setVisible(false); } } else { _crosshair->setVisible(false); _positionCoordinates->setVisible(false); _motionInfo->setVisible(false); } } void MapView::followPosition(bool follow) { _followPosition = follow; if (follow && _crosshair->isVisible()) centerOn(_map->ll2xy(_crosshair->coordinates())); } void MapView::updatePosition(const QGeoPositionInfo &pos) { QGeoCoordinate gc(pos.coordinate()); if (!gc.isValid()) return; Coordinates c(gc.longitude(), gc.latitude()); _crosshair->setCoordinates(c); _crosshair->setMap(_map); _positionCoordinates->setCoordinates(c, gc.altitude()); _motionInfo->setInfo(pos.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::Direction), pos.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::GroundSpeed), pos.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalSpeed)); if (_followPosition) centerOn(_map->ll2xy(c)); } void MapView::setCrosshairColor(const QColor &color) { _crosshair->setColor(color); } void MapView::setInfoColor(const QColor &color) { _cursorCoordinates->setColor(color); _positionCoordinates->setColor(color); _motionInfo->setColor(color); } void MapView::drawInfoBackground(bool draw) { _infoBackground = draw; _cursorCoordinates->drawBackground(draw); _positionCoordinates->drawBackground(draw); _motionInfo->drawBackground(draw); for (int i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++) _tracks.at(i)->drawMarkerBackground(draw); for (int i = 0; i < _routes.size(); i++) _routes.at(i)->drawMarkerBackground(draw); } void MapView::setHidpi(bool hidpi) { QRectF vr(mapToScene(viewport()->rect()).boundingRect() .intersected(_map->bounds())); RectC cr(_map->xy2ll(vr.topLeft()), _map->xy2ll(vr.bottomRight())); _map->unload(); _map->load(_inputProjection, _outputProjection, _deviceRatio, hidpi); rescale(); QPointF nc = QRectF(_map->ll2xy(cr.topLeft()), _map->ll2xy(cr.bottomRight())).center(); centerOn(nc); reloadMap(); }