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#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QSqlRecord>
#include <QSqlField>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPixmapCache>
#include <QImageReader>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QtConcurrent>
#include "common/util.h"
#include "osm.h"
#include "mbtilesmap.h"
#define META_TYPE(type) static_cast<QMetaType::Type>(type)
class MBTile
MBTile(int zoom, int scaledSize, const QPoint &xy, const QByteArray &data,
const QString &key) : _zoom(zoom), _scaledSize(scaledSize), _xy(xy),
_data(data), _key(key) {}
const QPoint &xy() const {return _xy;}
const QString &key() const {return _key;}
QPixmap pixmap() const {return QPixmap::fromImage(_image);}
void load() {
QByteArray z(QString::number(_zoom).toLatin1());
QBuffer buffer(&_data);
QImageReader reader(&buffer, z);
if (_scaledSize)
reader.setScaledSize(QSize(_scaledSize, _scaledSize));
int _zoom;
int _scaledSize;
QPoint _xy;
QByteArray _data;
QString _key;
QImage _image;
MBTilesMap::MBTilesMap(const QString &fileName, QObject *parent)
: Map(fileName, parent), _mapRatio(1.0), _tileRatio(1.0), _scalable(false),
_scaledSize(0), _valid(false)
_db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", fileName);
if (!_db.open()) {
_errorString = "Error opening database file";
QSqlRecord r = _db.record("tiles");
if (r.isEmpty()
|| r.field(0).name() != "zoom_level"
|| META_TYPE(r.field(0).type()) != QMetaType::Int
|| r.field(1).name() != "tile_column"
|| META_TYPE(r.field(1).type()) != QMetaType::Int
|| r.field(2).name() != "tile_row"
|| META_TYPE(r.field(2).type()) != QMetaType::Int
|| r.field(3).name() != "tile_data"
|| META_TYPE(r.field(3).type()) != QMetaType::QByteArray) {
_errorString = "Invalid table format";
QSqlQuery query("SELECT min(zoom_level), max(zoom_level) FROM tiles",
if (!query.first()) {
_errorString = "Empty tile set";
_zooms = Range(query.value(0).toInt(), query.value(1).toInt());
if (_zooms.min() < 0 || !_zooms.isValid()) {
_errorString = "Invalid zoom levels";
_zoom = _zooms.max();
int z = _zooms.min();
QString sql = QString("SELECT min(tile_column), min(tile_row), "
"max(tile_column), max(tile_row) FROM tiles WHERE zoom_level = %1")
QSqlQuery query(sql, _db);
int minX = qMin((1<<z) - 1, qMax(0, query.value(0).toInt()));
int minY = qMin((1<<z) - 1, qMax(0, query.value(1).toInt()));
int maxX = qMin((1<<z) - 1, qMax(0, query.value(2).toInt())) + 1;
int maxY = qMin((1<<z) - 1, qMax(0, query.value(3).toInt())) + 1;
Coordinates tl(OSM::tile2ll(QPoint(minX, maxY), z));
Coordinates br(OSM::tile2ll(QPoint(maxX, minY), z));
// Workaround of broken zoom levels 0 and 1 due to numerical instability
tl.rlat() = qMin(tl.lat(), OSM::BOUNDS.top());
br.rlat() = qMax(br.lat(), OSM::BOUNDS.bottom());
_bounds = RectC(tl, br);
QString sql = QString("SELECT tile_data FROM tiles LIMIT 1");
QSqlQuery query(sql, _db);
QByteArray data = query.value(0).toByteArray();
QBuffer buffer(&data);
QImageReader reader(&buffer);
QSize tileSize(reader.size());
if (!tileSize.isValid() || tileSize.width() != tileSize.height()) {
_errorString = "Unsupported/invalid tile images";
_tileSize = tileSize.width();
QSqlQuery query("SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE name = 'format'", _db);
if (query.first()) {
if (query.value(0).toString() == "pbf")
_scalable = true;
} else
qWarning("%s: missing tiles format", qPrintable(fileName));
QSqlQuery query("SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE name = 'name'", _db);
if (query.first())
_name = query.value(0).toString();
else {
qWarning("%s: missing map name", qPrintable(fileName));
_name = Util::file2name(fileName);
QSqlQuery query(
"SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE name = 'tilepixelratio'", _db);
if (query.first()) {
bool ok;
_tileRatio = query.value(0).toString().toDouble(&ok);
if (!ok) {
_errorString = "Invalid tile pixel ratio";
_valid = true;
void MBTilesMap::load()
void MBTilesMap::unload()
QRectF MBTilesMap::bounds()
return QRectF(ll2xy(_bounds.topLeft()), ll2xy(_bounds.bottomRight()));
int MBTilesMap::limitZoom(int zoom) const
if (zoom < _zooms.min())
return _zooms.min();
if (zoom > _zooms.max())
return _zooms.max();
return zoom;
int MBTilesMap::zoomFit(const QSize &size, const RectC &rect)
if (!rect.isValid())
_zoom = _zooms.max();
else {
QRectF tbr(OSM::ll2m(rect.topLeft()), OSM::ll2m(rect.bottomRight()));
QPointF sc(tbr.width() / size.width(), tbr.height() / size.height());
_zoom = limitZoom(OSM::scale2zoom(qMax(sc.x(), -sc.y())
/ coordinatesRatio(), _tileSize));
return _zoom;
qreal MBTilesMap::resolution(const QRectF &rect)
return OSM::resolution(rect.center(), _zoom, _tileSize);
int MBTilesMap::zoomIn()
_zoom = qMin(_zoom + 1, _zooms.max());
return _zoom;
int MBTilesMap::zoomOut()
_zoom = qMax(_zoom - 1, _zooms.min());
return _zoom;
void MBTilesMap::setDevicePixelRatio(qreal deviceRatio, qreal mapRatio)
_mapRatio = mapRatio;
if (_scalable) {
_scaledSize = _tileSize * deviceRatio;
_tileRatio = deviceRatio;
qreal MBTilesMap::coordinatesRatio() const
return _mapRatio > 1.0 ? _mapRatio / _tileRatio : 1.0;
qreal MBTilesMap::imageRatio() const
return _mapRatio > 1.0 ? _mapRatio : _tileRatio;
qreal MBTilesMap::tileSize() const
return (_tileSize / coordinatesRatio());
QByteArray MBTilesMap::tileData(int zoom, const QPoint &tile) const
QSqlQuery query(_db);
query.prepare("SELECT tile_data FROM tiles "
"WHERE zoom_level=:zoom AND tile_column=:x AND tile_row=:y");
query.bindValue(":zoom", zoom);
query.bindValue(":x", tile.x());
query.bindValue(":y", (1<<zoom) - tile.y() - 1);
if (query.first())
return query.value(0).toByteArray();
return QByteArray();
void MBTilesMap::draw(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect, Flags flags)
qreal scale = OSM::zoom2scale(_zoom, _tileSize);
QRectF b(bounds());
QPoint tile = OSM::mercator2tile(QPointF(rect.topLeft().x() * scale,
-rect.topLeft().y() * scale) * coordinatesRatio(), _zoom);
QPointF tl(floor(rect.left() / tileSize())
* tileSize(), floor(rect.top() / tileSize()) * tileSize());
QSizeF s(qMin(rect.right() - tl.x(), b.width()),
qMin(rect.bottom() - tl.y(), b.height()));
int width = ceil(s.width() / tileSize());
int height = ceil(s.height() / tileSize());
QList<MBTile> tiles;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
QPixmap pm;
QPoint t(tile.x() + i, tile.y() + j);
QString key = path() + "-" + QString::number(_zoom) + "_"
+ QString::number(t.x()) + "_" + QString::number(t.y());
if (QPixmapCache::find(key, &pm)) {
QPointF tp(qMax(tl.x(), b.left()) + (t.x() - tile.x())
* tileSize(), qMax(tl.y(), b.top()) + (t.y() - tile.y())
* tileSize());
drawTile(painter, pm, tp);
} else {
tiles.append(MBTile(_zoom, _scaledSize, t, tileData(_zoom, t),
QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::map(tiles, &MBTile::load);
for (int i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++) {
const MBTile &mt = tiles.at(i);
QPixmap pm(mt.pixmap());
if (pm.isNull())
QPixmapCache::insert(mt.key(), pm);
QPointF tp(qMax(tl.x(), b.left()) + (mt.xy().x() - tile.x())
* tileSize(), qMax(tl.y(), b.top()) + (mt.xy().y() - tile.y())
* tileSize());
drawTile(painter, pm, tp);
void MBTilesMap::drawTile(QPainter *painter, QPixmap &pixmap, QPointF &tp)
painter->drawPixmap(tp, pixmap);
QPointF MBTilesMap::ll2xy(const Coordinates &c)
qreal scale = OSM::zoom2scale(_zoom, _tileSize);
QPointF m = OSM::ll2m(c);
return QPointF(m.x() / scale, m.y() / -scale) / coordinatesRatio();
Coordinates MBTilesMap::xy2ll(const QPointF &p)
qreal scale = OSM::zoom2scale(_zoom, _tileSize);
return OSM::m2ll(QPointF(p.x() * scale, -p.y() * scale)
* coordinatesRatio());