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synced 2025-03-15 03:17:44 +01:00
750 lines
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750 lines
16 KiB
#include <cstring>
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QColor>
#include "common/hash.h"
#include "map/osm.h"
#include "subfile.h"
#include "mapdata.h"
using namespace Mapsforge;
#define MAGIC "mapsforge binary OSM"
#define MAGIC_SIZE (sizeof(MAGIC) - 1)
#define MD(val) ((val) / 1e6)
static quint8 pointType(const QVector<MapData::Tag> &tags)
for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
const MapData::Tag &tag = tags.at(i);
if (tag.key == "place") {
if (tag.value == "country")
return 4;
else if (tag.value == "city")
return 3;
else if (tag.value == "town")
return 2;
else if (tag.value == "village")
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
static void setPointId(MapData::Point &p)
HASH_T hash = qHash(QPair<double, double>(p.coordinates.lon(),
quint8 type = pointType(p.tags);
p.id = ((quint64)type)<<56 | (quint64)hash;
static void copyPaths(const RectC &rect, const QList<MapData::Path> *src,
QSet<MapData::Path> *dst)
for (int i = 0; i < src->size(); i++)
if (rect.intersects(src->at(i).poly.boundingRect()))
static void copyPoints(const RectC &rect, const QList<MapData::Point> *src,
QList<MapData::Point> *dst)
for (int i = 0; i < src->size(); i++)
if (rect.contains(src->at(i).coordinates))
static double distance(const Coordinates &c1, const Coordinates &c2)
return hypot(c1.lon() - c2.lon(), c1.lat() - c2.lat());
static bool isClosed(const Polygon &poly)
if (poly.isEmpty() || poly.first().isEmpty())
return false;
return (distance(poly.first().first(), poly.first().last()) < 0.000000001);
static bool readTags(SubFile &subfile, int count,
const QVector<MapData::Tag> &tags, QVector<MapData::Tag> &list)
QVector<quint32> ids(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!subfile.readVUInt32(ids[i]))
return false;
if (ids[i] >= (quint32)tags.size())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const MapData::Tag &tag = tags.at(ids.at(i));
if (tag.value.length() == 2 && tag.value.at(0) == '%') {
QByteArray value;
if (tag.value.at(1) == 'b') {
quint8 b;
if (!subfile.readByte(b))
return false;
} else if (tag.value.at(1) == 'i') {
qint32 u;
if (!subfile.readInt32(u))
return false;
if (tag.key.contains(":colour"))
value = QColor((quint32)u).name().toLatin1();
} else if (tag.value.at(1) == 'f') {
quint32 u;
if (!subfile.readUInt32(u))
return false;
float *f = (float *)&u;
} else if (tag.value.at(1) == 'h') {
quint16 s;
if (!subfile.readUInt16(s))
return false;
} else if (tag.value.at(1) == 's') {
if (!subfile.readString(value))
return false;
} else
value = tag.value;
list[i] = MapData::Tag(tag.key, value);
} else
list[i] = tag;
return true;
static bool readSingleDelta(SubFile &subfile, const Coordinates &c,
int count, QVector<Coordinates> &nodes)
qint32 mdLat, mdLon;
if (!(subfile.readVInt32(mdLat) && subfile.readVInt32(mdLon)))
return false;
double lat = c.lat() + MD(mdLat);
double lon = c.lon() + MD(mdLon);
nodes.append(Coordinates(lon, lat));
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
if (!(subfile.readVInt32(mdLat) && subfile.readVInt32(mdLon)))
return false;
lat = lat + MD(mdLat);
lon = lon + MD(mdLon);
nodes.append(Coordinates(lon, lat));
return true;
static bool readDoubleDelta(SubFile &subfile, const Coordinates &c,
int count, QVector<Coordinates> &nodes)
qint32 mdLat, mdLon;
if (!(subfile.readVInt32(mdLat) && subfile.readVInt32(mdLon)))
return false;
double lat = c.lat() + MD(mdLat);
double lon = c.lon() + MD(mdLon);
double prevLat = 0;
double prevLon = 0;
nodes.append(Coordinates(lon, lat));
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
if (!(subfile.readVInt32(mdLat) && subfile.readVInt32(mdLon)))
return false;
double singleLat = MD(mdLat) + prevLat;
double singleLon = MD(mdLon) + prevLon;
lat += singleLat;
lon += singleLon;
nodes.append(Coordinates(lon, lat));
prevLat = singleLat;
prevLon = singleLon;
return true;
static bool readPolygonPath(SubFile &subfile, const Coordinates &c,
bool doubleDelta, Polygon &polygon)
quint32 blocks, nodes;
if (!subfile.readVUInt32(blocks))
return false;
polygon.reserve(polygon.size() + blocks);
for (quint32 i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
if (!subfile.readVUInt32(nodes) || !nodes)
return false;
QVector<Coordinates> path;
if (doubleDelta) {
if (!readDoubleDelta(subfile, c, nodes, path))
return false;
} else {
if (!readSingleDelta(subfile, c, nodes, path))
return false;
return true;
static bool readOffset(QDataStream &stream, quint64 &offset)
quint8 b0, b1, b2, b3, b4;
stream >> b0 >> b1 >> b2 >> b3 >> b4;
offset = b4 | ((quint64)b3) << 8 | ((quint64)b2) << 16
| ((quint64)b1) << 24 | ((quint64)b0) << 32;
return (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok);
bool MapData::readSubFiles()
QDataStream stream(&_file);
for (int i = 0; i < _subFiles.size(); i++) {
const SubFileInfo &f = _subFiles.at(i);
quint64 offset, nextOffset;
QPoint tl(OSM::ll2tile(_bounds.topLeft(), f.base));
QPoint br(OSM::ll2tile(_bounds.bottomRight(), f.base));
if (!readOffset(stream, offset) || (offset & OFFSET_MASK) > f.size)
return false;
_tiles.append(new TileTree());
for (int h = tl.y(); h <= br.y(); h++) {
for (int w = tl.x(); w <= br.x(); w++) {
if (!(h == br.y() && w == br.x())) {
if (!readOffset(stream, nextOffset)
|| (nextOffset & OFFSET_MASK) > f.size)
return false;
if (nextOffset == offset)
Coordinates ttl(OSM::tile2ll(QPoint(w, h), f.base));
ttl = Coordinates(ttl.lon(), -ttl.lat());
Coordinates tbr(OSM::tile2ll(QPoint(w + 1, h + 1), f.base));
tbr = Coordinates(tbr.lon(), -tbr.lat());
RectC bounds(ttl, tbr);
double min[2], max[2];
min[0] = bounds.left();
min[1] = bounds.bottom();
max[0] = bounds.right();
max[1] = bounds.top();
_tiles.last()->Insert(min, max, new VectorTile(offset, bounds));
offset = nextOffset;
return true;
bool MapData::readZoomInfo(SubFile &hdr)
quint8 zooms;
if (!hdr.readByte(zooms))
return false;
for (quint8 i = 0; i < zooms; i++) {
if (!(hdr.readByte(_subFiles[i].base)
&& hdr.readByte(_subFiles[i].min)
&& hdr.readByte(_subFiles[i].max)
&& hdr.readUInt64(_subFiles[i].offset)
&& hdr.readUInt64(_subFiles[i].size)))
return false;
return true;
bool MapData::readTagInfo(SubFile &hdr)
quint16 tags;
QByteArray tag;
if (!hdr.readUInt16(tags))
return false;
for (quint16 i = 0; i < tags; i++) {
if (!hdr.readString(tag))
return false;
_pointTags[i] = tag;
if (!hdr.readUInt16(tags))
return false;
for (quint16 i = 0; i < tags; i++) {
if (!hdr.readString(tag))
return false;
_pathTags[i] = tag;
return true;
bool MapData::readMapInfo(SubFile &hdr, QByteArray &projection,
bool &debugMap)
quint64 fileSize, date;
quint32 version;
qint32 minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon;
quint8 flags;
if (!(hdr.seek(4) && hdr.readUInt32(version) && hdr.readUInt64(fileSize)
&& hdr.readUInt64(date) && hdr.readInt32(minLat) && hdr.readInt32(minLon)
&& hdr.readInt32(maxLat) && hdr.readInt32(maxLon)
&& hdr.readUInt16(_tileSize) && hdr.readString(projection)
&& hdr.readByte(flags)))
return false;
if (flags & 0x40) {
qint32 startLon, startLat;
if (!(hdr.readInt32(startLat) && hdr.readInt32(startLon)))
return false;
if (flags & 0x20) {
quint8 startZoom;
if (!hdr.readByte(startZoom))
return false;
if (flags & 0x10) {
QByteArray lang;
if (!hdr.readString(lang))
return false;
if (flags & 0x08) {
QByteArray comment;
if (!hdr.readString(comment))
return false;
if (flags & 0x04) {
QByteArray createdBy;
if (!hdr.readString(createdBy))
return false;
_bounds = RectC(Coordinates(MD(minLon), MD(maxLat)),
Coordinates(MD(maxLon), MD(minLat)));
_bounds &= OSM::BOUNDS;
debugMap = flags & 0x80;
return true;
bool MapData::readHeader()
char magic[MAGIC_SIZE];
quint32 hdrSize;
QByteArray projection;
bool debugMap;
if (_file.read(magic, MAGIC_SIZE) < (qint64)MAGIC_SIZE
|| memcmp(magic, MAGIC, MAGIC_SIZE)) {
_errorString = "Not a Mapsforge map";
return false;
if (_file.read((char*)&hdrSize, sizeof(hdrSize)) < (qint64)sizeof(hdrSize)) {
_errorString = "Unexpected EOF";
return false;
SubFile hdr(_file, MAGIC_SIZE, qFromBigEndian(hdrSize));
if (!readMapInfo(hdr, projection, debugMap)) {
_errorString = "Error reading map info";
return false;
if (!readTagInfo(hdr)) {
_errorString = "Error reading tags info";
return false;
if (!readZoomInfo(hdr)) {
_errorString = "Error reading zooms info";
return false;
if (projection != "Mercator") {
_errorString = projection + ": invalid/unsupported projection";
return false;
if (debugMap) {
_errorString = "DEBUG maps not supported";
return false;
return true;
MapData::MapData(const QString &fileName) : _file(fileName), _valid(false)
if (!_file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered)) {
_errorString = _file.errorString();
if (!readHeader())
_valid = true;
RectC MapData::bounds() const
/* Align the map bounds with the OSM tiles to prevent area overlap artifacts
at least when using EPSG:3857 projection. */
int zoom = _subFiles.last().base;
QPoint tl(OSM::mercator2tile(OSM::ll2m(_bounds.topLeft()), zoom));
Coordinates ctl(OSM::tile2ll(tl, zoom));
ctl.rlat() = -ctl.lat();
return RectC(ctl, _bounds.bottomRight());
void MapData::load()
if (_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered))
void MapData::clear()
void MapData::clearTiles()
TileTree::Iterator it;
for (int i = 0; i < _tiles.size(); i++) {
TileTree *t = _tiles.at(i);
for (t->GetFirst(it); !t->IsNull(it); t->GetNext(it))
delete t->GetAt(it);
bool MapData::pathCb(VectorTile *tile, void *context)
PathCTX *ctx = (PathCTX*)context;
ctx->data->paths(tile, ctx->rect, ctx->zoom, ctx->set);
return true;
bool MapData::pointCb(VectorTile *tile, void *context)
PointCTX *ctx = (PointCTX*)context;
ctx->data->points(tile, ctx->rect, ctx->zoom, ctx->list);
return true;
int MapData::level(int zoom) const
for (int i = 0; i < _subFiles.size(); i++)
if (zoom <= _subFiles.at(i).max)
return i;
return _subFiles.size() - 1;
void MapData::points(const RectC &rect, int zoom, QList<Point> *list)
int l(level(zoom));
PointCTX ctx(this, rect, zoom, list);
double min[2], max[2];
min[0] = rect.left();
min[1] = rect.bottom();
max[0] = rect.right();
max[1] = rect.top();
_tiles.at(l)->Search(min, max, pointCb, &ctx);
void MapData::points(const VectorTile *tile, const RectC &rect, int zoom,
QList<Point> *list)
Key key(tile, zoom);
QList<Point> *cached = _pointCache.object(key);
if (!cached) {
QList<Point> *p = new QList<Point>();
if (readPoints(tile, zoom, p)) {
copyPoints(rect, p, list);
_pointCache.insert(key, p);
} else
delete p;
} else
copyPoints(rect, cached, list);
void MapData::paths(const RectC &rect, int zoom, QSet<Path> *set)
int l(level(zoom));
PathCTX ctx(this, rect, zoom, set);
double min[2], max[2];
min[0] = rect.left();
min[1] = rect.bottom();
max[0] = rect.right();
max[1] = rect.top();
_tiles.at(l)->Search(min, max, pathCb, &ctx);
void MapData::paths(const VectorTile *tile, const RectC &rect, int zoom,
QSet<Path> *set)
Key key(tile, zoom);
QList<Path> *cached = _pathCache.object(key);
if (!cached) {
QList<Path> *p = new QList<Path>();
if (readPaths(tile, zoom, p)) {
copyPaths(rect, p, set);
_pathCache.insert(key, p);
} else
delete p;
} else
copyPaths(rect, cached, set);
bool MapData::readPaths(const VectorTile *tile, int zoom, QList<Path> *list)
const SubFileInfo &info = _subFiles.at(level(zoom));
SubFile subfile(_file, info.offset, info.size);
int rows = info.max - info.min + 1;
QVector<unsigned> paths(rows);
quint32 blocks, unused, val, cnt = 0;
quint16 bitmap;
quint8 sb, flags;
QByteArray name, houseNumber, reference;
if (!subfile.seek(tile->offset & OFFSET_MASK))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if (!(subfile.readVUInt32(unused) && subfile.readVUInt32(val)))
return false;
cnt += val;
paths[i] = cnt;
if (!subfile.readVUInt32(val))
return false;
if (!subfile.seek(subfile.pos() + val))
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < paths[zoom - info.min]; i++) {
Path p(subfile.offset() + subfile.pos());
qint32 lon = 0, lat = 0;
if (!(subfile.readVUInt32(unused) && subfile.readUInt16(bitmap)
&& subfile.readByte(sb)))
return false;
p.layer = sb >> 4;
int tags = sb & 0x0F;
if (!readTags(subfile, tags, _pathTags, p.tags))
return false;
if (!subfile.readByte(flags))
return false;
if (flags & 0x80) {
if (!subfile.readString(name))
return false;
name = name.split('\r').first();
p.tags.append(Tag("name", name));
if (flags & 0x40) {
if (!subfile.readString(houseNumber))
return false;
p.tags.append(Tag("addr:housenumber", houseNumber));
if (flags & 0x20) {
if (!subfile.readString(reference))
return false;
p.tags.append(Tag("ref", reference));
if (flags & 0x10) {
if (!(subfile.readVInt32(lat) && subfile.readVInt32(lon)))
return false;
if (flags & 0x08) {
if (!subfile.readVUInt32(blocks))
return false;
} else
blocks = 1;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < blocks; j++) {
if (!readPolygonPath(subfile, tile->pos, flags & 0x04, p.poly))
return false;
p.closed = isClosed(p.poly);
if (flags & 0x10)
p.labelPos = Coordinates(p.poly.first().first().lon() + MD(lon),
p.poly.first().first().lat() + MD(lat));
return true;
bool MapData::readPoints(const VectorTile *tile, int zoom, QList<Point> *list)
const SubFileInfo &info = _subFiles.at(level(zoom));
SubFile subfile(_file, info.offset, info.size);
int rows = info.max - info.min + 1;
QVector<unsigned> points(rows);
quint32 val, unused, cnt = 0;
quint8 sb, flags;
QByteArray name, houseNumber;
if (!subfile.seek(tile->offset & OFFSET_MASK))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if (!(subfile.readVUInt32(val) && subfile.readVUInt32(unused)))
return false;
cnt += val;
points[i] = cnt;
if (!subfile.readVUInt32(unused))
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < points[zoom - info.min]; i++) {
qint32 lat, lon;
if (!(subfile.readVInt32(lat) && subfile.readVInt32(lon)))
return false;
Point p(Coordinates(tile->pos.lon() + MD(lon),
tile->pos.lat() + MD(lat)));
if (!subfile.readByte(sb))
return false;
p.layer = sb >> 4;
int tags = sb & 0x0F;
if (!readTags(subfile, tags, _pointTags, p.tags))
return false;
if (!subfile.readByte(flags))
return false;
if (flags & 0x80) {
if (!subfile.readString(name))
return false;
name = name.split('\r').first();
p.tags.append(Tag("name", name));
if (flags & 0x40) {
if (!subfile.readString(houseNumber))
return false;
p.tags.append(Tag("addr:housenumber", houseNumber));
if (flags & 0x20) {
qint32 elevation;
if (!subfile.readVInt32(elevation))
return false;
p.tags.append(Tag("ele", QByteArray::number(elevation)));
return true;
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Mapsforge::MapData::Tag &tag)
dbg.nospace() << "Tag(" << tag.key << ", " << tag.value << ")";
return dbg.space();
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const MapData::Path &path)
dbg.nospace() << "Path(" << path.poly.boundingRect() << ", "
<< path.tags << ")";
return dbg.space();
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const MapData::Point &point)
dbg.nospace() << "Point(" << point.coordinates << ", " << point.tags << ")";
return dbg.space();
#endif // QT_NO_DEBUG