mirror of https://github.com/tumic0/GPXSee.git synced 2025-03-12 18:17:46 +01:00

Load TRE subdivs on demand, not all on tile load

This commit is contained in:
Martin Tůma 2019-07-16 22:08:23 +02:00
parent c9a62e8b61
commit d07b6c6a9d
2 changed files with 153 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -3,12 +3,6 @@
#include "trefile.h"
struct MapLevel {
quint8 level;
quint8 bits;
quint16 subdivs;
static void unlock(quint8 *dst, const quint8 *src, quint32 size, quint32 key)
static const unsigned char shuf[] = {
@ -46,6 +40,12 @@ TREFile::~TREFile()
bool TREFile::init()
Handle hdl;
quint8 locked;
quint16 hdrLen;
if (!(seek(hdl, 0) && readUInt16(hdl, hdrLen)
&& seek(hdl, 0x0D) && readByte(hdl, locked)))
return false;
// Tile bounds
qint32 north, east, south, west;
@ -55,30 +55,18 @@ bool TREFile::init()
_bounds = RectC(Coordinates(toWGS84(west), toWGS84(north)),
Coordinates(toWGS84(east), toWGS84(south)));
return true;
bool TREFile::load()
Handle hdl;
quint8 locked;
quint16 hdrLen;
if (!(seek(hdl, 0) && readUInt16(hdl, hdrLen)
&& seek(hdl, 0x0D) && readByte(hdl, locked)))
return false;
quint32 levelsOffset, levelsSize, subdivOffset, subdivSize;
// Levels & subdivs info
quint32 levelsOffset, levelsSize, subdivSize;
if (!(seek(hdl, 0x21) && readUInt32(hdl, levelsOffset)
&& readUInt32(hdl, levelsSize) && readUInt32(hdl, subdivOffset)
&& readUInt32(hdl, levelsSize) && readUInt32(hdl, _subdivOffset)
&& readUInt32(hdl, subdivSize)))
return false;
quint32 extOffset, extSize = 0;
quint16 extItemSize = 0;
// TRE7 info
if (hdrLen > 0x9A) {
if (!(seek(hdl, 0x7C) && readUInt32(hdl, extOffset)
&& readUInt32(hdl, extSize) && readUInt16(hdl, extItemSize)))
if (!(seek(hdl, 0x7C) && readUInt32(hdl, _extended.offset)
&& readUInt32(hdl, _extended.size)
&& readUInt16(hdl, _extended.itemSize)))
return false;
@ -99,92 +87,124 @@ bool TREFile::load()
quint32 levelsCount = levelsSize / 4;
QVector<MapLevel> ml(levelsCount);
_levels = QVector<MapLevel>(levelsCount);
for (quint32 i = 0; i < levelsCount; i++) {
quint8 *zoom = levels + (i * 4);
ml[i].level = *zoom;
ml[i].bits = *(zoom + 1);
ml[i].subdivs = *(zoom + 2) | (quint16)(*(zoom + 3)) << 8;
if ((ml[i].level & 0xF) > 15 || ml[i].bits > 24)
_levels[i].level = *zoom;
_levels[i].bits = *(zoom + 1);
_levels[i].subdivs = *(zoom + 2) | (quint16)(*(zoom + 3)) << 8;
if (_levels[i].bits > 24 || !_levels[i].subdivs)
return false;
// Subdivisions
if (!seek(hdl, subdivOffset))
return false;
SubDiv *s = 0;
QList<SubDiv*> sl;
for (int i = 0; i < ml.size(); i++) {
if (!(ml.at(i).level & 0x80))
_subdivs.insert(ml.at(i).bits, new SubDivTree());
for (int j = 0; j < ml.at(i).subdivs; j++) {
quint32 offset;
qint32 lon, lat;
quint8 objects;
quint16 width, height, nextLevel;
if (!(readUInt24(hdl, offset) && readByte(hdl, objects)
&& readInt24(hdl, lon) && readInt24(hdl, lat)
&& readUInt16(hdl, width) && readUInt16(hdl, height)))
return false;
if (i != (int)levelsCount - 1)
if (!readUInt16(hdl, nextLevel))
return false;
if (s)
if (ml.at(i).level & 0x80) {
s = 0;
width &= 0x7FFF;
width <<= (24 - ml.at(i).bits);
height <<= (24 - ml.at(i).bits);
s = new SubDiv(offset, lon, lat, ml.at(i).bits, objects);
double min[2], max[2];
RectC bounds(Coordinates(toWGS84(lon - width),
toWGS84(lat + height + 1)), Coordinates(toWGS84(lon + width + 1),
toWGS84(lat - height)));
min[0] = bounds.left();
min[1] = bounds.bottom();
max[0] = bounds.right();
max[1] = bounds.top();
_subdivs[ml.at(i).bits]->Insert(min, max, s);
// Get first non-inherited level
_firstLevel = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < _levels.size(); i++) {
if (!(_levels.at(i).level & 0x80)) {
_firstLevel = i;
// objects with extended types (TRE7)
if (extSize && extItemSize >= 12
&& (sl.size() - (int)(extSize/extItemSize) + 1 >= 0)) {
return (_firstLevel >= 0);
bool TREFile::load(int idx)
Handle hdl;
quint32 skip = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++)
skip += _levels.at(i).subdivs;
if (!seek(hdl, _subdivOffset + skip * 16))
return false;
_subdivs.insert(_levels.at(idx).bits, new SubDivTree());
QList<SubDiv*> sl;
SubDiv *s = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < _levels.at(idx).subdivs; j++) {
quint32 offset;
qint32 lon, lat;
quint8 objects;
quint16 width, height, nextLevel;
if (!(readUInt24(hdl, offset) && readByte(hdl, objects)
&& readInt24(hdl, lon) && readInt24(hdl, lat)
&& readUInt16(hdl, width) && readUInt16(hdl, height)))
return false;
if (idx != _levels.size() - 1)
if (!readUInt16(hdl, nextLevel))
return false;
if (s)
width &= 0x7FFF;
width <<= (24 - _levels.at(idx).bits);
height <<= (24 - _levels.at(idx).bits);
s = new SubDiv(offset, lon, lat, _levels.at(idx).bits, objects);
double min[2], max[2];
RectC bounds(Coordinates(toWGS84(lon - width),
toWGS84(lat + height + 1)), Coordinates(toWGS84(lon + width + 1),
toWGS84(lat - height)));
min[0] = bounds.left();
min[1] = bounds.bottom();
max[0] = bounds.right();
max[1] = bounds.top();
_subdivs[_levels.at(idx).bits]->Insert(min, max, s);
if (idx != _levels.size() - 1) {
quint32 offset;
if (!readUInt24(hdl, offset))
return false;
// Objects with extended types (TRE7)
if (_extended.size && _extended.itemSize >= 12) {
/* Some maps skip entries for the inherited levels, some don't. Our
decision is based on the difference between the extended subdivs
count and the total subdivs count. */
quint32 totalSubdivs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _levels.size(); i++)
totalSubdivs += _levels.at(i).subdivs;
quint32 extendedSubdivs = _extended.size / _extended.itemSize;
quint32 diff = totalSubdivs - extendedSubdivs + 1;
quint32 polygons, lines, points;
if (!seek(hdl, extOffset))
if (!seek(hdl, _extended.offset + (skip - diff) * _extended.itemSize))
return false;
for (int i = sl.size() - (extSize/extItemSize) + 1; i < sl.size(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < sl.size(); i++) {
if (!(readUInt32(hdl, polygons) && readUInt32(hdl, lines)
&& readUInt32(hdl, points)))
return false;
if (!seek(hdl, hdl.pos + extItemSize - 12))
return false;
if (i && sl.at(i-1))
sl.at(i)->setExtOffsets(polygons, lines, points);
if (i)
sl.at(i-1)->setExtEnds(polygons, lines, points);
if (sl.at(i))
sl.at(i)->setExtOffsets(polygons, lines, points);
if (!seek(hdl, hdl.pos + _extended.itemSize - 12))
return false;
if (idx != _levels.size() - 1) {
if (!(readUInt32(hdl, polygons) && readUInt32(hdl, lines)
&& readUInt32(hdl, points)))
return false;
sl.last()->setExtEnds(polygons, lines, points);
_levels = _subdivs.keys();
return true;
@ -202,23 +222,22 @@ void TREFile::clear()
int TREFile::level(int bits)
if (_levels.isEmpty() && !load())
return -1;
int idx = _firstLevel;
int l = _levels.first();
for (int i = 0; i < _levels.size(); i++) {
if (_levels.at(i) > bits)
for (int i = idx + 1; i < _levels.size(); i++) {
if (_levels.at(i).bits > bits)
l = _levels.at(i);
return l;
if (!_subdivs.contains(_levels.at(idx).bits) && !load(idx))
return -1;
return _levels.at(idx).bits;
static bool cb(SubDiv *subdiv, void *context)
@ -244,3 +263,12 @@ QList<SubDiv*> TREFile::subdivs(const RectC &rect, int bits)
return list;
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const TREFile::MapLevel &level)
dbg.nospace() << "MapLevel(" << level.level << ", " << level.bits << ", "
<< level.subdivs << ")";
return dbg.space();
#endif // QT_NO_DEBUG

View File

@ -23,17 +23,39 @@ public:
QList<SubDiv*> subdivs(const RectC &rect, int bits);
struct MapLevel {
quint8 level;
quint8 bits;
quint16 subdivs;
struct Extended {
quint32 offset;
quint32 size;
quint16 itemSize;
Extended() : offset(0), size(0), itemSize(0) {}
typedef RTree<SubDiv*, double, 2> SubDivTree;
bool load();
bool load(int idx);
int level(int bits);
bool parsePoly(Handle hdl, quint32 pos, const QMap<int, int> &level2bits,
QMap<quint32, int> &map);
bool parsePoints(Handle hdl, quint32 pos, const QMap<int, int> &level2bits);
friend QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const MapLevel &level);
RectC _bounds;
QList<int> _levels;
QVector<MapLevel> _levels;
quint32 _subdivOffset;
Extended _extended;
int _firstLevel;
QMap<int, SubDivTree*> _subdivs;
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const TREFile::MapLevel &level);
#endif // QT_NO_DEBUG
#endif // TREFILE_H